The truth is that each person fights their own internal battle (some until World War III). A battle of which we often do not know the most important details because these are only registered in the mind of the person fighting it. On the other hand, a person with good or bad intentions is rarely aware of how harmful it can be for others and for herself.
This unconsciousness becomes frequent for a reason unrelated to the intention: our mind is like a locomotive that creates thoughts without pause, in a frenetic and dizzying manner. We think about everything, create hypotheses about what is happening around us, make assumptions, create new ideas and concepts, think and think again, anticipate the worst and make judgments about others… And also about ourselves. Clear.
This incessant hammering tortures us, damages us and as a memory leaves us with “mental garbage.” Scientists claim that we have more than 60,000 thoughts a day. It is estimated that many of these thoughts (approximately 80%) in most people are negative, toxic, dysfunctional…
We act automatically most of the time. Thus, we are extremely influenced by our beliefs; convictions that were formed in our early childhood and take root through our experiences. Some of these beliefs are in our subconscious, and from these beliefs our most immediate thoughts and judgments are born.
The mind and its deceptions
If some of your beliefs are wrong or unhealthy, many of your thoughts and judgments will be too. We are constantly judging, we judge ourselves and others. But the truth is that the most frequent consequence is suffering. Our mind makes judgments to protect ourselves, for its own survival, but this does not mean that ultimately these judgments support the purpose for which they were “summoned.”
We think that the other has the same point of view as us and that is partly why we suffer so much. But not, Everyone perceives life through different glasses and what means one thing to me, to you it probably means another. And in that lie of believing that everyone should have our point of view (ours of course), we dare to judge the other. Even ourselves, forgetting the fallacy of judging the past from the future, knowing the consequences of an action that were not certain then, only probable. Like some others.
In both cases it is not others who make you suffer. In the first, it is the own expectations that you have about those people that make you suffer. We expect others to be as we wish and we become unable to accept them as they really are. That is the beginning and the end of the battle, at the same time
Paradoxically, when you stop judging and beating down others, you also stop judging and beating yourself up, because the way we judge is also usually the way we judge ourselves.
Acceptance and love heal everything
When you accept your essence (including all your shadows), you begin to tenderly see the shadows of others. When we believe that someone is not attacking, deep down that someone may be fighting their own internal battle. They do it from unconsciousness, from their emotional wounds and their survival strategies learned in childhood, when they felt deeply wounded in their search for love and acceptance. Sometimes, many times, all this leads them to act like this.
That’s why, When you think someone is attacking you, remember that it is probably not a conscious attackbut a shadow that you imagine or that the other projects without intention, at least without that intention.
Love increases as judgment decreases.
We have to accept when other people do not behave as we would like, when they take care of us in the way we want but they do it in a different way. We are here rather to love than to judge, to feel than to reason.. So, if someone draws a circle to exclude you, draw a bigger one to include them.
Remember that love increases as judgment becomes flexible, compassionate and compassionate. Love gives us happiness, strict judgment brings us suffering. Don’t understand love as something that can be taken away as reinforcement or punishment: unconditional love is above that.
Victim or responsible for the battle?
If we stop judging and start looking with the heart, our suffering will begin to disappear. Either you choose to be a victim or you choose to be responsible. The victim justifies, lies, blames, complains and gives up. The person responsible assumes that what he has in his life is not due to external circumstancesbut he has created it himself and he himself is the only one who can change his reality.
Life will provide you with experiences to open your eyes, but it is your decision to be a victim or responsible. And he who does not learn from his own history, life condemns him to repeat his mistakes. They will be different experiences in their forms, but the same in their substance.
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