Home » Dreams & Meanings » Moon in Capricorn in the birth chart: meaning, love, work and more!

Moon in Capricorn in the birth chart: meaning, love, work and more!

The most serious and prudent people of the zodiac have the Moon in Capricorn. Those with this position on the chart have a mature temperament. It may seem cold and strict, but there is a lot of love behind all that severity.

In general, this native carries a good reason along with the reproaches and restrictions he imposes, he does not succumb to the passing pleasures that arise and he knows how to maintain the limits in which he has imposed himself. He needs rules, structure and a clear purpose in what he wants him to do. He doesn’t have much patience for unfinished business and has a pure heart.

Persistence, serenity, invulnerability, a vocation to give solid advice and the ability to overcome difficult situations in relationships are notable virtues in these people. On the other hand, having Moon in Capricorn also means being less judgmental and being more flexible and subtle.

To understand everything about this position, read our article and check out the details of the Moon in Capricorn!

Universally speaking, the Moon symbolizes femininity, forgiveness, fertility and renewal. It expresses instinct, emotions and the beginning of life. In Astrology, it portrays our feelings and memories, safeguarding emotional security and care, both personally and with others.

Basically, it represents our way of loving. In a brief comparison, while the Sun represents masculinity and reason, the Moon represents femininity and emotion.

It is synonymous with hospitality. Understanding how the Moon affects us and how it influences our Astral Map is essential for us to know what makes us confident. Also, she can make us understand what excites us and how we deal with our past and feelings. Check it all out below!

In Greek Mythology, the Moon was known as Selene and illuminated the darkness left by the Sun, whenever it withdrew, giving new possibilities to the planet and to all who inhabited it.

The Lunar phases allowed her to visit Earth eight times a month, and as she traversed the heavens, Selene lit up the night with the silver light of her chariot, carried by two snow-white horses.

Daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Theia, sister of Helium and Eos, she had a natural divinity, being revered and respected as much as the Sun. Despite this, unlike other gods, Selene did not have a temple dedicated to her, as she could be seen and worshiped anywhere.

Even though she was a deity associated with the Moon, along with Artemis and Hecate, only Selene was considered her incarnation and personification, as we know it today.

The Moon, in astrology, governs the sign of Cancer and symbolizes our personal and unconscious needs. If, on the one hand, the Sun acts, on the other hand, the Moon reacts; while the first is rational, the second is emotional. The Moon represents our inner child and is related to feminine energy. It is reactive, receptive and reflexive, or, in other words, it represents our spontaneous and instinctive reactions.

In our birth chart, the Moon shows how we protect ourselves and how we feel safe or comfortable. Generally speaking, our behaviors and opinions are governed by it.

We can also think of the Moon as the one that cheers us up. It governs our movements and our energy. He is the one who intercedes in the relationship between the inner and outer worlds.

The most notable characteristics of the Capricorn sign are patience, dedication, ambition, persistence and determination. Capricorns are perceptive and traditional, in general, they value money, status and a good social position.

In addition, the Capricorn sign is very responsible, organized and methodical, so he does not accept that others act recklessly and admires those who prove to be prudent.

Those born between December 22nd and January 20th value security and stability, so they only take risks when they are certain that their plans will be fulfilled.

Capricorns are perfectionists, committed and make the most of their projects, so they like to be recognized and praised for their actions.

In love, they are hard to donate, but that doesn’t mean they are insensitive. In fact, when they feel secure and reciprocated, they are extremely faithful and reliable. However, they are quite discreet and rarely express their feelings in public.

One of the greatest characteristics of the Moon in Capricorn is stability. People with the Moon in Capricorn are secure and are not easily shaken by difficulties.

Although it is difficult to express their feelings, these individuals are very loving and loyal. In addition, solidarity and stability with friends are also notable characteristics in people who have the Moon in this sign.

They are strong-willed, so they can work long hours to achieve their goals. Their innate ambition and sense of responsibility make them extremely successful.

The Moon in Capricorn structures their career, family and retirement to live in a way that will help them have a comfortable life in the future. This makes them incredibly stable people and one of the most reliable signs in the zodiac.

Negatively, having the Moon in Capricorn is synonymous with stress and stubbornness. People in this position tend to take on too many responsibilities at the same time, which leaves them completely exhausted.

Also, they are so determined to keep everything under control and reduce the chaos in their lives that they end up missing out on the fun. They are generally insecure and, in order to feel comfortable and important, they need to feel valued by others. That is why they are obliged to be productive at all times.

They are considered rational, practical people and think they know what’s best for them and those around them. The only problem with their efficiency is that when something gets out of their control they are not very adaptable.

Capricorns are people born between December 22nd and January 20th. These individuals, along with Taurus and Virgo, belong to the Earth element.

The earth element is practical, self-confident, ambitious and extremely firm and rigid about its principles. Due to his directness, he is often considered insensitive, however, he is surprisingly emotional.

They are usually judged as antisocial, which is not entirely true. The fact is that they are only sociable with those they believe deserve their attention.

This element values ​​measurable, tangible goals and has a very realistic perspective on life, so they hate drama and take it one step at a time.

The Moon in Capricorn is located under the power of the ruling planet Saturn, whose main characteristics are wisdom, seriousness, perseverance, commitment and organizational capacity.

Ruled by hard-working Saturn, the Moon in Capricorn is constantly pushing itself with various tasks. She tends to take on too much responsibility for herself, making it difficult for her to relax.

When the ruler Saturn takes a good position in the chart, the person tends to be thrifty, hardworking, reliable, stable, patient and focused. Saturn is also a rigorously fair planet. It is conservative, realistic and directly affects the ambitions and various life choices of the individual.

When the Moon moves into the conservative sign of Capricorn in the Birth Chart, people tend to be a little more cautious, serious and realistic than usual.

Capricorn is focused on contacts and business. Rather than worrying about short-term satisfaction, this sign will be more inclined to focus on their long-term goals, ensuring comfort, security and financial stability.

People with the Moon in Capricorn have great attention and care for professional success. Another positive aspect of having this position is that this sign also guarantees an extra dose of determination to achieve goals.

Being a born leader, Capricorn can lead a large project at work in an exquisite and admirable way, aiming for increasingly influential positions. Check out the details about the personality of these natives below!

Although Capricorns can be withdrawn, the Moon in Capricorn allows them to have some moments of relaxation and spontaneity. They are well-balanced individuals, but they also want to be revered and respected for each accomplishment, and so they put themselves under a lot of pressure.

People with the Moon in Capricorn can be overly practical. That way, they will hardly be caught fantasizing. They are always thinking about how their knowledge and skills can be applied in real situations.

Those in this position enjoy stability and live in an orderly reality, using their time and resources wisely. Although very intelligent, he doesn’t spend a lot of time ruminating on ideas. The Moon in Capricorn tends to take life seriously, as it values ​​tangible results and achieving them.

The Moon in Capricorn shows a strong sense of reality. Having this position means having a greater desire to feel in control and to pursue more realistic goals.

These natives do not like to take risks, as this attitude can be a threat to them. People with the Moon in Capricorn are inclined to convey their emotions carefully and think that duty comes first. In addition, feeling productive is also very important to them.

Another highlight is the intense desire for respect. Generally, these people need to feel recognized and noticed for their accomplishments, to feel more secure. They can be very spiteful and sentimental, but they rarely show their emotions, due to the fear that this type of display could be confused with fragility.

The social life of someone with the Moon in Capricorn is discreet and reserved only for encounters with very close people. However, when a relationship is formed, this individual will prove to be very loyal and generous.

Building a romantic relationship is something that should be taken seriously, as the person with this birth chart position will find some resistance to trusting someone in the long term. For her, a loving union should be prudently established.

Power, reputation and status are very important. His career is his priority, it’s no wonder that Capricorn is one of the hardest working signs of the zodiac. These people tend to go in the direction of those who are as serious as they are, which leads them to build a network of highly qualified and professionally accomplished friends.

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