Home » Amazing World » I want to be authentic, I want to be myself

I want to be authentic, I want to be myself

Being ourselves is much more difficult than it may seem.. We are continually conditioned by external factors and people around us that prevent us from being ourselves and showing our authentic side.

From a young age we are taught certain rules to live in society that, sometimes, restrict how we really are. This is not necessarily negative. It is normal that we need rules, but sometimes we transport them too far, to our own self. This is when we stop being authentic.

“We have to dare to be ourselves, no matter how terrifying and strange this ‘I’ may be.”

-May Sarton-

But why is it so difficult for us to be ourselves? The simple answer: fear. It’s ironic, but we are afraid to discover ourselves, to see how we really are

Give yourself permission to know yourself

In reality we know each other very little. Our pretend ‘self’ is the one we believe we really are, while keeping our true ‘self’ under layers. Of course it’s scary to discover what you really are! You have lived being as others have wanted you to be. Although you may not realize it, they have made you this way and changing is something that is scary, it is normal!

There are many people who continue to live in a lie of their own ‘self’, while those who are authentic are truly happy. Knowing, discovering and bringing out your authentic ‘self’ will make you feel in harmony with yourself. For the first time, you will notice the balance of your own being, everything will be fine. Do you know why you haven’t discovered your authentic self yet?

You are afraid to admit that you are not perfectYou try to camouflage your flaws and your weaknesses. Being vulnerable is not something pleasant for you.Mistakes are something that is difficult for you to accept your responsibility. You always want to please others. Being yourself will mean that many will look at you badly.

These are just some of the reasons why you refuse and try not to reveal your true self. The fear that everyone won’t start to please you, the fear of feeling weak in front of others, the fear of making mistakes.

It’s normal for you to feel these fears, but do you know what you’re missing? You will never be fully happy or comfortable with yourself if you continue to maintain your camouflaged authenticity..

“Being yourself in a world that constantly tries to transform you into something different is the greatest achievement”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson-

Drop your mask and be authentic!

It will be a difficult path, but when you manage to make the mask of your fake self fall, you will see that it is very difficult for you to go back. You must learn that everyone will never like you. and pretending to be someone you are not will cause a waste of energy that will constantly exhaust you.

Problems, frustrations will arise… all because you try to make everyone like you, but believe me that is impossible. It’s something normal, something you have to accept. Not everyone is going to like you, just as not everyone likes you. Are you afraid of making mistakes? And? Mistakes are something that allows us to move forwardwhich allows us to improve and learn something new every day.

Eliminate the idea that errors and mistakes are something we should be ashamed of, because nothing could be further from the truth. And what about your strengths and weaknesses? You don’t have to be ashamed of those things that are not your thing, in which because of who you are, you are weak.

Be yourself

What you should do is enhance everything that is your strength, while you assume your weaknesses as circumstances that are and will always be like this. What am i going to do! There is no one perfect.

“No one should believe themselves to be perfect, nor worry too much about the fact that they are not perfect.”

-Bertrand Russell-

Perfection is not found in perfection itself, but in imperfection. We are different and unique, and so we must accept ourselves. Don’t allow yourself to be someone that I am, because when you are yourself the world will be very different.

The more you are yourself, the happier you will be and the more you will attract people to you.. The false belief that if you are not what others want you to be, it pushes people away is a lie! Stop believing beliefs that are not true. Release your authentic self.

Images courtesy of Corinne Reignie, Brian McCarthy.

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