Home » Dreams & Meanings » Dreaming that you are pregnant according to spiritism: With a girl, boy, twins and more!

Dreaming that you are pregnant according to spiritism: With a girl, boy, twins and more!

Pregnancy is a phase that usually brings many good things to people’s lives, in the dream world too, and it can have many positive meanings for your life.

Dreaming of pregnancy, for spiritism, can be understood as a phase of prosperity and new things. Solving what is pending and an opportunity to make other choices.

It can also indicate the arrival of a phase where you will have many gains, a period of abundance and pleasant moments.

Many women think that when they dream they are pregnant, it means that they are or will become pregnant, but that is not how it works. Pregnancy-themed dreams are not premeditations. So, if you dreamed that you were pregnant, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are.

Pregnancy dreams say much more about thoughts, desires and ideas about life than the pregnancy itself. Keep reading to understand more about!

To understand the meanings of dreams, you need to be attentive to details, so it is not enough just to know that you dreamed that you were pregnant to fully understand what this means.

The characteristics of the dream will be crucial to understand it, so it is important to remember if you dreamed that you were pregnant with a girl or a boy, in order to understand it better. Keep reading to know the meanings.

For spiritism, dreaming that you are pregnant with a girl can symbolize your desire to be a mother, remembering that it does not necessarily mean that you are pregnant, but it can mean that you have a desire for motherhood.

It may be that you are in doubt about being a mother or not, and the fact of dreaming about this theme can make you reflect on the subject in a more serious way. Also, the fact of talking to other people about this topic also makes you think more about pregnancy and motherhood and ends up awakening some desire to have this experience.

If you don’t intend to be a mother at the moment, and you haven’t even thought about experiencing motherhood, dreaming about pregnancy may indicate that you are going through a good phase and that you have more chances of fulfilling your desires during this period.

Just as dreaming about a girl represents the desire for motherhood or good things for your life, dreaming about boys also has these meanings, indicating that you are going through a great phase.

If you dream that you are pregnant with a boy, you can believe that you will have achievements and moments of harmony.

In addition to gender-related meanings, the number of children during pregnancy can also have interpretations that go beyond the topic. Understand the symbology of the number of children in the pregnancy in dreams and see that, according to the numbers, the meanings can change.

Dreaming of pregnancy generates joy, but it can also cause concern, as it is an important stage in people’s lives. What about dreaming of twins? Even more intense, because there are two children at once. However, dreaming of twins does not mean that you will have twins, but that you will experience a very good financial phase.

Understanding this, this period is good for making investments or profiting from your business. Reflecting further, it is also indicated that you invest in important things, in your interest, as you will have a great chance of success.

In case you remember more details of your dream and want to check a more complete analysis, be sure to check out the article Dreaming about being pregnant with twins: boys, girls, conjoined and more!.

To dream of triplets can symbolize a range of things. Generally, it is more related to the person’s intimate themes, and may be linked to some accomplishments, chances of professional or personal growth, or even issues related to self-esteem.

It could be that what you’ve been wanting for a long time will happen, but in a different way than you expected. Thus, the dream of triplets may indicate that you need to be fully aware that what you want will happen, but it may not be exactly the way you imagined.

Spiritism points out that, for the person who dreamed of being pregnant with triplets, it is important to pay attention to matters related to spirituality and also to be attentive to thoughts, seeking to focus more on positive things.

You may be going through difficult times in relation to your faith, your spiritual life, so try to do activities that you like, connect with yourself and look for good things in your life.

Now that you have learned the meanings of pregnancy dreams related to the baby, you will now see the symbology referring to the parents of that child in the dream, as this small detail can completely change what the dream represents.

Dreaming that you are pregnant with someone you have never seen can be strange, but it can happen and there will be representations behind it. The dream of someone you don’t know can point to a need to deal with certain situations, issues that may be preventing you from achieving prosperity and enjoying happy moments.

Still, it may indicate that you are having problems resolving some situations with more humility. So, having this dream can be a warning for further reflection on it, and also for you to allow yourself to get close to people and really get to know them.

Dreaming about your partner, husband, love of your life in general is rewarding, and dreaming that you are pregnant with this special person is certainly very positive. However, this dream carries more meanings for the dreamer than for the person you dreamed about.

Thus, dreaming that you are pregnant with your husband or partner will indicate that joy, achievements, positivity and harmony will be much more solid aspects in the dreamer’s life when love is present.

As much as your boyfriend isn’t your husband yet, he is also someone you love and is special in your life. Therefore, the dream of being pregnant with your boyfriend will indicate positive things, the fulfillment of dreams and the fulfillment of ideas and desires.

As much as the dream refers more to the person who had it, it can somehow indicate a more intimate union and strength for the couple.

People like ex-boyfriend and ex-husband mean past. Therefore, dreaming that you are pregnant with an ex may indicate that you need to forget this story, leave this relationship in the past, because brooding over previous relationships will not let you move forward. So, let go of issues involving past relationships, live your present and focus on your future.

Even so, it could be that this dream means exactly the opposite, indicating that perhaps you will find your ex-boyfriend again, and that you will suddenly resume your relationship. For this to happen, you need to be connected with your feelings and thoughts to make sure this is what you really want.

There are many details to be able to fully understand the meaning of dreams. Pregnancy is related to gestating, being involved in a process of developing something, generating a new life. Thus, pregnancy is able to provide a mixture of feelings, and dreams related to it as well.

The way you feel and appear in the dream will also give indications of how you are feeling, or show some aspects that you have to pay attention to.

Dreaming that you are pregnant, in addition to being able to indicate that you are wanting to have a child, want to experience motherhood, can also show your concern after a sexual relationship. It’s normal, after physical contact with someone, to be anxious and tense about the possibility of being pregnant, if that’s not what you want at that moment. So, dreaming that you are pregnant in this type of situation is common.

But, in addition to these issues, dreaming that you are pregnant, when in real life you are not, can be related to your professional or personal life.

As pregnancy is involved with the act of generating, it may be that you are going through a moment of creation or elaboration of a project, idea or plans for a new activity.

This must be seen as something positive, that is, you must go deep, move forward and dedicate yourself to your plans, but you may also have some insecurity, having difficulties starting. This dream could be a message for you to create courage and start.

The woman who is pregnant and ends up having a dream that she is pregnant may be related to the fact that this mother is worried about the idea that her baby will be born soon, but this dream does not mean something negative.

Being a mother, raising a child, awakens countless feelings in a woman. Because she is living this situation, it is normal to dream about pregnancy when she is pregnant, because this woman’s thoughts are immersed in motherhood, so this type of dream is normal.

In case you dream that you are trying to get pregnant, the dream may indicate your true desire to be a mother, the desire to experience motherhood and to have a child. However, it can symbolize that you are going through a moment where you want to do something new and you are apprehensive about it, worried that your plans will not go as planned.

To dream that you are committed to getting pregnant, trying to make it happen, also indicates that you are committed to fulfilling your desires, your plans and ideas. You’re running after what you want to make work.

If you dream that you are afraid of getting pregnant, it could be that you are afraid to start something new, you don’t feel safe yet to go ahead. That doesn’t mean you won’t make it, just that you’re scared of what’s to come, which is completely understandable.

New situations generate anxiety and distress, your thoughts and feelings turn to this situation. Thus, your dreams end up reflecting this.

The dream about pregnancy indicates changes, so if you are married and you dream that you are pregnant, you are probably not happy with your relationship and are thinking of ending it. The dream can be an indication for you to take action and go in search of your happiness. Interpret the dream as a message for you to pay attention to what you really want.


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