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Do you know how to decipher the symbol on clothing labels? take your doubts

The symbols on clothing labels represent the washing and care processes recommended by the manufacturer, but these drawings are not always legible or easy to decipher.

To clear up your doubts, we have prepared five infographics that show what each design means and will help you read the instructions on each piece, preventing damage and keeping them preserved. Learn how to decipher the symbols on clothing labels and check out other tips on how to make them look new for much longer.


The symbol that resembles a bucket of water represents the recommended washing method for the part. When the drawing is marked with an X it means that the process is not allowed. The number that appears on the bucket tells us the maximum temperature recommended for washing.

The small dashes below the illustration tell us whether the wash should be gentle or very gentle. Already the drawing of a hand instructs that the process must be done manually.


The triangle on the labels represents the allowable bleaching process for the part. The drawings marked by the X indicate that the part cannot be bleached and the two lines drawn inside the triangle demonstrate that the part can be bleached only with oxygen. A simple triangle demonstrates that all types of oxidizing bleaching agents are allowed.


The method of drying a part is represented on the label by a square. When there is a circle inside the square it means that the process can be done in the centrifuge or in the washing machine, also known as “drum” drying. If the design is marked with an X, it means that this type of drying is not allowed.

If there is a curved line inside the square, it means that drying can be done on the clothesline. Two diagonal lines recommend drying in the shade, while three vertical lines indicate that the procedure should be done by dripping, that is, the item can be hung while still wet. A horizontal line shows that the piece must be dried in that position.


The ironing method is represented by a drawing that resembles an iron and the number of balls inscribed in the drawing indicate the maximum temperature recommended for that piece. If the drawing is marked by an X, it means that it is not allowed to pass the part.

Dry cleaning

The circle represents clothes that should be dry cleaned. While the letters inscribed in the drawing demonstrate which products are allowed to wash the piece. The dash below the illustration indicates whether cleaning should be done gently or very gently. And if the circle is marked by an X, it means that it is not necessary to dry clean the garment.

Save the image below to your phone so you never spoil that outfit you love so much:

Other tips on how to care for your clothes

In addition to following the instructions recommended on the clothing label, there are other ways to preserve the pieces and keep them looking like new. Check out:

  1. Fold your clothes properly for each piece: prefer to fold pieces such as t-shirts and other soft fabrics to prevent them from stretching and to take advantage of the spaces in your wardrobe in an organized way.
  2. Store your clothes in ventilated places: the wardrobe always closed or the use of plastic bags is not recommended to keep clothes preserved, as these factors can attract fungi, due to humidity, and end up damaging the piece.
  3. Avoid drying at a high temperature: the high temperature of the dryers can damage the fabric and even remove the color of the pieces, leaving them with a worn appearance with few washes.
  4. Pay attention when washing the pieces: in addition to the instructions on the label, do not use too much soap and avoid washing dirty clothes with very hot water as these factors can leave the piece with yellow stains.
  5. Prefer to fold delicate fabric pieces: instead of hanging knitting pieces, choose to fold them, so you prevent the threads from fraying or the fabric deforming.

These tips are practical and will make your clothes last much longer.

Knowing how to decipher clothing labels, it is easy to keep them preserved and avoid mistakes such as burning the pieces or washing them in a way that damages them. Now that you know how to maintain your clothes, here’s how to clean white sneakers.

Isabella Tamaki

She loves to travel, discover new cultures and new languages. Passionate about pop culture icons, extravagant clothes, musicals and storytelling of all kinds. Graduating in Communication and Multimedia and writing based on coffee and Coca-Cola.

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