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100 Phrases for Women’s Day – DELIVERY INSPIRATION!

He is approaching March 8, the perfect day to show your rejection of the sexist actions that still prevail in our society. If you have already visited our Feminist Phrases and want to discover more quotes to defend the values ​​of feminism: equal pay and opportunities, respect, equal social and personal rights, etc., be sure to read these phrases for women’s day.

Take advantage of feminist protests and social networks to make your position clear and remember that the important thing is to defend feminist values ​​every day of the year, not just on Women’s Day. Go all out, brave!

Feminist phrases for women

Some of the best feminist phrases You will find them in the next section, where we offer you the best phrases for Working Women’s Day and for the rest of the days of the year.

Never destroy another woman, even if she is not your friend, because she is a woman and that is already important.

Roxane Gay

What I didn’t have for myself I want for you.

I choose how I dress and who I undress with.

They will take away so much from us that in the end they will take away our fear.

Less princesses and more mayors.

I am the lion that ate the butterflies; I decide when, where and with whom.

We want each other free and we want each other strong.

We are not princesses, we are dragons.

On the way home I don’t want to be brave, I want to be free.

Feminism is a way of living individually and fighting collectively.

Patriarchy oppresses us, but feminism sets us free.

We are passionate, fun, strong, creative and brave.

Boobs are great not genitals.

We are the cry of those who are no longer here.

If they touch one, they touch us all.

Without Hermione, Harry and Ron would have died in the first book.

Let’s educate non-violent men instead of careful women not to be raped.

If you want something said, ask a man; If you want something done, ask a woman.

Margaret Thatcher

If you believe in equality between men and women, you are a feminist. There is no more mystery.

Feminism is the super radical idea that women’s safety is more important than men’s feelings.

Phrases about fighting women

Women’s Day is perfect to have a nice gesture with those who inspire you the most; we all know that one feisty woman whom we admire and loveso don’t hesitate to give him one of these quotes…

A self-confident woman dresses in strength and dignity.

My coach told me that I ran like a girl. I responded that if he made an effort to run a little faster, he could do it too.

You have what it takes to be a victorious, independent and fearless woman.

Neither the land nor the women are territory of conquest.

A feminist is any woman who tells the truth about her life.

We want each other free, heard, strong, respected and together.

He who does not move does not feel the noise of his chains.

Never doubt it: you are strong and special.

I am not the woman of your life, I am the woman of my life.

I’m neither hysterical nor menstruating, I scream because I’m outraged.

Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will murder them.

In my body I decide and you stay silent.

It’s not a revolution, it’s just that we’re all under the rule.

No means no, if you want more flexibility sign up for yoga.

I don’t want your compliment, I want your respect.

I am a liberated, professional and feminist woman. Also I don’t wash dishes.

My body is mine alone: ​​I protect it and I enjoy it.

Behind every woman there is a story that makes her a warrior.

If I’m a bitch for being strong, ambitious and confident, I am.

Feminism is not hating men, it is fighting against a gender distinction that is absurd.

Short phrases for Women’s Day

Are you ready for a new round of feminist phrases? Below we offer you famous phrases and iconic phrases of feminism for Women’s Day. If you want to fill your social networks with strength and find the best date for the day’s demonstration March 8Don’t miss these options…

Be a first-class version of yourself, rather than a second-class version of someone else.

Judy Garland

There is no limit that we as women cannot break.

It took me a long time to find my voice, but now that I have it, they won’t silence me.

Madeleine Albright

I will not be a free woman as long as there are still women under control.

Audre Lorde

Feminism is the radical view that women are human beings.

Feminism understands that life should not be a competition, but rather a collaboration.

A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.

To those accustomed to privilege, equality seems like oppression.

There are people who still feel threatened by a strong woman. That’s her problem, not mine.

Gloria Allred

Liberation never comes from outside.

Gloria Steinem

A real woman is whatever she wants to be.

Women can do whatever they want, they are no one’s puppet.

Happiness and independence often go hand in hand; one, without the other, is impossible.

I don’t raise my voice to shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard.

Of course I am a feminist; I’ve been a woman all my life, I’d be stupid not to be on my own side.

Don’t explain yourself, don’t ask for forgiveness, don’t take even a step back; do things and let them howl.

Nellie McClung

No country can flourish properly if it stifles the potential of women.

I think that the rights of girls and women are the great unfinished business of the 21st century.

Original phrases for Women’s Day

We continue with some perfect quotes for Women’s Day if what you want is to surprise with some unique feminist phrases.

These are some of our favorite original phrases for Women’s Day.

All women should realize their worth and lose the fear of asking for it.

We can’t win if half of us are held back.

No woman will have an orgasm scrubbing the kitchen floor.

Betty Friedan

Who knows what women can become when they are finally free?

There is a special place in hell for those women who do not stand up for other women.

Madeleine Albright

Being a feminist means you believe in equality.

Kate Nash

My idea of ​​feminism is the following: every woman has the right to be what she wants to be and do what she wants to do.

Ani DiFranco

I would like all the men in the world who do not consider themselves feminists to explain to their partners why they do not believe in equality for women.

Louise Brealey

I do not want women to have power over men; I just wish they had power over themselves.

Mary Shelley

They tried to bury us but they didn’t know we were seeds.

Mexican Proverb

Women belong in all those places where decisions are made. Women should not be an exception.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Each of your wounds shows that you have fallen and risen.

Being a feminist is giving other women the option to make decisions that perhaps you would not make for yourself.

Lena Dunham

Feminism is an opportunity, not a stick with which we can hit each other.

Phrases for working women’s day

We finish this great selection of feminist phrases and phrases for fighting women with some famous quotes that inspire and excite us.

With which of these phrases for working women’s day you stay?

I have decided not to apologize again for my femininity. I want to be respected because I deserve it.

Chimanda Ngozi Adichie

If there is one thing I want to bet on, it is myself.

There is no such thing as a female mind. The brain is not a sexual organ. Are we talking about a female liver?

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

If you are a woman and you do not believe in feminism, it is because your privileges have blinded you.

The best protection a woman can have is courage.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Don’t worry sister, we are your pack.

The best way to cultivate courage in our daughters and other women is to be an example.

Gloria Steinem

I have never met a woman who is not brave, however, I have met women who do not dare to show it.

Diane von Furstenberg

Feminism is always associated with a radical movement… well, that’s how it should be.

Ellen Page

I am a woman, which means I am capable of anything.

I prefer dangerous freedom to quiet servitude.

Maria Zambrano

Equality is a vital need of the human soul. The same amount of respect and attention is due to every human being; respect has no degrees.

Simone Weil

Women should only bow to the authority of reason, instead of being the modest slaves of opinion.

Mary Wollstonecraft

Whatever freedom we fight for, it must be a freedom based on equality.

Judith Butler

A woman should be two things: whoever she wants and what she wants.

Defend your right to think, because even thinking wrongly is better than not thinking at all.


Being a woman should not be a danger, it should not be a miniskirt to avoid.

So that machismo does not kill, you must let feminism save us.

They already broke my dreams, they won’t break my voice.

Calling women the “weaker sex” is a slander, it is man’s injustice towards women.

Mahatma Gandhi

In order to say “Not one less” we must stop rooting for helpless princesses and savior heroes.

If we don’t move forward, the world stops.

It’s not fragile like a flower, it’s fragile like a bomb.

What is a queen without a king…? Historically, more powerful.

Remember who you are and let the game change.

I don’t care what you think of me… I don’t think about you at all.

Throw me to the wolves and I’ll come back leading the pack.

If you want to read more articles similar to Phrases for Women’s Daywe recommend that you enter our Reflection Phrases category.

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