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Almost everyone has dreamed about strangers at some point. Although it may seem random, it is actually a detail to take into account if what we intend to do is interpret the dream.
If it is already strange when the brain puts faces of acquaintances within the dream experience, dreaming about strangers can be just as disturbing. In these cases, the context and the feelings that are awakened by the images experienced will have great relevance.
Sometimes, the details, people and events that appear in dreams lack identity or concreteness, but they awaken intense sensations. This contrast suggests that the mind refers to abstract concepts with which the individual identifies to a greater or lesser extent.
One of the abstract elements that appear most in dreams are unknown people. If you want to explore some of the most common meanings of these presences, you can read about it here, so don’t miss it.
How the brain works during sleep
First of all, the first thing is to give a scientific touch to the interpretation of dreams. Specific, A dream is a succession of sensory experiences resulting from brain activity during the deepest phase of sleep.. In principle, the scenes that are experienced do not have a narrative as such, but are ordered and given meaning when awakening and remembering them.
Deep sleep oscillates between two phases, REM and NREM. There are certain relevant differences between them, since the first is characterized by fast brain waves and brain activity very similar to that of wakefulness. In the NREM phase, on the other hand, brain waves have lower frequencies, making dreams more difficult to remember.
When the brain waves are stronger, the subject’s sensation is not so much that of having dreamed as of feeling unconscious throughout the night.
This brain functioning is directly related to the dream experiences we have, so it never hurts to take it into account when interpreting dreams. Since the mind takes advantage of them to process emotions in greater depth or reprocess repressed experiences, revisiting dreams when you wake up is a good reflection exercise.
What does it mean to dream about strangers?
Returning to the heart of the matter, the fact that people you don’t know appear in your dreams is a clear sign that identity does not have much relevance in what you are experiencing. Sometimes this character is more of a reflection of some abstract idea or of the dreamer himself. Let’s see some variations of this dream detail.
The stranger has a face
In general, If the stranger has a face, he or she may be playing the role of someone you are familiar with. in dream. In those cases, what the dream individual represents will be more specific and will be related to his role in your experience.
For example, if that stranger is your father, what he represents will have to do with your conception of fatherhood or the relationship you have with your real father.
The person’s face is blurred
Although it is usually treated as a nightmarish element, the truth is that many people do not know how to give a specific description of the faces in their dreams when they wake up or they report that they were not defined.
When the human figure is the reflection of an abstract idea, it is likely to be a projection of the subject itself and that the actions taken are ideas, desires or fears that the protagonist faces.
Remember that dreams help process emotions and ideas repressed while awake.
The stranger attacks you
Dreaming about strangers attacking you or trying to harm you in any way has a direct interpretation: you perceive a threat around you, but you cannot identify it. These nightmares reflect the fear of suffering without being able to avoid it, since the origin of the aggression is not known.
Dreaming about dead strangers
Death appears from time to time as a metaphor for the inevitable in dreams.. Therefore, a simple interpretation of dreaming about dead people you don’t know is that something ominous has caused fatal consequences that cannot be remedied.
The fact that these people have no faces is a form of abstraction. It is possible that the dreamer has a feeling that something bad is going to happen, but cannot identify what. Furthermore, the number of people found dead is usually indicative of the perceived extent of the damage.
Since dreaming about people you don’t know usually represents abstract concepts and ideas, the specific interpretation is up to each dreamer.
Although you will not find correct or true answers about your dreams on the internet, the truth is that reflecting on the projection of your own mind in dreams is an interesting exercise, so don’t be afraid to try it.
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All cited sources were reviewed in depth by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, validity and validity. The bibliography in this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
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