What needs to be done to make this new year better than the previous one? The writer, life coach and international speaker Shannon Kaiser explained the 11 questions that everyone should ask to improve their quality of life. Sincere answers to some of them can radically change your perception of the world and help you find harmony with yourself.
O awesome.club believes that looking directly inside will be beneficial for anyone who wants to be happy and successful.
The beginning of the year is a good time to plan new beginnings. But first you must stop and analyze your life, your well-being and where these aspects were in the previous year. To improve, ask yourself some important questions.
1. How is my life?
We are often too busy to stop and try to understand what brought us to our current lives. Think about exactly how you would like to be. Do you dedicate yourself every day to taking at least one small step towards your desires? Or are you stuck in a rut?
2019 can be much better than last year if you put your own life in order and move forward without fear. Think about it. Do you work where you would like to? Are you building a relationship with the right person? Who are you and who would you like to be? Little by little, taking small steps, move towards your goal. Change what no longer suits you. It will help you to enjoy life.
2. What makes me angry?
The anger we feel towards someone prevents us from feeling good. Ask yourself: “Who am I angry with?” Sometimes we accumulate a lot of negativity in ourselves because this is the only thing that unites us with other people. Maybe you’re angry because it lets you feel like you’re doing the right thing and… is that good?
Sometimes the best we can do is let go of the situation and forgive the “offenders.” But that doesn’t mean that we justify their behavior in any way. Say to yourself: “I value myself too much to waste time on these things.” By letting go of resentment, you allow yourself to move on and enjoy life.
3. Do I care a lot about what others think?
Many people live for others, focusing primarily on the opinions of others rather than their own. Ask yourself if you are afraid to tell the world about your dream, to speak your mind or to change your own life, because of the possible reaction of others. In fact, it doesn’t matter to anyone. Only you.
just think about how much time and energy you spend thinking about how people will react to things you haven’t even done. When we worry about what others think, we fail to be productive. We are so obsessed with what might happen that we forget to live in the here and now. When you are constantly worrying about something, you feel more anxious and depressed than usual. But when you trust yourself and your decisions, you don’t need third-party approval.🇧🇷 Therefore, instead of thinking about others, focus on your own feelings and try to achieve your inner harmony.
4. Am I happy where I live?
People rarely ask themselves this question because their heads are already busy enough constantly paying the bills and keeping the house in order. With the new year, think about the places you would like to go. Maybe you’ve always dreamed of living in another city or country. Change can be in your hands.
Studies show that our surroundings have a big influence on our happiness. If you are not satisfied, you can take action and change your place of residence.
5. Am I happy with my job?
Do you feel empty at nightfall, after a day full of monotony? A desired job is a necessary component of enjoying a fulfilling life.🇧🇷 However, there are people who feel comfortable earning money thanks to uninteresting activities because they have enough hobbies. But if that doesn’t bring you happiness, you should look for your vocation.
Pay attention to your inner voice. Maybe she’s telling you to start blogging, spend more time in sports, become a coach, or change professions abruptly. Try to do that this new year.
6. What part of my life do I neglect?
Most people don’t pay attention to many aspects of life. Instead of solving a problem, they eat, spend and work more than they need to because of feelings they don’t want to experience. This vicious circle only makes them feel fear, guilt and shame.
Ask yourself, “What part of my life am I not paying attention to?” Look your fear in the face, face to face, assume that pain you refused to feel and understand the meaning of it.
7. What memories do I want to leave?
The way people feel when they are together is part of their journey in life that they can be proud of. Although it is difficult to be yourself, in doing so you will achieve true freedom. By showing people your real personality, it will make your life fuller. Don’t be afraid to trust yourself.
8. How is my relationship with myself?
Nowadays, it is fashionable to talk about self-love, but not everyone understands what this means. It’s important to accept who you are. And accept who you are it doesn’t mean accepting yourself only when you fall in love, lose weight, earn a lot of money or just achieve your precious dream. This feeling must accompany you at all times. It allows you to be a balanced and cheerful person, someone who knows himself. Think about how to develop this.
9. What have I always wanted to do but never allowed myself to?
An honest answer to this question can drastically change your life. What does your ‘inner critic’ say? Is now not the right time, is there not enough money for this or will other people disapprove of your attitude? These are just excuses that cause you to stay put.
The more you believe in your dreams and do something to fulfill them, live more fully. This approach will allow both you and the people around you to be happier.
10. What does success mean to me?
Many want more money, more social media followers, the man or woman of their dreams… some believe that success comes with popularity. But from a spiritual point of view, this is not so relevant. What matters are your feelings about your life and your goals.🇧🇷 Do you develop, learn new things, take care of your health? Can you trust the world around you and fight enthusiastically for your dreams?
Review your definition of success and you will feel a much greater connection to your true self. Be authentic!
11. What am I willing to let go?
Letting go of people, places, situations, ideas and convictions that prevent you from being in harmony with yourself is very important to achieve your peace. Think about what you are willing to let go of. Make a list of what you wouldn’t take with you this year.
What are your plans for this new year? What would you like to change in your life?