This word has gained prominence and helps in more respectful and compassionate social interactions. A message of empathy It’s a way to stimulate the skill and talk about its importance for relationships. We selected 55 options, which can be used for personal reading and for sharing on social networks!
What is empathizing phrases?
Empathy is the ability to feel what another person would feel if they were in the same situation as them. It involves three components: affective, cognitive and emotion regulators. How about getting inspired by our list of message of empathy:
1 – “Being empathetic is seeing the world through the eyes of another and not seeing our world reflected in theirs.” (Carl Rogers)
2 – Empathy is the invisible bond that unites us. ⭐
3 – Empathy is understanding feelings and perspectives and using this understanding to create actions.
4 – Empathy means feeling the happiness and pain of others.
5 – Empathy is sprouting in a chest that is not yours.
6 – Empathy: the art of putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. ❤️
7 – Empathy is about not judging the pain of others.
8 – Empathy is revolutionary.
9 – Empathy is understanding that everyone sees life and reacts differently.
10 – Empathy is being flexible.
11 – Empathy is the meeting of emotions forming a link of understanding. ⭐
12 – The world would be a better place if people asked themselves more often: what if it were me?
13 – Having empathy is finding echoes of others within yourself.
14 – Empathy is the meeting of emotions forming a link of understanding. Your pain is my pain.
15 – The highest form of knowledge is empathy.
16 – Empathy is when you respect and welcome the pain of others.
17 – “It is not enough to know how to read that ‘Eve saw the grape’. It is necessary to understand what position Eva occupies in her social context, who works to produce the grapes and who profits from this work.” (Paulo Freire)
18 – “I attach enormous value to the fact that I can allow myself to understand another person.” (Carl Rogers)
19 – “To understand people I must try to listen to what they are not saying, what they may never say.” (Sir John Enoch Powell)
20 – Empathy is when you leave selfishness aside, focus on your navel and feel what your neighbor is feeling. ❤️
21 – “The greatest expression of empathy is being understanding with someone we don’t like.” (Mark W. Baker)
Empathy phrases for status
22 – “When our heart is filled with empathy, a strong desire to eliminate the suffering of others arises within us.” (Matthew Quick)
23 – It costs nothing to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. ⭐
24 – The opposite of anger is not calm. It’s empathy.
25 – The world needs more empathy.
26 – More empathy and love, please.
27 – Empathy will still change the world.
28 – Sincerity without empathy is just cruelty.
29 – The pain of others deserves your respect.
30 – The opposite of hate is not love, it is empathy. ❤️
31 – “Whenever you want to criticize someone, remember that not everyone has had the same opportunities as you.” (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
32 – If the pain is not yours, don’t call it drama.
33 – Empathy: to use whenever you need it.
34 – The hardest thing in the world is to be aware of someone else’s pain.
35 – Empathy is a human ability like any other. The more you practice, the better you will get.
36 – Empathy is the gateway; compassion is the way. ⭐
37 – Empathy makes you leave your own bubble and enter other people’s bubbles.
38 – “No joy is comparable to seeing a great soul open up to us.” (Goethe)
39 – “Understanding that there are other points of view is the beginning of wisdom.” (Campbell)
Empathy message for WhatsApp
40 – “Cultivating positive mental states such as generosity and compassion definitely leads to better mental health and happiness.” (Dalai Lama)
41 – Always be kind, we never know what the other is going through. ⭐
42 – You will only be able to understand people if you can feel like them.
43 – Let empathy become routine.
44 – “Not even pain itself weighs as much as the pain we feel with someone, for someone, a pain intensified by the imagination and prolonged by a hundred echoes.” (Milan Kundera)
45 – “Peace, love and empathy!” (Kurt Cobain) ❤️
46 – I believe that empathy is the most essential quality of civilization.
47 – When someone else’s pain doesn’t affect you, you’re the one who needs help.
48 – “If you cannot understand my silence, words will be of no use, because it is in the silence of my words that all my greatest feelings lie.” (Oscar Wilde)
49 – Before saying anything, put yourself in the shoes of the person who will listen. ⭐
50 – “We must learn to consider people less in light of what they do or fail to do, and more in light of what they suffer.” (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)
51 – “When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.” (Ernest Hemingway)
52 – “Empathy grows as we learn.” (Alice Miller)
53 – “The greatest gift of human beings is that we have the power of empathy, we can all feel a mysterious connection with each other.” (Meryl Streep) ❤️
54 – The most difficult address in the world: someone else’s place.
55 – A kind word can change someone’s entire day.
Read more: phrases by Paulo Coelho It is phrases by Cora Coralina.
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