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How probiotics can improve your health and where to get them (spoiler: yogurt isn’t the only source)

The concept “probiotic” is attributed to the Russian Eli Metchnikoff. In his studies, he showed that Bulgarian peasants who consumed yogurt in general lived longer. In 1907, Metchnikoff suggested that it was possible to improve the intestinal flora and replace bad bacteria with good bacteria by consuming probiotic foods. Since then, different researches have shown that probiotics can positively influence various aspects of our health.

O awesome.club will introduce the idea of ​​probiotics here, explain how they can improve your health and show other unusual sources to obtain this substance.

What are probiotics?

Probiotics are live microorganisms that can be used to improve people’s health. Many microorganisms live naturally inside and outside our bodies. In fact, microorganisms in our bodies outnumber cells 10 to 1. These little things are not necessarily bad for human health and should not be considered “harmful germs”.

Probiotics can be found in fermented foods or supplements, for example. And while there is little research on probiotics, several studies show that the imbalance or balance of bacteria in the digestive system is directly related to health.

What are the benefits of probiotics?

As several studies have shown, probiotics can improve health in different ways. The benefits include weight loss, maintaining digestive health, improving immune function, among others. However, remember that no probiotics can replace medical treatment, a balanced diet and physical activity.

But let’s go to the qualities. First of all, probiotics have a great impact on the digestive system. These microorganisms can help you to get rid of bloating and be used for treating irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea and so on. Probiotics have also shown an important role in strengthening the immune system, treating allergies, eczema, viral infections and enhancing responses to vaccination.

The other likely benefit of probiotics is aiding weight loss. A study published in British Journal of Nutrition, in 2013, showed that probiotics (in particular, lactobacilli, which produce yogurt) helped obese women who participated in the research to manage to lose weight.

Probiotics not only improve the digestive system, but also can help restore mental health. Recent research has shown that ingestion of lactobacillus strains and Bifidobacterium for 1 or 2 months helped people cope better with anxiety, depression, autism and obsessive-compulsive disorder, including improved memory. You see, probiotics are not a remedy for these problems or a substitute for conventional treatment, but they can help.

sources of probiotics

For a long time, it was believed that the only source of probiotics was yogurt. But in reality, there are other probiotic foods you might want to try.

Kombucha is a fermented tea full of different bacteria like Saccharomyces and Gluconacetobacter xylinus🇧🇷 It also contains vitamin B. Kombucha provides many health benefits, including strengthening the digestive and immune systems.

Apple cider vinegar has many amazing properties and contains probiotics. Do not forget that vinegar is acidic, so it is better not to take too much. You can add vinegar to your food to avoid suffering its side effects on your stomach.

Cucumbers are another probiotic food that can replace yogurt. Cucumber pickles can improve your digestive health. This type of food is low in calories and contains a lot of vitamin K. This vegetable is also high in sodium.

Both sauerkraut (duck of German origin) and kimchi (of Korean origin) are made from fermented cabbage and contain lactic acid bacteria. You can try adding these foods to your sandwiches every now and then. They are also low in calories and have a long shelf life.

Kefir is obtained from fermented milk and is a good alternative to yogurt. This product is rich in probiotics and proteins. You can drink it straight or add it to your smoothies.

Miso is a fermented soy product and is a popular Japanese condiment. It is also a great source of probiotics, vitamins, fiber and protein. The most popular dish prepared with this food is miso soup.

Cheese is basically a fermented product, although not all types of cheese contain probiotics. The types of cheese that are really high in probiotics are gouda, mozzarella, Swiss and cottage cheese.

the tempeh is a fermented soy product originating in Indonesia. It has become more popular all over the world due to its amazing properties as it can be a meat substitute. This product is a great source of protein, probiotics and B12 vitamins. Tempeh can be of great health benefit if consumed daily, especially for vegetarians.

Do you consume any of these probiotic foods regularly? Have you noticed any improvement in your health? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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