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Sexual sleepwalking: what does it consist of?

Sexemia appears between 20 and 45 years of age. It manifests itself with masturbation, spontaneous orgasms or even initiating sexual games with the partner without being aware of what they are doing…

Sexual sleepwalking or sexsomnia is a type of parasomnia in which The person may show sexual behavior while asleep. Later, they will not remember anything that happened in that stage of sleep. We are undoubtedly facing a rare condition, in fact the World Health Organization (WHO) tells us that there are very few cases described.

Despite this, it can be problematic for those who suffer from it. Sometimes, You can have sexual relations with another person without being aware of what is happening. However, it should be noted that this clinical reality has nothing to do with somnophilia, that is, with the preference for having relationships with people who are unconscious.

Likewise, and as a curiosity, it is worth pointing out something interesting. As of today, we have just over 150 published cases, however, experts tell us that there may be many more people than we think suffering from this sleep disturbance. Not everyone dares or even sees the need to seek medical help for this type of nocturnal behavior.

Sexual sleepwalking: definition, symptoms and treatment

The international classification of sleep disorders groups parasomnias as REM sleep disorders.. Among them, in addition to sexual sleepwalking, are nightmares, night terrors, sleep paralysis, confusional awakenings, etc. Now, when it comes to sexsomnia, it should be noted that we are dealing with a condition described only a few decades ago, specifically in 1986.

This basically means that we still don’t know everything about this reality. Research studies such as those carried out at the Federal University of São Paulo, for example, tell us that sexsomnia or sleepsex Not only does it have clinical implications, it may also have legal repercussions.. That is to say, complicated situations may arise in which a person engages in non-consensual sexual behavior with a partner or with anyone who sleeps near them.

What symptoms does sexsomnia have?

This type of parasomnia manifests itself in many ways. The most notable thing is that it is sometimes accompanied by the classic behaviors of a sleepwalker, that is, getting out of bed, walking or performing tasks completely unconsciously.

Although in this case, the added particularity is that sexual behaviors can arise along with these characteristics. Let’s see, however, how it manifests itself.

Caressing your private parts or those of your partner.Masturbate. Manifest pelvic thrust.Moaning and sweating.Maintain relationships with other people without being aware of it at any time. Sometimes these behaviors can be violent. They do not respond to the environment. They speak and express single words and incoherent phrasesThey never remember what happened during those episodes of sexual sleepwalking.

What is the cause of sexual sleepwalking?

At present, much information is still unknown about this sleep disorder.. We do know, however, that as with other parasomnias such as sleepwalking, sexual sleepwalking arises from an alteration in the sleep cycles, and specifically, what occurs in the REM phase. Now, but what causes it?

Several factors are taken into account in this regard:

Anxiety states could be behind sexsomnia.Working shifts and having disrupted normal sleep cycles can also be a trigger.It can also appear in states of great exhaustion or deprivation of rest.Alcohol and drug use are another factor. Likewise, it should be remembered that sleepwalking almost always has a genetic origin. Therefore, It may be the case that this nocturnal behavior is inherited.

On the other hand, something important should be noted: This type of sleepwalking does not originate from any sexual alteration., neither psychiatric nor psychological illness. It is also not due to any trauma. It’s just another parasomnia.

What is the treatment for this problem?

The most striking thing about sexual sleepwalking is that the person who suffers from it is not aware of it. It is rather a disconcerting situation for the couple who sleeps with the person who suffers from this reality. It is common to find yourself in the middle of unexpected and surprising experiences that you do not know how to handle.

In fact, the most problematic thing is that the patient does not remember anything that happened during the night and this is usually the reason for disagreements and arguments. Not everyone knows they engage in nocturnal sexual behavior unless another witness tells them. Likewise, within the clinical and judicial literature of sexual sleepwalking there are well-known cases.

One of them is that of Stephen Lee Davis, a British man who abused a teenager who was sleeping in his house as a guest. At the trial it was shown that he suffered from sexsomnia and he was exonerated by the jury. We also know the story described by sleep disorder specialist Peter Buchanan, who He treated a woman who used to leave the house sleepwalking to have relations with strangers.

As far as treatment is concerned, today the same is followed as in the most serious cases of sleepwalking. The first thing is to assess the situation of each patient. In many cases, The administration of anxiolytics improves the person’s quality of life. Other times, taking care of sleep hygiene and taking measures to avoid risks and “uncomfortable” situations is always the most appropriate.

However, and as we have pointed out, today we still have many unknowns about sexsomnia.

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All cited sources were reviewed in depth by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, validity and validity. The bibliography in this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Andersen ML, Poyares D, Alves RS, Skomro R, Tufik S. Sexsomnia: abnormal sexual behavior during sleep. Brain Res Rev. 2007 Dec;56(2):271-82. doi: 10.1016/j.brainresrev.2007.06.005. Epub 2007 Jul 13. PMID: 17706786.Ebrahim, Irshaad. (2006). Somnambulistic sexual behavior (sexsomnia). Journal of clinical forensic medicine. 13. 219-24. 10.1016/j.jcfm.2006.02.001.

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