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Money-in-bunch: benefits, how to care, sympathies and more!

One of the most beloved plants when it comes to attracting prosperity to the home, the Money-in-bunch can be a good ally to include a green corner at home or to add to your collection. It is a perennial shrub, which looks very good in pending vases and in full sun it can become reddish or purplish.

Also known as Tostão, this plant lives up to the names by which it is popularly known, as it has the power to attract prosperity, success and luck when used to set the home or work. In addition, it composes very well with other plants and is very easy to care for and propagate.

In this article we will learn a little more about Dinheiro-em-penca, its characteristics, uses for Feng Shui and in sympathies, as well as obtaining care and cultivation tips. Check out!

Dinheiro-em-penca is a plant much appreciated by decorators and also by Feng Shui practitioners, as in addition to being able to set up places with all kinds of lighting, it has numerous benefits, just one of them being the promotion of prosperity.

Below we will see the characteristics of this plant, its origin and scientific name and its uses in Feng Shui. Read!

Popularly known as Dinheiro-em-penca or Tostão, with the scientific name Callisia repens, it belongs to the Commelinaceae family, of which Lambari Roxo and Erva-de-santa-luzia stand out.

It is native to Mexico and very common in Central and South America. With a tropical and subtropical climate, in some places it has become an invasive plant, such as in South Africa, China and Cuba, and it is considered a weed in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

Dinheiro-em-bunch is a small, low-growing evergreen shrub, with small, semi-succulent and oval leaves, light green on top and purple or reddish below. It can reach a height of 5 cm to 15 cm.

It is fast growing and multiplies easily as it takes root at each node. It may have color variations, and may have leaves mixed between green and pink. It blooms only under ideal soil and lighting conditions, usually in summer, its flowers are white and small.

Because it is a plant with very good adaptability, it supports environments with different lighting, from full sun to shade. Therefore, it is a good choice for both indoor and outdoor areas. However, direct summer sun on the plant can dry out the leaves and burn them.

Also, they do well in pots of all sizes, as their roots are small and don’t need a lot of space. They spread in larger pots and compete with other plants, which can suffocate them. The ideal is a vase just for her, they look especially beautiful in kokedamas and pending vases.

The symbolism of Money-in-Pack for Feng Shui is highly auspicious, as its format that resembles coins and accelerated growth symbolizes money growing quickly. Therefore, it is a good choice to activate the work and prosperity area of ​​the bagua.

In addition, its benefits of neutralizing negative energies and purifying the air in the environment transform the vibration of the place into something positive, transmitting luck, prosperity and success.

A plant with several benefits, Dinheiro-em-penca not only stands out for boosting prosperity for environments, but also promotes air purification, improvement in humidity and temperature, as well as favoring the health of the body and mind . Below we will see some of the many benefits that this plant can bring to places and people. Look!

Because it is easy to adapt and requires little maintenance, Dinheiro-em-penca is widely used as grounding in landscaping projects, as it is very resistant and has a resistant covering, in addition to having delicate and thin leaves. Adapts to various styles of gardens, especially suitable for planting between stones and in humid places.

Still, they look very beautiful in hanging gardens, vases and hanging baskets, where it squanders its exuberance with its beautiful green curls with hanging branches, purple or red color and dense and full appearance.

In addition to attracting prosperity, the Money-in-penca can benefit the health of the body and mind. This plant is able to absorb pollutants from the air, purifying it. Furthermore, it acts as a neutralizing shield against electromagnetic radiation, protecting people who transit in the environment in which it is located.

Only those who have a little plant know how therapeutic it is to take care of them, prune, water and move the earth. These factors can help to de-stress and control anxiety, promoting mental health.

A pot of Money-in-a-Bunch at home helps in improving the quality of the air, as it absorbs and purifies pollutants and toxic gases. It is proven by NASA that plants help purify the air, maintaining a healthy environment for people who live or circulate.

The Money-in-bunch absorbs carbon dioxide from the environment – which is harmful for us – during photosynthesis, and releases oxygen and water in the process. Therefore, an environment with one or more plants, in addition to creating an energized and comfortable place, is a great way to keep the air healthy.

Plants are great allies for improving the humidity and temperature of the environment, since they act by creating microclimates indoors. One of the first to be listed for this purpose, Dinheiro-em-penca, is ideal for creating a comfortable, beautiful and healthy environment, as it improves breathing for those who live in the environment and mitigates high temperatures.

During photosynthesis, oxygen and water are released, while carbon dioxide is absorbed. Due to this exchange, Dinheiro-em-penca is acting as an air humidifier all the time, which makes the place maintain a pleasant humidity and temperature.

During photosynthesis, plants absorb electromagnetic radiation from photosynthetic pigments and return them as oxygen and water. This process allows plants such as Dinheiro-em-penca to become shields against radiation from computers, televisions, cell phones, microwaves, among others.

When people are exposed to electromagnetic radiation frequently, the emergence or aggravation of diseases may be favored, and may even be related to serious diseases such as cancer. One or more plants can neutralize these radiations and help maintain health.

Plants are perfect for creating comfortable, smooth environments full of good energy. In addition, they can contribute to the improvement of several factors, such as mood. Studies carried out at the University of Sydney indicate that, in an office, stress levels among survey participants dropped by 40%, as did the number of sick leave.

A place with several plants gives the feeling of being in nature, which promotes relaxation and the centering of energies, contributing to the fight against anxiety, stress and depression. Bet on a vase with Money-in-hand to restore the good mood and balance of emotions and feelings.

There are many benefits that Dinheiro-em-penca can provide, and one of the most acclaimed is its energy transmutation power, which provides a harmonized, balanced place full of good vibes. Plants manage to neutralize bad energies, replacing them with good ones.

It is because of this energy transformation that Dinheiro-em-penca is so valued, as it begins at this point to attract prosperity. After all, for the good energies to flow, the bad ones need to be far away – something that a vase of this plant inside or outside the house provides.

Despite not demanding much care and maintenance, Dinheiro-em-penca requires some points to be observed so that it remains healthy and beautiful – such as choosing the ideal place for it to grow and receive the necessary amount of light, the use of the correct fertilizer , between others.

Next we will see cultivation and care tips to keep your little plant healthy to keep all its numerous attributes high. Read on!

Because it is a small plant with superficial roots, Dinheiro-em-penca adapts to any size vase, spreading and filling large vases or hanging in small to medium vases. They look exceptionally beautiful in kokedamas and hanging coconut fiber baskets.

The ideal is vases with good drainage, with holes and stones to ensure that the plant does not get soaked. It also does well planted directly in the ground if you have a garden. However, it spreads and can end up suffocating other plants, in addition to not tolerating full sun and frost.

The Money-in-bunch does not tolerate very cold climates, so leaving it in a place where the air conditioning is constantly on can harm the health of your plant. If you have the habit of always keeping the air on, look for a place near the windows to leave your plant or prefer to keep it outdoors.

If kept outdoors, the plant needs to be taken care of during the winter, as it cannot withstand frost or very intense cold. On the most severe winter days, collect the Money-in-bunch.

The Dinheiro-em-penca adapts to different climates, however it prefers the mildest climate – not too hot, not too cold. It tolerates direct sunlight for a few hours, when its leaves begin to show a more intense purplish color.

However, its favorite is half shade, little time of sun per day, otherwise it starts to dry. In the shade it develops less, acquiring a lighter shade of green and losing its density. The right thing is to leave it near the window, if you are in an internal environment.

To maintain its lushness and density, it is important to periodically fertilize your Money-in-Bunch plant. The land indicated for planting is the substrate rich in organic material. If you want to prepare the land, it is recommended to opt for organic compost or earthworm humus.

The maintenance of this plant is simple, and it can be fertilized every three months with Bokashi – organic fertilizer – or the NPK 10-10-10 fertilizer, rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium: in the measure of a tablespoon for every 5 kilos of Earth.

The Money-in-Bunch plant is not…

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