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Long hair in no time with these 3 essential oils

if you act on time you can avoid irreversible hair loss. For this you do not need strange and miraculous formulas for hair growth, but the collaboration of natural substances that have proven their effectiveness over time.

Essential oils contain a high concentration of the most active substances in the plants. Due to their effects on the scalp, some are frequently found in the composition of natural shampoos. Let’s see what they are and their properties.

The most effective oils for strong and healthy hair

The oils that are most interesting for hair care are those with stimulant properties. Those that disinfect and clean are also recommended, and if they also give off a pleasant aroma, the better.

1. Peppermint Oil

A study carried out by universities in South Korea has proven that peppermint oil is more effective and safer than minoxidil to promote hair growth.

Minoxidil is the active ingredient found in pharmacy products against alopecia. It is relatively effective, but the effect wears off as soon as it is stopped and can cause side effects, such as weight gain.

In the mentioned study, we used mint oil diluted to 3%, that managed to increase the thickness of the scalp and the number of hair follicles. They also grew faster.

The properties of mint oil are explained by the menthol content, which dilates the fine blood vessels that supply the skin.

Better circulation of nutrients helps hair development.

2. Bergamot oil

A study carried out by pharmacologists from the University of Insubria in Varese (Italy) has verified that bergamot oil stimulates wound healing and collagen regeneration, which explains its positive effect on hair.

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3. Jojoba oil

This oil is obtained from the seeds of the plant Z. zizyphus. Dr. Jung In Yoon, from the Department of Biotechnology at Daegu University (China), has proven that when applied to shaved scalp promotes faster growth.

Other essential oils for hair

Other oils are also found in natural cosmetic products for hair, such as chamomile, rosemary or sage, among others.

Note that the effectiveness of one or the other may vary from person to person, so if one doesn’t work for you, you can try others.

How to use them safely

In aromatherapy they are used 100% pure essential oils.

In general, they are not applied directly to the skin because they can cause irritation and allergic reactions. And some can increase the skin’s sensitivity to solar radiation.

for all this it is necessary to dilute them in a carrier or base oil, such as sweet almond, coconut, sesame, grapeseed, avocado, or olive oils.

As a general rule, they are diluted 2 or 3 drops of essential oil in a tablespoon of base oil.

It is best to apply the oils before going to bed. To do this, the fingertips are dipped in the mixture of essential oil and base oil and a vigorous scalp massage is performed for 2-3 minutes.

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