Palmistry is a practice whose main objective is to read the lines of a person’s hands. From this, he can understand and predict certain events in the life of the analyzed individual.
This is a very common practice, especially among Gypsies, and should not be performed by anyone who does not have the necessary experience and knowledge to carry out the activity.
In order for the reading to be done correctly, the responsible person must be aware of the nuances and meanings of the lines in order to actually understand what is being shown. Were you curious? See more about Palmistry just below!
To understand Palmistry, it is necessary to bear in mind that this type of divination is intended to show the future. However, it is not just about that, as it also seeks to take the person who has their reading done to a true journey of self-knowledge.
Thus, the person who wants to go through this type of process needs to look for someone who has the necessary knowledge and knows how to apply this practice with dexterity, so that the analysis is done in the best possible way.
This is a very serious activity and for the results to be as accurate as possible, Palmistry must be treated with respect and based on real knowledge. Want to know more about this practice? See below!
The word Palmistry comes from the Greek, even though its emergence, as everything indicates, has occurred in India. The meaning of the term is quite literal with what it shows in practice, as it comes from “cheirós”, which means hands and “manteiós”, which means prophecy.
When joining the two words, palmistry is formed, which means precisely the combination in which there is a reading of the lines of the hands to understand the future and understand more about the personality of a person who goes through palm reading.
The main points taken into account in Palmistry relate to the lines of the hands, which are used as guides to understand details of the life of the person being analyzed.
Thus, the lines of the palms of the hands are a way to understand the present, the future and other details about the life of a person who is going through the reading. It is worth noting that the purpose is for the analyzed individual to have a little more knowledge about his true self.
Through the palms of their hands, people who perform this type of practice are able to understand all the secrets and details about who is being evaluated by Palmistry.
Each of the main lines: from life, from the head and from the heart leads to a different meaning, according to which it is possible to understand deeper details, which are not clearly noticed in the person’s personality or which are hidden for the future.
To perform palm reading, the first consideration that must be made is the search for knowledge about the practice. There are several techniques that are adopted to practice palmistry, from the easiest to the most advanced. For this, there are even specialized courses in teaching reading.
Reading requires, in addition to knowledge about each of the lines, that the person be able to have a broader scope to understand and interpret what is being shown in each querent. Another important factor for practitioners of this technique is that many people have a natural intuition, which facilitates this understanding of the readings.
Understanding Palmistry concepts facilitates the process of learning the technique. Therefore, it is necessary to understand some details about it and the means that are adopted for this.
Among the main points for a correct reading, the responsible person must identify which hand will be read. This depends on exactly what the person wants to know about his life and the future. The specialist has the necessary knowledge so that, after this answer, the correct hand is chosen.
After choosing, some elements are taken into account that will guide a better understanding of the analyzed person. In that sense, there are four types of hands that need to be considered for the process. Want to know more about them? See below!
The type of hand that has the representation of the earth element has more squared palms and the fingers are shorter. This can show that the person is honest and very traditional, as well as having a meticulous personality.
In addition, she also has a very practical view of life and, in general, is quite materialistic and little connected with intellectual issues. This type of hand can be noticed in many musicians.
Hands that have long palms and short fingers are known as fire element hands. They show a person full of energy, who has charisma and a great enthusiasm for life.
These people usually occupy leadership positions, because they are not afraid of taking risks and venturing into anything. They really like to attract attention and sometimes have dubious and even idiotic behaviors.
This hand type is characterized by longer palms and long fingers, which can even be considered as elegant and slender. In general, they reveal people who have a very big imagination, are sensitive and emotional.
People who have this type of hand are dreamy, reliable and kind. However, at times, they can seem very temperamental.
The type of hand linked to the air element is characterized by a squarer palm and long fingers. These people are very intelligent, rational, intellectual and very well articulated with the way of speaking and acting.
This type of hand also shows a very creative person who is always willing to bring new ideas. They are very determined and seek to fulfill their desires and goals with a lot of determination and strength. However, they think too much about anything, which can cause great exhaustion.
Palmistry takes into account all aspects of the hands to be able to have a broader view of the personality of the person who undergoes the reading and also to understand what the future will be like according to these details.
Thus, the lines of the hands are considered in the process, because they bring with them many evidences and details to understand life in general, which is the objective of this practice in essence.
Understanding these lines leads to deeper meanings regarding different fields of life, such as love, health and work. See below for more details on the lines of the hands!
The life line is responsible for determining about longevity and the entire journey to the end of life. If it is short, this can be understood as a lack of a more present fighting spirit. When longer, it shows a lot of determination.
Other points can also be considered, such as the fact that this line is well demarcated, which shows that the person will have a certain quality of life. When it appears in a weak form, it will certainly have troublesome issues in the field of health. This line with interruptions reveals many changes in life.
The purpose of the head line is to show more about how the person thinks and what they think about certain situations or issues in their life. If this line is going to Mount Lua, it reveals creativity.
However, if the line is appearing straight on the palm of the hands, it can reveal a more realistic side and also show that the person in question is very practical in their way of looking at things and has a very strong aptitude for being productive in your activities.
The heart line speaks more deeply about the emotions of the analyzed person. Addresses issues involving love and romanticism during reading. If this line appears curved, towards the indicator, it shows a warm and very outgoing person.
But, if it appears curved downwards, towards the line of the head, this is a person who is insecure in his relationships in general. When it is shown straight in the palm of the hand, it indicates someone romantic and idealistic. If she is seen deep and short, she reveals a very jealous and passionate person. The long line, finally, reveals a person who wants to conquer and be conquered.
The line of fate talks about the prospects for a person’s life; It has to do with luck and what can be achieved by it. It can also reveal about “karmas”, showing whether the individual will have more ease or difficulty in achieving their goals.
If well defined, it shows a lot of luck on your side. If it’s broken, it can show problems in the course of life, no matter how hard there is effort to conquer what you want. In some cases, this line does not even appear on the palms. In this scenario, this does not mean that luck will never appear in the person’s life, but that it will be more difficult to find it.
The Apollo or Sun line runs across the palm of the hand and ends at the end of Mount Apollo, which is below the ring finger, pointing directly to wealth, success and happiness in life. This line also marks issues such as luck and opportunities.
When showing herself well marked, she indicates a person with charisma and able to influence those around her.
Also, if it comes from the life line, it is a successful person, but not based on luck. Starting from the line of fate, it shows success in the career. At other points, this line can clearly show the type of success and achievement achieved by this person and what efforts were made to reach that point.
The marriage lines can be seen just below the little finger and grow side by side across the palm. When they show themselves in a very marked way, they indicate that the person will have a wedding in their destiny. But if they are small, then only strong relationships will live.
The closer to the heart line, the more this line refers to the speed with which this will happen in one’s life. A long line indicates a happy and long marriage.
If it curves upwards, it may indicate that the person should not marry in this life. Some details regarding the way this line is displayed also indicate that the…