Home » Homemade Remedies » The definitive trick to clean blood stains from clothing or upholstery

The definitive trick to clean blood stains from clothing or upholstery

Blood stains on fabrics are as common as they are complicated to eradicate. Anyone who has pets or lives with small children knows perfectly well that the fences he leaves are practically impossible to remove. Especially if you don't know how to do it. Here are some of the most effective everyday tricks for cleaning. Plus, most of them are made from items that are in virtually every home.

The most common thing is that blood stains persist on textile materials. Especially in upholstery or clothing. One of the most recommended and effective home remedies to eliminate it is the use of hydrogen peroxide. As if it were a wound, you should spray the stain with this disinfectant liquid sold in pharmacies and supermarkets and let it act for a few seconds. Then the dirt should come out on its own, without leaving any type of mark or barrier.

Another of the most recommended techniques for this type of dirt is to use an ice cube. It should be left on the stain until it completely melts. Once diluted, you should try to rub the blood stain, brush it, or directly put the garment in the washing machine.

More tricks with household items: soak in cold water and detergent. After half an hour, you should rub the garment lightly or wash it. The dirt should come out the first time. A solution that may be useful is to combine milk and detergent. We put the garment in this mixture and, after a few minutes, we should be able to remove the stain easily.

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What experts say should never be done, under any circumstances, is to put the garment in hot water, soap and bleach. According to what they say, high temperatures not only do not help the dirt go away, but they make it stick more to the fabrics.

If none of these solutions work, you can also use an industrial stain remover. In any supermarket you can find this type of products that, with the help of chemicals, eradicate this type of dirt.

One of the keys to eliminating this type of stain, as experts say, is to try to eradicate them moments after they occur. The longer it is left and the more it dries, the worse it is to remove. Especially when it comes to dirt on fabrics. When blood stains occur on floors or walls, they can be rubbed with a wider variety of products, since they are not as persistent.

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