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How do you know if you have the evil eye? [20+ Symptome]

Symptoms of the evil eye are difficult to spot, but not impossible.

If you’re curious about what’s going on in your life, you might have doubts and you think there’s something dark around you, check out this article to know if you have the evil eye.

The Evil Eye: Is It Real?

There are those who believe the evil eye is real, those who don’t, but almost all of us. At least once in our lives we’ve blamed the evil eye when things weren’t going very well. It is said that one person’s intense gaze can have a very powerful effect on others.

These are usually negative effects: bad luck, problems, problems and misfortune. In rare cases, however, the evil eye brings good luck to the person being looked at, when the viewer feels love for “the one being looked at”.

These are rare but equally powerful instances when one gives happiness and protection to the loved one with a glance. For those who believe in the evil eye, the envious gaze seems to have truly terrifying effects. A spell that, for better or for worse, never seems to end.

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But how do you recognize the symptoms of the evil eye? How do you know if a curse has been placed on you? We were informed and must have discovered very interesting things. You must know that there are some spells that are directed against a person and others that affect someone’s house. The second can do great harm, since the home is the holiest place for us humans.

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When the evil eye is aimed at a person, its symptoms spread to all activities and places frequented. When the hex hits the house, the symptoms are only felt there.

The main symptoms of the evil eye

  • Various Disorders of the Digestive System: The affected person may lose the desire to eat, have diarrhea, persistent vomiting, or related disorders.
  • Common Mood Swings: Someone suffering from an evil eye may experience mood swings for no apparent reason. In one moment you might go from happy to uncontrollable crying, feeling melancholy that your life suddenly has no meaning, etc.
  • Sleep disorders: They can also affect the neurological system and the ability to relax.
  • Skin Problems: When the power of the evil eye is very strong, allergies and breakouts can occur in different parts of the dermis.
  • Out of curiosity, the evil eye affects adults differently than it does to children. It affects adults more psychologically than physically. For example, the affected person might show nervousness, intense anxiety even without knowing the cause, dizziness, blurred vision, depression, and more.

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    Additional Symptoms

    • Dizziness and a feeling of unease
    • Continuous abdominal pain
    • Persistent headache
    • constant economic problems
    • There is a need to move away from places that seem pleasant for no reason
    • The dishes and machines in the house often break down
  • The wind hits doors and windows unexpectedly
  • Lots of sleep but you never feel rested
  • Yawning and heavy eyelids

  • Family members getting angry for no reason
  • ) problems relating to your partner or friends
  • nightmares
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  • fear of the dark
  • Shapes that seem to evaporate or vanish behind doors and windows
  • Feel that someone else is in our room when we are alone
  • Issues with our partner or friends that, while small, are growing and causing breakups

    fear of loneliness

  • Discomfort at social gatherings
  • These are some of the symptoms that will tell you that you have the evil eye. It goes without saying that there must be many of these symptoms together and it must be something that does not normally occur.

    For example, if you have always fought verbally with acquaintances and friends, it is not an evil eye, but a social problem. On the contrary, if you usually take care of everyone and suddenly start arguing, you might be under the effects of the evil eye.

    Basically, the evil eye is based on the idea that we are all energy and that positive energies can cause well-being, but negative ones do a lot of harm. When one person focuses enough on hurting someone, when their energy is focused on that person’s evil, there is a high probability that the other will receive it and, if they don’t have that strong a power, to do so ward off vibrations affected by it.

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    In adults, the evil eye tends to have a stronger psychological than physical effect. Nervousness, deep anxiety, and sudden paranoia with no apparent cause can be three manifestations of this condition, which can also be accompanied by dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.

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    It is very important to clarify that the symptoms of the evil eye are quite general, so any kind of illness or physical condition must first be ruled out before thinking that it is a negative energy that is weighing on us.

    Another very important aspect is the constant work to strengthen our spirit and energy and thus prevent

    In this aspect it is very important to be in touch with ourselves and our spirituality and to be comfortable with our actions and life. Luck and good energies can fight any kind of evil eye.

    In addition, you can perform exercises to increase your positive energy and face your daily life in tip-top shape. Reiki, yoga or meditation are excellent alternatives to think about. Likewise, it is recommended to work on positive thinking to promote our health and make daily life more bearable.

    Conversely, when the evil eye is positive, you may feel some of these symptoms very subdued, as if you are in a protective bubble. In this case, you may find that you are lucky in everything you do, as if an invisible hand is protecting you.

    Don’t forget that you can count on my professional magic service to cleanse the energy around you and protect it from negativity.

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