He Holy rosary for the deceased, it is usually very extensive, so in this blog we are going to show you only the Joyful Mysteries, examine it and study it carefully. Normally these rosaries are prayed during the vigil and novena before the body of the deceased; Continue and you will know what it is like and how to pray the complete rosary for the dead.

Holy Rosary for the deceased

The joy of the Mother is to see all her children united in Love and that they are consolation and intercession for their brothers. This is why our Blessed Mother intercedes and prays with us to the Our Father, with his Son and the Holy Spirit, now and at the hour of death.

It is for this reason that it must be invoked in the Holy Rosary, so that it can intercede for our deceased so that they can achieve eternal rest and in turn the perpetual light in heaven, which our Lord was promised to us. When praying, saying the rosary, we dialogue and rest in Peace in the Joy of the presence of our Lord, since he is present when two or more people are gathered in his name, to exalt him.

Normally these rosaries are prayed before the body of the deceased during the wake and especially at the novena. If it is not possible to make an appearance in the mourning, it is advisable to pray the holy rosary as a family or personally, even from a distance, to be able to intercede with our Blessed Mother for the soul of our deceased loved one. The days following the exhumation the novena begins.

Saint Gregory the Great states: «If Jesus Christ said that there are faults that will not be forgiven neither in this world nor in the next, it is a sign that there are faults that are forgiven in the other world. So that God forgives the deceased the venial faults that they had unforgiven at the time of their death, for that we offer masses, prayers and alms for their eternal rest.

How to pray the rosary for the deceased?

There are three very common ways in which you can pray the holy rosary for the deceased, which will be detailed below.

With the body of the deceased loved one present, it is advisable to continue rubbing it after the person has been buried, for a few continuous days. On the day it is time to recite it, the mystery corresponding to that day is prayed. For people who have long since passed away, regardless of how many years have passed. You can dedicate a day or a full week of prayer to it. We must remember that prayers and Masses will always be useful so that the souls are already in the Glory of God, in Purgatory and also in Hell, from the latter they will not emerge but with prayers their suffering is reduced. On the other hand, the souls that are in heaven prosper in graces when we pray and pray for them. That is why we cannot forget the deceased even if they have been absent for many years, we must pray and pray for them to progress more and more. As an offering and gratitude to our Father so that he can intercede and apply them to the souls that need it most.

Mysteries of the complete holy rosary for the deceased

This is a list of the mysteries that correspond to each day of the week, which will be offered for the eternal rest of our loved one.

Joyful Mysteries (Mondays and Saturdays)
Sorrowful Mysteries (Tuesday and Friday).
Glorious Mysteries (Wednesday and Sunday).
Luminous Mysteries (Thursday).

To start the rosary for the dead thursday or any day of the week, it is important to entrust or dedicate the prayer to a saint of devotion, and in turn begin by making prayers like the following.


Brothers, while we make the pious gesture of watching over our brother (a)_________, let us confidently pray to God, Source of all Life, to fill with the Glory and Happiness of the Saints our brother (a)________ whom we watch over in the weakness of his mortal body.

Let us ask him to have mercy on him (her) on the day of judgment; May he free him (her) from condemnation and absolve him (her) from the punishments deserved for his sins so that, reconciled with God Our Father, he may be taken by Jesus Christ, Our Good Shepherd, to his Eternal Kingdom, to enjoy his company and that of all the Saints. Amen.

Prayer of offering the holy rosary

I join each and every one of the Saints who are in Heaven, with each and every one of the Righteous who are on Earth, with each and every one of the Faithful Souls who are in this place; I join You, Jesus my Lord, to worthily praise and exalt Your Holy Mother, and praise You in Her and through Her.

I renounce all distractions that will appear to me during the recitation of this rosary, which I want to say with modesty, attention and devotion, as if it were the last of my life.

A flower withers, a tear evaporates, but a prayer is received by God, so let us pray the Holy Rosary with Faith.

Initiation of the rosary for the deceased, mglorious isterios

Below the beginning of the rosary for the dead Tuesdayor any day of the week, as long as the corresponding mystery is taken into account.

G: The Virgin Mary
Q: Without sin conceived

G: Lord open my lips
Q: And my mouth will proclaim your praise

G: My God, come and help me
Q: Lord, hurry to help me.


By the sign of the Holy Cross, deliver us from our enemies, Lord Our God. In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

act of contrition

My Lord Jesus Christ, God and true Man, Creator, Father and my Redeemer; Because you are who you are, infinite goodness, and because I love you above all things, I regret with all my heart that I have offended you; It also weighs on me because you can punish me with the penalties of hell. Helped by your divine grace, I firmly propose never to sin again, confess and fulfill the penance that was imposed on me.

Amen. Give them, Lord, eternal rest and let perpetual light shine on them.

Prayer to the Virgin Mary

Oh Virgin Mary, Mother of God and Our Mother, Queen of the Holy Rosary! Trusting in Your Goodness we approach You, to honor Your Name and console our souls.

Open to us, Lady, the Door of Your Heart and reveal to us the Light of Your Mysteries, contained in the Holy Rosary so that in them we may find Virtue for our Souls, Tranquility for our hearts, Peace for our families, Health for our sick and Freedom for the Souls of Purgatory.

Especially help our brother __________ and grant us the joy of being Your Children in life and in death. Amen.

Most Gracious Father, we remind you of the Soul of our brother ___________ supported by the certainty that he will be resurrected on the last day with Christ and with all those who have died in Christ.

May your Merciful Heart be moved, for our brother or sister, open the doors of heaven to your child, and to us, who remain in this world, console us with the words of Faith, until one day we all Let us find Christ and remain with Him and with our brother (a) __________ Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

The Mysteries that we are going to offer for the Eternal Rest of our brother (a) ______ are the glorious mysteries.

First Mystery: The Resurrection of Jesus

Jesus died on the cross and then rose again. For Him, suffering, pain and death were the way to reach resurrection and glory. The same will happen with us: if we admit and accept the trials of this life with all the patience, we will one day achieve the great advance that we all desire: Dying and resurrecting with Christ.

Oh, Mary, joy of the just and consolation of sinners!, this day, we offer this Mystery to you in memory of the joy you had when you saw your Most Holy Son resurrected and glorious: begging you, that just as, with the resurrection of Jesus, all created beings rejoiced, even if our brother _____ and all those who are in purgatory deserve eternal resurrection.

We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Grant us, Lord, the continuous help of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God through the Announcement of the Angel so that she may always be Our Advocate before your Divine Judgment. We especially ask you for the Soul of our brother (a) _____________ who is before your Presence.

Mary, by simply naming you, my Soul receives joy, with the hope that I have of seeing you in my company, from the Ark testament and from Peace joy, with the Name of Mary I begin the Our Father.

Our father

In the first mystery to begin the prayer of the Lord’s Prayer, the guide begins the prayer, with the middle of the prayer and then the audience ends in response.

G: Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be your Name, your Kingdom come, your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Q: Give us today our daily Bread and forgive us our offenses as we also forgive those who offend us, do not lead us into temptation and deliver us from evil. Amen.

Ave Maria

After the Our Father, we proceed to pray the ten Hail Marys, which would be as shown below.

g: Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with you, Blessed are you among all women and Blessed is the Fruit of your Womb Jesus.
Q: Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for him (her) and for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.


After completing the ten Hail Marys, we proceed to pray the Gloria, in the same way as the previous prayers, the first half said by the guide and the culmination done by the public, as shown below.

G: Glory to the Father, Glory to the Son and Glory to the Holy Spirit.
Q: As it was in the Beginning, Now and Forever, forever and ever, Amen.

Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary

At the end of the glory, a series of prayers and devotions are performed, which are explained below:

For your Clean Conception oh! Sovereign Princess, I ask you from the bottom of my heart for a very Great Purity, that Souls may not be lost or die without confession.


Oh My Jesus, forgive his sins, save him from the fire of hell, take all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of your Divine Mercy. So be it. Amen.

The holy sheet

Lord God, who left us the Sign of your Passion and Most Holy Death in the Holy Shroud, in which your Most Holy Body was wrapped, when by Joseph you were taken down from the Cross, grant us, O Most Pious Lord, that for your Death and Holy Burial and for the Pains and Anguish of your Most Holy Mother, Our Lady, may the Soul of our brother be taken _______________ to the Glory of your Resurrection where you Live and Reign with God the Father in the Unity of the Holy Spirit and is God forever and ever. . Amen.

At the end of the prayer of the holy sheet, the guide and the audience continue in the following way:

g: Give Lord Eternal Rest
Q: And let perpetual light shine for him (her),
g: Rest in peace.
Q: Amen.

If by your Precious Blood Lord you have Redeemed him (her). I ask that you forgive him/her for your Painful Passion. From the gates of hell. Deliver your Soul Lord.

Mary mother of sorrows, remember that on the cross you…

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