Anyone who sees me in the fruit and vegetable section at the supermarket cannot imagine that until two years ago my philosophy of life was “soft drinks and fried food every day”. Today, even my young daughter follows my new menu: she eats carrots and zucchinis without making a face. Before, banana was the only fruit that entered the house.
So my 13-year-old son hasn’t learned to eat healthily. Now, I run after to re-educate his taste buds, who want to start going to the gym. I already told you that I only pay the license plate after he changes what he puts on his plate.
Don’t think I’m neurotic. All this concern about my children has a reason. As a child, my nickname was “daddy-all”. Even my family called me that! I remember hiding packets of biscuits in the wardrobe and devouring them when no one was looking. Over time, my vanity forced me to get in shape. The problem is that I chose an unhealthy path. I followed crazy diets, which restricted my meals to juices and crackers. I got to spend the whole week just on soup. And, since I did swimming and volleyball, I ended up getting skinny. All wrong!
I got married at 19 with 51 kilos and soon had my first child. As he was still in college, there was no time left for anything. My husband was also sedentary and we gained weight together.
At 32, I got pregnant again. I managed to drop the alcohol and soda, but the sweets… I needed them every day.
The gluttony for sugar and laziness to go to the gym put my health at risk. But even the exams indicating prediabetes and anemia didn’t make me change. Another nightmare: the scale showed 84.5 kilos in the ninth month of pregnancy. The click came when my husband said, “Honey, you are overweight. You need to take care of yourself”. The immediate solution was the easiest. I underwent an abdominoplasty, which reduced centimeters and removed the stretch marks from my stomach. Only, in fact, I eliminated only 2 kilos, so my arms and face remained chubby.
I knew I needed to start this revolution elsewhere: in my head. The first step was to get rid of laziness and practice pilates three times a week. Then a functional nutritionist helped transform my taste buds. Gradually, I cut some addictions, like pizza and soda. It’s no use being radical, see? If you take everything out at once, you end up boycotting yourself. I changed the traditional ingredients for healthier versions: coconut flour, banana biomass, homemade tomato sauce and brown rice.
I would doubt it if I told Simone from the back that one day I would love the gym. I even have a personal trainer! We intersperse the bodybuilding exercises with shots on the bike or on the treadmill. If I go a day without working out, I feel like something is missing. The exception is the weekend. I’m not going to lie: although I feel much better, it’s not always easy. As my current goal is to gain lean mass to reduce easiness, I have to follow a more restricted menu. People judge our choices a lot. They are still not used to lunchboxes. I need a lot of discipline. But you know what? I stay focused and I’m happy!