Promise rings are, for some, a big step in commitment before the relationship becomes an engagement.

They are available in a variety of designs and are generally much cheaper than engagement or wedding rings.

Therefore, today we have gathered a wealth of information about the main types of dating alliances and some important concepts. In this post you will see:

What does a commitment ring mean?

A promise ring signifies a level of relationship that is just below engagement. By giving or accepting the rings, you are saying that marriage is in the future for you, eventually.

However, there is no timeline or wedding (or engagement) date to think about.

It’s just the understanding that both are in a long-term relationship and want to spend their lives together.

It’s a way for a couple to make sure they’re on the same page before a proposal, which is especially great if the proposal is public!

A promise ring is not mandatorya conversation would be enough, but it is a common gesture that some couples prefer to make.

See too: Everything you need to know about the engagement ring!

What is the difference between promise rings and dating rings?

Commitment rings are essentially the same as dating rings. After all, both represent a serious commitment to each other.

You know you are destined for each other, but engagement and marriage are not in the plans for you at the moment, for one reason or another.

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Commitment alliance models: choosing the ideal one

Today, the market offers numerous types of alliances. But what should you take into account when choosing between so many engagement ring models? Check out our tips:

Consider the couple’s taste: You have different tastes and personalities, but the feeling that unites you is one. The important thing is that the rings have this unity, that is, a striking element in common. Silver models, in addition to following tradition, have this characteristic unity of the metal;
Take width and thickness into account: other factors that can bring this idea of ​​unity to alliances are the width and thickness of the alliance. Will they be thin, thick, wide or narrow? If you usually wear rings, notice what most of them tend to look like. Also talk to your spouse to reach a consensus;
Value for comfort: You will wear your rings all the time, so they need to be comfortable. Today, the market offers anatomical engagement ring models, which have a slightly rounded internal diameter. As a result, the jewelry does not pinch your fingers or cause discomfort over time;
Choose by finish: wedding rings can be polished (shiny, more traditional) or brushed (matte). If you change your mind, you can change the finish of the rings through the polishing or matting processes;
Pay attention to daily tasks: If you do a lot of manual tasks, especially heavier work, there’s no point in choosing a model full of stones. The accessory will wear out much faster. Therefore, opt for a promise ring that suits your everyday life.

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Below, we have separated some types of dating rings that tend to be more common among couples, check them out:

1. Wedding ring with gold thread;

2. With a hollow heart;

3. Ring with black rhodium;

4. With ring;

5. Sophisticated design;

6. Minimalists;

7. And polished with external engraving;

These are some of the main models of engagement rings that most couples like to give to each other! Here at you will find all these models and other models perfect for you and your loved one!

If you’ve come this far, it’s because you’re looking for a ring for the person you love, right? So, take the opportunity to learn how to find out your ring size!