Overcoming is necessary. Moving forward is essential. Looking back is a waste of time.
If you can not fly, run. If you can not run, walk. If you can’t walk, crawl, but keep going anyway.
Martin Luther King
Here, however, we don’t look back too long. We keep moving forward, opening new doors and doing new things. Because we are curious and curiosity continues to lead us down new paths. Go straight on.
Walt Disney
The best way out is to move on.
Detach is necessary. Moving forward is evolving. Remembering the past only with affection and not wanting to go back in time is to overcome.
30 willpower phrases to boost your motivations
Move on like you don’t want anything, and leave everything that hurts you behind. What is good for you, take with you, and what you deserve, destiny will put in your life.
Raise. Go ahead. Turn the page, or rather, start a new book.
People change, life changes, friends change, but you just have to move on.
Demi Lovato
Today I woke up to live, get up and move on.
Caio Fernando Abreu
The only meaning of life is forward, so follow it!