The macadamia nut is the fruit of a tree (Macadamia integrifolia) which originates from Australia and is currently grown primarily in Hawaii, California, Florida, Central America, Brazil, Indonesia and East Africa.
It’s about a spherical dried fruit, creamy white, which has a hard, smooth brown shell, which in turn is inside a green shell.
To break the hard shell need a hammer or strong tongs for nuts.
Due to its taste, its texture and the low production of the trees, it is one of the most appreciated and expensive nuts.
Macadamia nuts properties
It is one of the nuts richest in fat (they represent 75 to 80% of its weight and 80% of the caloric value). These fats are healthy. since the dominant fatty acids are monounsaturated, as in olive oil or avocado.
The proportion of protein is around 8%, so it is a good protein supplement, especially in vegetarian diets.
They are an excellent source of group B vitamins, especially niacin and thiamine (a 30 g serving provides 23% of the daily requirement for this essential vitamin for the nervous system and for cellular metabolism. It also provides an appreciable dose of vitamin E in the form of alpha-tocopherol.
just one serving provides 58 percent of your manganese needs and 23 percent of the recommended daily value for thiamine.
As for the minerals, highlights the presence of manganese (you find 58% of the daily needs in 30 g of macadamia nuts) and contains very little sodium.
Macadamia Nuts Health Benefits
Due to its abundance of monounsaturated fatty acids, it is a suitable food for prevent cardiovascular diseases. Its composition of fatty acids, which are accompanied by fiber, favors the reduction of blood cholesterol levels.
The macadamia nut is an energy food, especially suitable for athletes and people who perform intense physical exercise. It is also suitable for children and adolescents.
It also has phenolic compounds such as catechol and pyrogallol with antioxidant properties that help prevent diseases related to aging.
macadamia nut does not contain gluten and can be consumed by people with celiac disease or allergies to gluten.
Macadamia nuts in the kitchen
can be consumed raw, fried or cooked in cakes, crackers, cookies, pastries, chocolates, candies and ice creams. You can also make salty preparations.
It has a flavor with notes of toasted walnuts and coconut, but stands out above all for its buttery and smooth texture. For this reason, it is optimal for making vegan pates or cheeses.
Can grind to make flour which is added to cereals to enrich the final product with fats and proteins. It can also be used to prepare muffins, cakes, sauces and ice cream.