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New Year’s spells to get more money in 2022

In the passage of years, there are many traditions involved, such as jumping seven waves to have more luck, using white to bring peace to the new year and among others. One of the traditions is to do spells to improve your financial life. If you are a person of faith and are looking for spells to get money in 2022see the most popular ones to test at home.

Cinnamon Sympathy for the New Year

Cinnamon is a very old sympathy and often used on New Year’s Eve to attract more money and better financial conditions. It’s very simple to do.

How to make:

  1. Buy a sachet of cinnamon powder and prepare the house to welcome the new year;
  2. When 2022 begins, go to the door of your house, take a handful of cinnamon and blow from the outside in;
  3. As you blow, you will repeat this mantra: “When this cinnamon I blow, prosperity here will enter. When this cinnamon I blow, plenty will come to stay. When this cinnamon I blow, abundance here will live!”;
  4. Ready!

Sympathies for money in 2022: Pomegranate seeds

Pomegranate fruit is very traditional at New Year’s Eve dinner and its popularity is linked to sympathies to get more money. Find out how to do it.

How to make:

  1. On December 31st, the day before, you will eat the fruit;
  2. Afterwards, keep the seeds in your wallet. This will “ensure” that you never run out of money the following year;
  3. After saving, depending on your faith, you can say a prayer asking for divine help.

Use money to attract money

Ever heard the popular saying that money attracts money? So it is! This sympathy takes this belief into account.

How to make:

  1. To do this spell, you will need to have physical money;
  2. Separate the two highest-value bills that are in your wallet at the turn of the year;
  3. The largest will be in your right pocket and the other in your shoe;
  4. Don’t take it out until New Year’s Eve and when it’s 00, think about the money you saved doubling.

Lentils to attract money in the new year

Meals have always been a sign of plenty, especially on this special date. And in the past, as it is an expensive grain, lentils were only consumed by people who had a lot of money and were only part of common family celebrations, thus becoming a New Year’s tradition.

To attract money with lentils, just prepare it the way you want and eat it at the turn of the year.

Sympathies for money in 2022 using currency

Another spell that involves money to attract more money. To make this charm, you will need 7 50 cent coins.

How to make:

  1. Five minutes before the turn, distribute six coins to the people closest to you;
  2. Keep the leftover coin. This is your lucky coin;
  3. Deposit this coin in your wallet and imagine doubling, tripling and much more!
  4. The following year, in 2023, you do the same sympathy at the turn and leave the old coin in a church or donate it to someone in need.

New Year’s Spells to Get a Job and Attract More Money in 2022

Well, jobs make money. So if you are experiencing difficulties due to lack of a job, this sympathy can help you.

  1. At the turn of the year, when it’s midnight, go up with your right foot to a higher place (it can be a chair, stairs, etc.);
  2. As you climb, mentalize what you want. Imagine yourself working and having a much better life financially;
  3. If you are Catholic, finish by praying an Our Father or say any other prayer you wish to thank God for the blessings to come.

What can’t you do on New Year’s Eve?

According to popular belief, poultry meat should not be eaten on December 31, as they scratch backwards. Therefore, your life instead of going forward, will have a setback. So, instead, fish and pork are always placed, which always go forward and never go backwards.

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