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Low blood pressure: what to take every day to feel better

One of the symptoms of arterial hypertension is a headache, especially at night and in the cervical area. Instead, the dizziness may indicate low blood pressure or hypotension. Headache, weakness, nausea or even fainting can also be caused by low blood pressure, a health situation that is less talked about than hypertension, but which also affects many people.

What is hypotension?

The normal blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg (millimeters of mercury) while at rest. The first number is the systolic pressure, when the heart is pumping blood, and the second value is the diastolic pressure, when the heart is between two beats, that is, when it is not pumping. Be below 90/60 is considered arterial hypotension. It is enough that only one of the two values ​​is very low to cause symptoms.

It may happen that what for one person is low blood pressure, for another it is not, since he has no symptoms. In general, athletes, those who maintain a correct weight, do not smoke and eat healthily, have a tendency to low blood pressure levels that it does not cause symptoms and that, even, the protects against heart attacks and aging.

Types of hypotension and what causes them

Low blood pressure may be due to a personal tendency or appear for various reasons.

The orthostatic hypotension occurs when getting up from bed or getting up from a chair. It produces dizziness and we need to lean on something to avoid falling. This occurs because the body has lost the ability to regulate blood pressure when getting up and, as a consequence, not enough blood reaches the brain for a few seconds. Sometimes it can cause fainting. It is common for the pregnant women, people with heart problems or diabetics. It is also more frequent very hot days.The primary hypotension is the one whose causes are unknown. It is frequent in slim young women or in people who have a sedentary life. Depending on whether suffering from this low blood pressure gives them symptoms or not, it is necessary to act with food, physical activity, etc. secondary hypotension It is associated with other underlying causes. They may be cardiac or endocrine disorders (hypothyroidism), anemia, dehydration or consumption of medicines (diuretics, beta-blockers, antidepressants, antihistamines, etc.), for example. Two common causes are bacteria overgrowth Helicobacter pylori, although it does not give digestive discomfort. It is easy to find out if this is the case by testing for the pathogen. If it comes out positive, you have to put yourself in the hands of an integrative therapist. He excess histamine is another little-known cause. In this case, it is necessary to discover why there is excess histamine in the body and carry out a specific treatment so that our body recovers the ability to metabolize this substance correctly.

It should be noted that there is a relationship in both directions between the mood and blood pressure. If it is low, you may feel sad or listless. And if you get bad news or panic, the tension can drop. Taking care of stress is also a way to take care of yourself emotionally.

Foods to raise blood pressure

To take correct complementary dietary measures, it is always necessary know the cause of hypotension, for which a medical diagnosis is necessary. In the event that it is a primary hypotensionassociated with a certain weakness and sedentary lifestyle, we can introduce some changes in diet and lifestyle.

mineralized water. In some people, drinking water with low mineralization can favor the loss of mineral salts and hypotension. It can be tested if the pressure increases by drinking medium or strong mineralization waters (more than 500 mg of dry residue per litre). Many people increase their blood pressure by taking a shot of sea water in the morning on an empty stomach. In addition, it improves intestinal transit.A lot of vegetables. It helps to take plenty raw and cooked vegetables, fruits and brothsand avoid drinks or infusions with a diuretic effectsuch as coconut water or infusions of horsetail, dandelion and nettle.

Iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid. Deficiency of these nutrients can lead to hypotension because red blood cell production is reduced and, consequently, the supply of oxygen to the tissues. The body responds by lowering blood pressure to maximize the chance of oxygen reaching the cells. Iron-rich plant foods They are legumes, raspberries, spinach, pistachios, millet, quinoa or broccoli. The main sources of b12 vitamin are meat, fish and dairy, so the people who follow a plant diet should take a supplement (for example, a weekly dose of 2,000 mcg). For his part, he folic acid it is found in abundance in vegetables, oranges and legumes, among other foods.Ginger. This root has endless properties, including that of stimulate blood circulation and blood pressure. It can be grated and squeezed to get its juice, which can be added to the vinaigrette. A very convenient way to use it is as an infusion of a few thin slices, combined with licorice.Algae. Are rich in minerals and we can use them in broths, legume stews (kombu), creams (wakame flakes), salads (dulse) or homemade vegetable shushis (nori). They are always consumed in small amounts, but they must be avoided if we take thyroid medication or if we have hyperthyroidism.

Natural remedies to raise blood pressure

In addition to food, you can resort to these remedies to increase blood pressure:

He rosemary essential oil helps increase blood pressure. You can put a drop in the palm of your hand, rub it and inhale three times with the hands cupped near the nose. You can too use an oil diffuser in the space where you spend the most time. licorice contains glycyrrhizin, a substance that can increase blood pressure. It is easy to use on a daily basis in the form of infusion and has a protective effect on the stomach mucosa. You can take a glass a day in the morning. coffee It can also be an ally to raise blood pressure, as long as it is not due to excess histamine. An adequate dose can be a cup a day, naturally roasted and not roasted. Too much is irritating.Ginseng: studies indicate that it has a slightly hypertensive effect. can be taken from 200 to 400 mg daily of capsule extractfor no more than two months.

Weekly menu: dishes to raise the mood and the pressure

Increase the presence of fluids and some ingredients with slightly hypertensive properties it may be enough to get a push. You will find them in the weekly diet for hypotension that we propose:

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