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How it hurts to love the wrong person


I like you, but you hurt me. I like you, but it hurts. It hurts because you’re not a guy to love. It hurts because you don’t feel the same. It hurts because you make too many mistakes with the right person. Your coldness hurts when you talk about feelings or relationships. It hurts the way you judge people and me. It hurts to be more of a girl than you are probably going to make a little mess in your heart and walk away.


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It hurts to feel that you don’t care. It hurts to be jealous of you. It hurts to realize that you’re not the kind of guy to have a family with, with two or more kids. It hurts to realize that “this” we have (I don’t even know what to call it), is just a simple relationship with no future. It hurts to be with you, but you not to be with me. It hurts to give myself to you and not receive anything in return. It hurts to think that you are not faithful.


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It hurts to remember the nights crying because of you. It hurts to hold the whole relationship alone. It hurts to be whole and you, half. It hurts to know that you go easy on other girls in the face of hard. It hurts to be too muggle and naive. It hurts to be in love with you. It hurts to know that your love is not me. It hurts not to see your smile anymore when you’re with me.

Read Also:  In strong relationships there is always a rational person and an emotional person. Which of these are you?

It hurt for me to say I loved you and not hear the same from you.

Maria Fernanda Pires


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