I love those news stories that tell you about old existing beliefs that fall apart over time. The other day I read that scientists no longer consider hunches to be just a popular legend that is lost in the night of time. Today you must pay attention to your feelings, listen to what your soul tells you.
Studies show that we are able to anticipate something that will happen, in a period of less than five insurances, does not always happen, but it does happen. It is not interesting? Of course.
But today I learned something that will come in handy for those who refuse to express their emotions, those who always think about composure. I have always said that If we have the ability to laugh and cry, why deprive ourselves of it?
“Crying is sometimes the way to express things that cannot be said in words.”
-Concepción Arenal-
Crying is good for the soul
I usually laugh with total ease, if I have to laugh at a joke or a happy event I enjoy it to the fullest, and if I have to cry, I cry with total freedom, I don’t want to keep tears in my heart that make me feel frustrated. or injured for a long time. I better let them run and let the wind carry them, it sounds poetic, I know.
Anyway, recent studies claim that crying is good for the soul. This is nothing new, since you have surely felt it yourself, when overwhelmed by problems one day we let ourselves be carried away by tears, when we have lost someone who was important to us, the distances, the closeness that hurt, the frustrations, the small victories and the big defeats, which we have cried, of course…
But it is not what we should do according to those who think, I insist, that we should always be controlled. There are those who still think, mistakenly, that tears are a weakness.
“Crying does not indicate that you are weak. Since birth, it has always been a sign that you are alive.”
-Charlotte Brontë-
Crying helps to express feelings of sadness or sorrow, but also to release others such as anger, pain or rage.. We cry with happiness and joy. Crying helps us free ourselves from negative feelings and release the stress that sometimes paralyzes us. So why not cry when we really need to?
Cry to free yourself
Let’s not think about becoming fond of crying either, life also requires fortitude, but when we want to cry because we feel defeated, we have to let those tears free us from the feeling. We must not deny happiness the tears that always come easily and then seem to disappear without further ado…
They say that after the storm comes calm, crying is healthy because it frees us from frustration and anxiety, which is what the experts say. After crying we will surely feel better…
“I’m going to cry without rushing. “I am going to cry until I forget crying and achieve a smile.”
-Sara de Ibáñez-
Even if things don’t change with a tear, we can always, and you will agree with me on this, resume the commitment of life more calmly… Cry because it is healthy, and cry because it soothes the soul. “Emotions expressed, emotions overcome.”
And you don’t just have to let yourself go, free your soul through crying. We must also teach the little ones to express their feelings without limits, without restrictions, because that does not make them fragile, because it teaches them and because, ultimately, Crying not only calms you down, but it will also make you stronger.
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