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Do you know the different types of hypnosis and how they work?

Hypnosis is an effective tool to improve health and change thoughts, emotions and habits. But do you know the different types that exist?

Written and verified by the psychologist Elena Sanz.

Hypnosis is one of the most interesting and controversial techniques, especially due to the lack of knowledge about it. When thinking about it, we often imagine a state in which the person loses self-control and is at the mercy of a third party. However, nothing could be further from the truth. This It is a safe and effective method, with a long history and diverse applications. For this reason, today we want to talk to you about the different types of hypnosis.

And it is not a single, homogeneous procedure. Different schools and currents have made their own proposals in this regard. And, although more research is still required, hypnosis has proven to be useful not only to improve people’s psychological well-being, but also their physical well-being.

What application options are there and how are they different? We delve into it below.

Hypnosis not only manages to produce changes in behavior or thought patterns, but it can also alter, for example, the perception of pain.

What is hypnosis?

We can define hypnosis as a state of suggestion that allows one to influence behavior and mental content of people. In this state, the activity of the cerebral cortex (our conscious part) is inhibited and access to that unconscious part related to the emotional brain or limbic system is facilitated.

In fact, this occurs naturally in various everyday situations; for example, when we are driving automatically, when we completely immerse ourselves in the movie we are watching or when we enter a state of flow when practicing our favorite artistic activity.

However, we can also consider hypnosis when set of techniques that allow us to deliberately promote that state and use it to generate beneficial changes. In this sense, hypnosis has been applied for centuries in different cultures, but it was not until the 18th century when it began to be studied and applied rigorously in the West. Since then, different psychologists and doctors have put it into practice for therapeutic purposes.

The different types of hypnosis

There are multiple types of hypnosis, which have varying degrees of scientific validity. Maybe you have heard about childhood regressions and other similar controversial procedures, but today we want to talk to you about those that, to a greater extent, have proven to be safe and effective, both for their history and their results.

traditional hypnosis

It is the most widespread, popular and used by many professionals from different fields. It is a directive hypnosis based on suggestion. So, The aim is to bring the person into a deep state of trance. to influence your thoughts, attitudes or behaviors through suggestions. This is done in an organized manner and following a series of protocols, but has certain limitations.

In this modality it is important to evaluate the person’s degree of suggestibility, since some are reactive to this state. Furthermore, since The directions are given quite directly.may not be well received by those patients who do not like such directness.

ericksonian hypnosis

Developed by psychologist Milton H. Erickson, this approach is characterized by being more natural, personalized and focused on the present. In this case, that trance state is not sought nor is it completely directed at the person.

On the contrary, We work with lighter states and use elements such as anecdotes, metaphors or humor. to enhance reflection in the patient and allow them to reach their own interpretations. This type of hypnosis is more appropriate for working with skeptical people or people with low suggestibility.

Cognitive-behavioral hypnosis

Although hypnosis has traditionally been associated with personalities such as Freud or Charcot, the truth is that this technique is not only used in psychoanalysis. Many cognitive-behavioral psychologists use it as part of more complete intervention programs.

In these cases, specific problems such as addictions, anxiety or pain are usually treated and work is done looking for states of physical relaxation that, when combined with imagination, allow generating a change in beliefs nuclear.


Within the types of hypnosis, we find a self-application modality that aims to help the person self-manage their health. In this case, the person is trained to be able to induce suggestion in himselfusually with the support of audio recordings that serve as a guide.

It can be used as part of larger programs that include contact with a professional, or on a one-off basis.

Self-hypnosis is often used to address problems such as smoking, anxiety or chronic pain.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Finally, it is worth mentioning an approach that, without being purely hypnosis, is related. Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) emerged from Bandler and Grinder and is based on the foundations of Erickson’s proposal. However, in this case Language is used as a mediating element of change.

From this perspective, it is understood that language is the basis of our thoughts, emotions and behaviors and, therefore, influences how we feel and relate to others. Thus, by intervening on this, changes can be achieved in the person’s thoughts, feelings and habits.

Although there have been improvements in certain areas achieved thanks to NLP, it does not have sufficient scientific support.

The benefits of different types of hypnosis

In short, hypnosis in its various modalities constitutes a very valid and very useful tool to improve physical and emotional health and achieve various changes that the person may need. It is especially useful for working on aspects where there is conscious resistance or where the origin is not clear.

Nevertheless, It is important that it be applied in a therapeutic contextby trained and accredited professionals and, preferably, as part of more complete interventions.

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