Home » Dreams & Meanings » Pisces Astral Hell: understand the most feared period of the sign!

Pisces Astral Hell: understand the most feared period of the sign!

The Astral Hell of Pisces is a period of introspection and facing difficulties for the natives of this sign, who face their biggest personal obstacles. In this way, dense energy intensifies the characteristics of victimism, pessimism and tendency to depression, which are the dark aspects of this sign.

Thus, during the Astral Hell, it is very important for Pisces to keep in mind that they are facing a passing and necessary moment and that they try to act with patience and optimism. Furthermore, this is a great opportunity to work on the qualities of the opposite sign, Aquarius, whose strong points are rationality, practicality and the ability to face challenges in a detached way.

Continue reading to learn about the main aspects of Hell and Astral Paradise for Pisces!

The solar year occurs with the passage of the sun through all the houses of the Astral Map and, at the end of a year, it returns to the sign of which it is native, when the birthday is celebrated.

The last 30 days of this cycle, however, are called Astral Hell, as it is there that you feel the most charged energies. It is when the sun is passing through the houses that pose the most difficult issues for many people.

Thus, during this period, it is common to notice mood swings, as the natives are dealing with dark parts of the unconscious and facing personal and energetic obstacles, in addition to being tired of the course of the cycle, which is about to be reborn.

Below are the most important aspects of the Astral Hell, such as the period it comprises and its influence on the signs. Check out!

The Astral Hell occurs in the 30 days prior to the date of an individual’s birthday, so that the cycle restarts exactly on that day, thus ending the period of the Astral Hell concomitantly.

Thus, assuming someone with the sign of Pisces has a birthday on March 4th, the beginning of the Astral Hell period will be on February 4th and will end on March 3rd.

The Astral Inferno represents a moment of finalizations and reassessments. For this reason, it usually reveals a nuisance in the person who is going through this period.

In relation to the signs, the Astral Hell brings the opportunity for the individual to question his greatest difficulties and rethink his position in what is strongest for him. This analysis is essential, but it always means discomfort.

The Astral Hell comprises the 30-day period that precedes the entry of the sun into the native sign. It is called that because it is a period of charged energies. Not only because it represents the end of the solar cycle, but because it is the last chance to resolve outstanding issues.

Thus, the feeling of tiredness and powerlessness during this period is common. In addition, spiritual issues, emotional issues and personal difficulties such as self-confidence are exacerbated, making it a complicated processing period.

The Astral Paradise is the period of the year when the sun is in the 5th house, which is the house of achievements, love relationships and good vibes.

Thus, during this period of time in the year, it becomes more conducive to experience moments of happiness and prosperity, including love. In addition, it is also with the natives of the sign where your 5th house is that you have the best chances of relating.

In the case of the Pisces sign, the Astral Hell period can bring about substantial changes in your personality. The natives, who are already extremely susceptible to emotions, come into deep contact with the dark part, which, despite being very strong, they tend to reject.

For this reason, Pisces is one of the signs that should be more careful with the Astral Hell period, because, due to the pessimistic and victimizing tendency of its natives, they may have difficulties in seeing this phase as just one period and sinking into it.

Continue reading to understand the main influences of the Pisces Astral Hell, such as the characteristics and lack of control of this period!

Pisceans can be extremely cheerful, as they are very excited about life at its core. However, on the dark side, there is the possibility of victimism, sadness and a tendency to depression, precisely when they cannot see this lightness, as they suffer too much from worldly problems.

Therefore, it is precisely in the period of the Astral Hell that these characteristics are most exalted, being even a little dangerous for the balance of Pisceans, who tend to surrender to the lowest energies.

The Astral Hell comprises the period of 30 days before the birthday and, therefore, varies from person to person, due to their date of birth. However, in general, the date of the Astral Hell of Pisces is from January 21st to February 19th, which comprises precisely the period in which the sun is in the sign of Aquarius, prior to that of Pisces.

Pisces is already, by definition, a sign given over to emotions and energies, as it is the most connected with the spiritual world of the entire zodiac.

Thus, during the period of the Astral Hell, as the energies are denser, the Piscean begins to feel feelings more intensely, especially the darkest ones. There is likely to be a feeling of lack of control and total surrender to these energies that almost paralyzes you.

Because the Astral Inferno occurs in the 30 days before the sun enters the house of the sign, in the case of Pisces, this moment comprises the period in which the sun is in Aquarius. Therefore, the characteristics of this sign are those that most influence the difficulties of Pisceans that intensify in this phase.

Thus, this being a moment of reflection for the Piscean, it is precisely the characteristics of Aquarius that stand out the most and those that the nature of Pisces most rejects. Below are some of the main characteristics of Pisces that intensify during the Astral Hell period. Follow!

The Pisces sign brings with it a very great purity, which is happy with the little things in life, but which is also greatly affected by the smallest difficulties.

Thus, during the period of the Astral Hell, there is a strong tendency to depression, as this pessimism and victimism, which are inherent to it, intensifies. Combined with the dense energies of this period, care must be taken so that the Piscean does not give in and really go through difficult times.

Being a water sign and probably the most sensitive of the zodiac, Pisceans don’t hide their emotions and end up being quite tearful.

Thus, in the period of the Astral Hell, this characteristic is also intensified, as issues that are difficult to face are highlighted, which makes the natives even more sensitive and prone to cry.

Pisceans can be capricious and do not hesitate to show their dissatisfaction when something is not to their liking. This is because they understand that they see life in the purest way and with the heart. Therefore, they have the right to demand things their own way.

Thus, in the Astral Hell, this characteristic is also exalted and they reveal themselves to be true complainers, even lacking compassion to a certain extent, with the intention of making situations happen in their own way.

Victimism, pessimism and escapism, which are very strong in natives of the Pisces sign, make this sign more susceptible to addictions.

In this way, alcohol, drugs, food and other immediate pleasures serve as escape valves for these people, who do not like to face problems head on. Therefore, it is necessary to redouble the care in the period of the Astral Inferno, in which the energies are heavier and the Pisces desire to flee increases even more.

The energy of the sign of Aquarius in the Astral Hell of Pisces, in addition to bothering Pisceans, appears to show the path of balance. Thus, it is by paying attention to the qualities of this sign that Pisceans acquire more awareness to face their personal obstacles.

Thus, intellectuality, rationality, practicality, freedom and friendships, which are positive points of Aquarius, are characteristics that must be worked on in the Astral Hell of Pisces. This must be done as a way to overcome these dense energies, which are the weaknesses of the sign, such as exaggerated emotions and idealism, victimism and pessimism.

Aquarius and Pisces are opposite signs, as they greatly appreciate what the other rejects. Thus, Aquarius, as an air sign, values ​​its freedom, values ​​practical decisions a lot and likes to make friends, but it is difficult to get deeply involved.

Pisces, on the other hand, highly values ​​emotions, deep relationships and rarely acts with reason and not with the heart. Thus, a love relationship can be very difficult and generate resentment in Pisces, who will feel that Aquarius is always distant. However, if both know how to appreciate the partner and act with parsimony, it can be a constructive relationship.

The Astral Paradise of Pisces occurs when the sun is in the sign of Cancer, that is, the 5th house of Pisces. Thus, it is under the influences of the sign of Cancer that Pisces feel love, prosperity and good vibes more fully.

Cancer gives Pisces the space to live out their emotions the way they’d like. This sign strives for relationships and the depth of emotions in a way that Pisces cannot, because they are overly compassionate.

Below are some fundamental aspects of this phenomenon, such as the characteristics of Pisceans in the Astral Paradise, the specific dates and a suggestion on how to make the most of this period. Check out!

The sign of Pisces considers emotions and the experience of affectivity to be the most important in existence. The native even finds it difficult to deal with the practical issues of life, because he likes to live with his heart too much.

Thus, during the period of the Astral Paradise Pisces is finally free to live love in the full and pure way, as they would like. For this reason, in this period, Pisceans act with more joy than usual, feeling satisfied, at peace and with faith in life.

The Astral Paradise of the sign of Pisces occurs when the sun is in Cancer, which happens on the 22nd of…

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