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Practical Resources

A reminder that God is with you

Share: Life will throw tons of things at your back that will make you fall apart. The end of a relationship, a failed career, an illness and even the death of a pet. Sometimes you feel like your life is falling apart. But in these things, there is a God who holds, heals, provides and encourages us to move forward. ...

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We met on Tinder

Share: When that question is addressed to us, we already feel the lie coming on the tip of our tongue. Where did you meet? Our eyes meet instantly and the urge to laugh comes with it. our eyes say “What do we answer?” And we tell our little lie together so we don’t have to explain what doesn’t need to ...

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Stay with me forever?

Share: I’m still kind of embarrassed about our reunion. It seems like it was the first time we saw each other. I have a feeling it was love at first sight for the second time, just like the first time we met. It’s been a long time since the last breath by your side, when you decided to let go ...

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10 Girlfriend Questions That Will Make You Fall In Love

Share: When we date a girl, we spend most of our time worrying about what she thinks and hope we don’t screw it up. You want her to like you and want to spend more time with you. But what happens after dating, when you’ve gone through all the small talk and already know all the basics about it? Your ...

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what does it mean to love you

Share: Loving you is keeping your smile everyday on my mind, so I know that when I’m not in the mood, I have a reason to smile, since I have your smile on me. Loving you is remembering that I have you close to me even when we’re not together, even when we go to our own house on that ...

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