A prayer of Saint Rita of Cassia, the saint of impossible causes, is indicated to help bring strength in times of difficulty. The Italian nun is celebrated on May 22nd and her story makes us reflect on perseverance and faith in divine power. After the death of her husband and two children, she entered a convent to follow her vocation.
We selected some religious messages for her, including a novena. It is important to read with awareness of the content and believe in what you can achieve. Positivity raises vibration and is an important step towards attracting good things. Check out!
How to ask for something from Santa Rita de Cássia?
“O powerful and glorious Saint Rita called Saint of Impossible Causes, advocate of desperate cases, helper of the last hour, refuge and shelter from the pain that drags us into the abyss of sin and hopelessness, with all confidence in your power with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I turn to you in difficult and unforeseen circumstances, which painfully oppress my heart.
(Make your wish)
Reach the grace I desire, because if I need it, I want it. Presented by you, my prayer, my request, for you who are so loved by God, will certainly be answered. Tell Our Lord that I will use grace to improve my life and my customs and to sing Divine Mercy on Earth and in Heaven.
Saint Rita of Impossible Causes, intercede for us! Amen.”
Santa Rita’s prayer for every day
“O God, infinite goodness and rich in mercy towards those who call upon you, I present myself to you in the joy of being here today.
With all gratitude, I express my warmest thanks to you. Accept my prayer.
I invoke you insistently in my difficulty, interposing the intercession of Saint Rita, servant of peace and forgiveness: for her merits, listen to me and grant me. Be blessed forever: Give me peace and security.
Dear Saint Rita, stay close to me in times of pain, I will reconfirm my devotion and I trust in your protection.
Pray for the total conversion of my heart so that I can always please you with a more fervent life.
You please God and receive what you ask of your devotees: that is why I place great hope in you.
Accompany me, O Saint Rita, with your blessing so that I can always praise, bless and thank the Lord for all the good you have given me. Amen.”
Prayer of Saint Rita of Cassia for love
“Saint Rita of Cássia daughter, mother, wife who, through your virtues, was a great example in your time. To you who sacrificed everything for the love of Jesus, I come in this affliction to turn to you, certain that you will not deny me the grace I ask of you. You who never showed weakness in your faith. You who obtained impossible graces through high merit. So I also believe and trust that I will receive your protection and help. Amen”.
Novena of Saint Rita of Cassia
The initial rite and the final prayer must be repeated daily and, between them, it is the turn of the suggested reading for each of the nine days.
Initial rite: In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
1st day: O Admirable Saint Rita of Cássia, you who were born when your parents were already advanced in age, you had a very special affection for them. Teach us to always love and protect all the elderly who live in our homes and in our communities. May we have patience with them and the conditions to love them as an image of Jesus, whom you loved so much. Say 10 Hail Marys.
2nd day: O Admirable Saint Rita of Cássia, you nurtured from an early age a deep love of prayer and solitude with God. Help us discover our vocation in a world that forgets to pray. May we pray for those who do not know how to pray, for those who cannot pray and for those who do not want to pray. Say 10 Hail Marys.
3rd day: O Admirable Saint Rita of Cássia, even in the midst of the hardest sufferings that you went through in your marriage, you did not lose heart and you prayed incessantly for the conversion of your husband. Teach today’s couples your simple way of being faithful in joy or sadness, in health or illness, in love, respect and fidelity. Say 10 Hail Marys.
4th day: O Admirable Saint Rita of Cássia, you were patient and affectionate towards your two sons who wanted to avenge their father’s death. Teach today’s parents to always have an open, concerned and loving heart towards their children, following the example of the father of the prodigal son, whom you imitated in your life. Say 10 Hail Marys.
5th day: O Admirable Saint Rita of Cássia, you nurtured, like no one else, a total love for the consecrated and religious life. It shows many young people today the way to discover true disinterested and total love for God and one’s brothers. Intercede so that many holy priestly and religious vocations may arise. Say 10 Hail Marys.
6th day: O Admirable Saint Rita of Cassia, you discovered in penance a mysterious way of secretly loving the God you chose to follow. It also helps us to discover penance as an evangelical value of personal conversion and detachment from all forms of selfishness. Say 10 Hail Marys.
7th day: O Admirable Saint Rita of Cássia, like no one else you obeyed your religious superiors because you saw in this obedience a very special value, a love of someone who gives everything for an ever greater love. It teaches Christians of our day true mutual charity, which makes every form of obedience nothing more than a way of serving one’s brothers. Say 10 Hail Marys.
8th day: O Admirable Saint Rita of Cássia, you discovered in the love of Jesus Crucified a way to also love suffering. Teach us to carry our crosses when they arise, without becoming discouraged or despairing. It also shows us the redemptive value of all suffering accepted for the love of Jesus who, having nothing more to offer, gave us his own life. Say 10 Hail Marys.
9th day: O Admirable Saint Rita of Cássia, due to the wonders you achieved from God, you were chosen as patroness of all impossible causes. Help us to trust more and more in the wonderful miracle of love that performs the greatest of all wonders on earth: the conversion of all hearts to God. Say 10 Hail Marys.
Final prayer: God Father of Kindness, you give us the example of the saints so that, imitating them on earth, we can one day reach the joys of heaven. Give me, I ask you, through the intercession of Saint Rita of Cássia, patroness of difficult and impossible causes, who loved you so much in this life, the grace that I so ardently beg of you. (Ask right now for the grace you need). Saint Rita of Cássia, pray for us.
Source: Prayers of Faith
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