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Psychologist’s code of ethics

Psychology is the science that studies human behavior and cognitive processes.. Its ultimate goal is to improve our quality of life, encouraging and caring for mental health. But who or what ensures that psychologists follow these principles? This is where the psychologist’s code of ethics comes in.

The psychologist’s code of ethics is a guide that guides the professional ethics of anyone who dedicates themselves to psychology.. In Spain, the code was developed from the presentations of the First Congress of the Official College of Psychologists held in Madrid in May 1984. It identified the need to regulate the practice and it was proposed to carry out joint work among all the psychologists of Spain to create a guide that would avoid bad practice from an ethical perspective.

Throughout the code of ethics we can find 59 articles that govern professional competence, intervention, research and teaching, obtaining and use of information, advertising, remuneration and procedural guarantees. Failure to comply with any of these articles will result in an evaluation of the negligent professional through a sanctioning committee; and once the seriousness of the offense has been judged, the sanction corresponding to the offense will be applied. This sanction can be slight but also important, such as the withdrawal of the title and license to practice.

In this article we are going to do a brief review of the general principles of the code of ethics, which provide a general vision of its objectives. These principles are reflected in the code, from articles 5 to 15.

General principles of the code of ethics

The first of the general principles (art. 5) tells us about the purpose of psychology. Which is oriented towards human and social objectives such as well-being, health, quality of life, etc. Any practice within psychology that goes against these goals would go against professional ethics.

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Article 6 deals with the sincerity of the professional. A psychologist, knowing the true data, cannot alter it or transmit a fraudulent version of it. Professional activity must be based on responsibility, honesty and sincerity towards clients and the public. And use only instruments and techniques with scientific and objective foundations.

The next principle, Article 7 talks about the use of psychology with negative intentionality. It is totally prohibited to use the notions learned in this discipline to restrict individual freedom or apply mistreatment. Never and in no case will the misapplication of psychology be justified; whether due to armed conflict, obligation, civil war, revolution, terrorism or any other situation that seeks to justify the crime.

Article 8 says that every psychologist must reportat least to the collegiate organizations, in case of having knowledge of a violation of human rights, ill-treatment or cruel detention conditions. Professional secrecy or confidentiality with the client is not exercised when these types of situations occur. Unfortunately, this is one of the most violated articles of the code.

The following general principle (art. 9), talks about respecting clients’ moral or religious criteria. Of course, the fact of respecting them does not prevent them from being questioned when necessary within the framework of the intervention.

Article 10 prohibits psychologists, during the provision of their services, from making use of discrimination based on race, gender, sex, creed, ideology or any other differentiating factor. The application of psychology is universal and therefore the principle of non-discrimination must be respected in its practice.

In the general principle of article 11 there is talk about the psychologist cannot benefit from his status of power or superiority in front of patients; whether for own benefit or that of third parties. Taking advantage of that status would be moving away from the goals of the psychological discipline.

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Article 12 talks about caution when writing your reports or diagnoses. Mental disorders or psychological labels often go along with stigmas or social labels. For this reason, language must be used cautiously, trying not to socially degrade any of the clients.

Article 13 seeks to avoid bad referrals of patients or misappropriation of clients. In no case can clients be monopolized, and the legal routes proposed for the referral of patients must be followed. This ensures that people are treated by the best professional for their problem.

Article 14 prohibits lending the name or signature of the professional psychologist to third parties. The only person who can sign, within professional practice, is the psychologist himself. This avoids intrusion and the concealment of vain or pseudoscientific practices.

The last of the principles of the code of ethics, included in art. fifteenis about competing interests. When these occur, the psychologist will try to carry out his activity with the greatest possible impartiality. And he must, in those situations where it is legitimately appropriate, assert his arguments before the institutional authorities.

The importance of the code of ethics

Now that we know the general principles of the code of ethics, Why is it so important to have a guide to professional ethics? Let us not forget that clinical psychology is a health profession, and therefore its clients demand that services are competent and trustworthy. Basically, in the practice of each psychologist the practice of the entire profession is registered in some way.

But it is also important to keep in mind that An ethical code helps us guide aspirations and regulations within the values ​​of the psychological discipline. If what we want is a science in favor of progress and well-being, it is necessary to create limitations on professional conduct that prevent us from deviating from these objectives.

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Finally, add that It is the duty of every psychologist to critically reflect on their professional conduct and their own code of ethics.. A continuous debate among a group of committed psychologists will help us improve an action guide in favor of science and the well-being of the people we assist.

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