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Psychology college finale: what do I hope will happen?

Last year. Last semester. I feel relieved to think that the five years of college I’ve been waiting so long to spend are coming to an end, at the same time I feel relief, I feel anguish, fear of the unknown of what is to come.

Knowing that when I’m on the internship I have supervisors and teachers always helping, and when I graduate what will happen? Will I find a supervisor like one of my teachers?

There is a flash of probabilities that may occur: being a clinical psychologist (which is my dream), passing an exam, defending a master’s thesis, doing specialization. What if none of that happens? And be complicated? And the return? And all this investment I made in the private college was in vain?

Then I stop and think, and start making plans to be a successful psychologist. As the clinic is not as elitist as it used to be, today we have psychology in several areas and it is increasingly gaining ground, and I observe that psychologists that I consider excellent have a very busy schedule and full of activities: They give classes, give courses and lectures , study groups, therapies, advice for companies, take part in competitions to have financial security, and so on.

My goals for next year are to pass the master’s degree and/or do a specialization in the Jungian approach, to have a practice sharing hours for cost-benefit reasons, because opening a practice generates some expenses that are not easy for someone who is starting out pay: rent, water, electricity, telephone and secretary.

I believe that one of the main requirements to be successful in a profession is the passion, the love for doing what you do. Doing what you like, you dedicate yourself more, you run after it, and you have more strength than if you were in an area you didn’t like. Just like the title of Roberto Freire’s book “Without horny there is no solution”.

Second question is to never stop studying (Yes! If you don’t like studying, it’s good to start enjoying it!!). This way, you will become a competent psychologist who is not limited to training and specialization, but who will be able to cover other techniques for your approach.

Third issue: Take care of your image as a psychologist, people will never show up at your office and make an appointment, or pick up the phone book and draw with your finger which one to call. They’ll ask someone you’ve seen before, ask how it is, get information about the psychologist before starting therapy. That’s why it’s important for you to be a good ethical and responsible psychologist.

Fourth and last item: Never give up on your dreams. If you are on the way, either at the beginning of graduation or at the end, congratulations, you are almost reaching your goal. But if you feel difficulties and obstacles, be patient, because nobody said it would be easy.

To finish this text, a quote by Augusto Cury from the book Never give up on your dreams:

“Without dreams, losses become unbearable, stumbling blocks become mountains, failures turn into fatal blows. But if you had big dreams… your mistakes will produce growth, your challenges will produce opportunities, your fears will produce courage.

Therefore, my fervent wish is that you:


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