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Sulfur: what it is for, benefits and healthy properties

Sulfur, essential for our body in the form of methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)is the third most abundant mineral in the body, second only to calcium and phosphorus.

Natural origin of sulfur

Although not much is said about him, sulfur is one of the most important and widespread minerals in nature.

Naturally present in mammals and some plants, organic sulfur is classified as bioavailablee, that is, once inside the body, it is assimilated and can be used for the synthesis of certain key compounds for the proper functioning of our organism.

Our body contains from 150 to 300 grams of sulfur in the form of salts and as part of the structure of proteins and tissues.since it is part of some amino acids (cystine, methionine and cysteine).

also conforms digestive enzymes and vitaminsstimulates insulin and has antibiotic properties.

It is found in a special way in the hair, nails, skin, joints and muscles. It is part of the keratin of skin and hair, and also it is necessary in the synthesis of collagena component of connective tissue that forms chondroitin in joints, a constituent protein of cartilage.

What is sulfur for: its benefits

MSM may be beneficial for combat chronic constipation, diabetes, muscle cramps or problems with parasites.

It is indicated to promote recovery from sports injuries or accelerate healing.

Also if you suffer chronic stress or if you need promote the elimination of heavy metals.


It is suitable in case of joint pain. It is necessary for the formation of collagen –the basic protein of connective tissues, cartilage, bones and tendons–, as well as keratin. In addition, recent research has shown that it has some anti-inflammatory capacity. That is why it is used to treat pain caused by osteoarthritis or arthritis. It is also essential in the synthesis of hormones such as insulin, digestive enzymes and immunoglobulin M. Some vitamins, such as C, B1 and B8 or biotin are activated through a reaction with sulfur.It is beneficial for allergies: it has the ability to block histamine receptors, which prevents the consequences of an excess of this substance. Various investigations have shown how symptoms are reduced in people with asthma or allergic rhinitis who take MSM supplementation.Keeps skin, nails and hair in good condition: sulfur is part of key proteins in the composition of nails and hair, such as collagen and keratin. It is also recommended to treat skin problems such as psoriasis, acne or rosacea. Sulfur is called the mineral of beauty.Promotes the detoxifying function of the liver: Sulfur improves the permeability of the cell, allowing it to function properly, managing liquids and toxins. However, its main role is to create glutathione, a substance with high antioxidant action, essential in this process. It helps in the secretion of bile, with purifying activity. On the other, it is involved in glucuronation, which is the liver mechanism for neutralizing and eliminating toxins. Furthermore, it seems that sulfur compounds can help delay organic agingespecially brain.

Recommended dosage of sulfur

A recommended daily amount of sulfur has not been established. The daily expenditure is about 800 mgwhich suggests that the needs are of this order.

A diet with a normal protein content is enough to cover them..

In any case, supplements can be taken if you suffer from pain, asthma, allergies or skin problems, but always under the supervision of a professional.

When missing. In the case of a sulfur deficit in the body, one of the possible and main consequences would be growth retardation, since said deficiency causes the skin and connective tissue (bones, tendons and ligaments) to weaken. of supplement it can be taken from 1.5 to 6 g per day without consequences for the organism. At first, high doses can cause digestive discomfort and headaches. To treat joint problems, it is ideal to combine it with glucosamine, chondroitin, vitamin C and silicon.when left over In general, sulfur does not cause toxic symptoms and its possible excess is eliminated in the urine.

What foods contain sulfur

Some of its most important sources are: peanuts (400 mg/100 g), wheat germ (300 mg), lentils (275 mg), meat and fish (150-250 mg), egg (200 mg), cheese (150 -200 mg) and wheat (180 mg).

The plant-based foods richest in sulfur are:

those of the allium family (garlic, onions, leeks, spring onions…), rich in organosulfurs. cruciferous family (cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, arugula, turnips…), which contain glucosinolates, where there is also sulfur. sesame and sunflower seeds and almonds also provide sulfur.

How can you make the most of this mineral?

opting for eating foods rich in sulfur raw or undercooked, because if they are subjected to high temperatures, the contribution of this nutrient decreases. For example, the pasteurization process, which is used to kill microorganisms, has been found to reduce the amount of sulfur by 50 percent.

For To make better use of the sulfur in garlic should be crushed, chewed or crushed raw. In doing so, alliin, a sulfur compound abundant in garlic, comes into contact with the enzyme allinase, also present in garlic, and is transformed into allicin, a potent antibiotic and anticancer agent.

Sulfur Healing Uses

In addition to its function as a nutrient, sulfur is part of various therapeutic modalities.

sulfur waters. Sources and spas with waters rich in sulphur, beneficial for the skin, have been known since ancient times.catalytic oligotherapy. It is used in small doses (sodium thiosulfate ampoules, perlingually), often combined with other trace elements, to treat arthritis and osteoarthritis, chronic bronchitis and skin problems.methionine. This sulfur-containing amino acid can be taken to combat anemia, purify the liver, or strengthen nails and hair.acetylcysteine. Derived from the amino acid cysteine, it is useful in liver dysfunction, bronchitis and pharyngitis. In addition to being a good mucolytic, it is an antioxidant.Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM). This product can be used in cases of osteoarthritis (when the cartilage has a decrease in its sulfur content), liver failure, allergies, constipation or intestinal parasites.sulfur. Sulfur as a homeopathic remedy, in infinitesimal doses, can be indicated for dermatoses (eczema, boils…), allergies (asthma, rhinitis…), rheumatism, migraines, hemorrhoids, hypertension, diabetes, etc. As it is a powerful remedy with centrifugal action (elimination of toxins through the skin, for example), it is preferable that a homeopathic doctor advise on its use and dosage.

What are sulfur waters suitable for?

For many years, hot springs rich in sulfur have been used and recommended to treat pathologies and ailments of the locomotor system, as well as skin problems. There are spas with sulphurous waters in different parts of the Spanish territory.

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