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The 30 best phrases from “Life is beautiful”

Do you consider yourself a “Life is Beautiful” fan? Here you have this list with his best phrases and curiosities that you will love.

Life is Beautiful (1997) is a comedy-drama film directed by and starring Roberto Benigni. It was a commercial success at the time, while receiving great praise from critics.. On IMDb it has a rating of 8.6 and grossed more than 230 million at the box office on the 20 million budget.

The film received 7 Academy Award nominations, of which it won 3: Best Actor, Best Foreign Language Film, and Best Original Dramatic Score. In addition, he won thirty additional awards, among which 9 David di Donatello awards stand out.

Next, we accompany the phrases of Life is Beautiful with some curiosities that you should know about the film.

Reflections and phrases from “Life is beautiful”

Today, the film is considered a cinema classic, despite the fact that it was released just over 20 years ago. The producers did not expect its successsomething that further increases the value of the film.

We leave you with the best phrases of Life is Beautiful and some details that you surely don’t know about the script and filming.

1. «Nothing is more necessary than the unnecessary»

The film is partially inspired by the book In the end, I beat Hitler, by Romeo Salmonì. It was also inspired by the experiences of Benigni’s own father, who spent two years in a Nazi labor camp.

2. “How many times do we want to love someone, but we are incapable of doing so?”

Benigni had already participated in several films, although by then he was unknown to the general public and critics. He was especially distinguished by his gestures and mimicry that paid tribute to Charles Chaplin.

3. “The higher you go, the less you can see.”

Although it received applause from critics, the truth is that it also He was accused of trivializing the Holocaust. In an interview for Guardian In 1999, Benigni stated that he did not understand the criticism at all and that his intention was never to mock a tragedy of such magnitude.

4. “You must be what you want to be”

Benigni’s inner circle recommended that he not make the film. He was a non-Jewish Italian comedian, and had never before been interested in writing or starring in similar roles.

5. “Silence is the loudest cry”

During the recording, several experts were consulted to obtain a certain historical rigor. The Documentation Center of Contemporary Judaism was available throughout the production.

6. “We should be like sunflowers that keep bowing in front of the sun”

Apart from the above, several licenses were taken so that the film was not confused with a documentary. Whoever approaches her must take this into account.. A detail to consider about our phrases of Life is Beautiful.

7. «You are here serving, you are not a servant. “Serving is the highest art”

Almost the entire film was shot in the historic center of Tuscany.

8. “God serves man, but is not a servant of men”

One of the best quotes about the art of serving comes from this movie and is mentioned by Uncle Eliseo during Guido’s training.

9. “Everyone must keep in mind that God is the first of servants because he serves everyone”

It raised more than 48 million dollars in Italy alone, a surprise for the entire team. In the United States and Canada it managed to raise more than 57 million.

10. «That is the sacrifice my father made. The gift he had for me »

Despite the success of the film, Benigni stopped directing films in 2005. Since then, he has only acted in sporadic productions.

11. «The signs of Not allowed They are the latest trend today.

Life is Beautiful It was screened at the Cannes Film Festival in 1998. The success was greater when the film was dubbed/subtitled into English.

12. “Whatever name you say, it will disappear one day”

The scene in which Guido (Benigni) falls from a bicycle was filmed at the Abbey of Saints Flora di Lucia, in Arezzo. The abbey received an increase in tourism after the film’s release.

13. “Good morning, princess”

It is included in Arts & Faith’s list of 100 Spiritually Significant Films.

14. «My husband and my son are on that train. I want to get on that train. You heard me? “I want to get on that train.”

The title of the film is not coincidental. It was meticulously chosen to allude to the unbreakable will of the protagonist to seek happiness. It was also considered to title it as Good morning princess.

15. «You can’t imagine how much I want to make love to you. But I will never tell anyone, especially you. “They would have to torture me to force me to say it.”

The concentration camp in the film is actually an abandoned factory near Papigno, in Terni.

16. «You’ve never been on a train, have you? They are wonderful! “Everyone is standing close to each other and there are no seats!”

Among many others, Benigni and his team received advice from the prestigious Marcello Pezzetti and the writer Shlomo Venezia.

17. «If you say my name, I disappear. Who I am?”

The film in its original version had a duration of 124 minutes. It was then edited and its length was reduced to 119. This was the only version available until 2017, year in which it was distributed without editions on the occasion of the 20th anniversary.

18. «How far do I bow? I guess I can even do 180º

On January 10, 1999, Benigno had the honor of watching the film with John Paul II in a private room. On repeated occasions, the director has confessed that his mother never believed him when she told him.

19. “Mom, we win, we win!”

The film was first broadcast on television in 2001. More than 16 million people watched it in unison on Rai 1, which made it the most watched on television so far. Another detail of our phrases Life is Beautiful.

20. «What kind of place is this? It’s lovely. Doves fly, women fall from the sky. “I’m moving here!”

It holds the title of the highest-grossing Italian film in history, taking into account its gross worldwide (not just in its country or the US).

21. «Enough! You’re crazy? You can’t act like you do on the field. You’ve been acting crazy. You can’t scream!

The script served as inspiration for the year it was released and was also published as a book. Life is Beautiful.

22. «Schopenhauer says that with willpower you can do anything. Right now I just want to sleep, so he said to myself I’m sleeping, sleepingand I fell asleep”

The first English version was a failure. A new version was soon made, which is available today.

23. «You have been so kind to me. “All I want now is a hot bath.”

The film was the last of the 135 that the legendary Tonino Delli shot as director of photography.

24. «This is a simple story, but it is not easy to tell. As in a fable, there is pain. And, like a fable, it is full of wonders and happiness.”

The tank premium that appears in the tape is an M4 Sherman.

25. «Don’t you know that it takes very little to make me happy? A chocolate ice cream is enough! Even two! A nice walk together and then what happens, happens.”

Phrase mentioned by Dora when Guido kidnaps her from her date with Rodolfo (Dora’s fascist fiancé) outside the theater.

26. «I forgot to tell you. “You can’t imagine how much I want to make love to you.”

Guido surprises Dora by saying goodbye to her at the gate of her house after a romantic walk in the rain and a chocolate ice cream.

27. «I want to make love to you. Not just once. And again! But I’ll never tell you. “I would have to be crazy to tell you that I would even make love to you now… right here, for the rest of my life.”

Phrase with which the lover Guido declares his deep desire to love Dora forever.

28. «Think of a sunflower, they bow before the sun. But if you see some that are too inclined, it means they are dead.”

Elisha’s wise lesson for Guido about reverence.

29. «You can lose all your points for any of these three things. One: if you cry. Two: if you ask to see your mother. Three: If you are hungry and order a sandwich! Forget it!”

Guido anticipates all the child’s behaviors that could put him in danger as rules of the critical game of survival.

30. “How many points did we get today?”

Giosuè, at the end of the day, asked his father how many points they had achieved, always believing in him and, despite being small, his hope of winning the prize was stronger.

We hope that the phrases of Life is Beautiful that we have presented may be of interest to you. Surely you were unaware of many of the curiosities, so these have been welcome to analyze the film as a whole. Don’t hesitate to watch it again to relive this classic of Italian cinema.

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