When we date a girl, we spend most of our time worrying about what she thinks and hope we don’t screw it up. You want her to like you and want to spend more time with you.
But what happens after dating, when you’ve gone through all the small talk and already know all the basics about it? Your relationship cannot be based on talking about your day alone.
There needs to be something else, something that differentiates a casual relationship from a real relationship. And these girlfriend questions are perfect for that!
Let’s get to the questions!
1 What is your deepest fear?
It’s a personal matter and once you know what your deepest fear is, you’ll be able to understand it much better. Many of our actions are linked to our fears. So, knowing what scares her, you can see why she does what she does.
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2. If you imagine yourself twenty years from now, what do you see?
Now, this is going to take some visualization on her part. Nobody likes this question very much, but it shows a lot who she is. Does she see herself traveling, having a family, working or all three? Also, it gives her a glimpse of whether or not he can see her in her future and vice versa. If she’s interested in traveling and you’re not, well, that could be a problem.
3. Do you consider yourself a religious person?
The important thing is that you respect each other’s beliefs. If you’re not religious and she is, you’ll either have to accept it or move on.
4. What did you want to be when you were five years old?
We all had that big dream of what we wanted to be when we were five years old. We were free to imagine wild, crazy dreams in our heads.
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5. In times when you are feeling uncomfortable, is there anything I can do to better support you?
Not everyone knows how to react when their partner is going through a difficult time. What can you do?
6. What was the hardest lesson you had to learn in life?
Life is not easy and not always fun. We all experience hard days, days of pain, and moments you wish you could forget. But these days make you a stronger person and teach you a lot about yourself. What were her struggles and how did that make her into the person she is today?
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7. How is your relationship with your father?
I know this sounds like a weird question, but it’s extremely important. So many women have poor relationships with their fathers, which changes the way they view men. Now this is not an issue for your relationship but it is important to see how she views men as this will show you the next issues that may occur. See also: 10 REASONS WHY BEING CLOSE TO YOUR DAD WILL MAKE YOU A STRONGER WOMAN
8. Have you ever loved anyone before me?
I’m not including friends and family in this one. When I say love, I mean it in an intimate sense. Love is an essential part of the human experience, and of course you want to know if she’s ever experienced these feelings before.
9. Is there something you stopped doing, even though you loved it?
We all love things we sadly stop doing. For whatever reason, our dreams and interests are paralyzed. What were your dreams and desires? Find out if she stopped doing something she loved and why. Maybe you can do the activity together or surprise her with it.
10. What is one of your favorite memories?
Even though her childhood was horrible, there is at least one positive childhood memory she has. It doesn’t have to be extravagant, but it’s a memory that has stuck with her for a lifetime.
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