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Carob X chocolate: is the exchange worth it? – GOOD SHAPE

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“Carob leaves the dough fluffier than cocoa”, guarantees Lidiane Barbosa, a functional cook.
Photo: Sheila Oliveira

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benefits of carob

Taste, color and texture similar to chocolate without the chocolate fat. Carob bars also tend to have less sugar and, therefore, have become a less caloric alternative cocoa-based candy. Rich in vitamins B1 and B2, it helps the body to metabolize fat, carbohydrate and protein. “It is still a source of vitamin A (protects the skin and vision), in addition to calcium and magnesium – minerals that, together, improve muscle mobility, which makes it an interesting option, especially for those who work out”, he says. Patrícia Davidson Haiat, nutritionist from Rio de Janeiro. And, like cocoa, it’s not low on polyphenols. “These antioxidants fight free radicals, slowing down cell aging, which helps prevent diseases, including the most serious ones, such as cancer,” says Luciana Milek, a nutritionist from Curitiba.

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Ally against diabetes and allergies

What has most attracted the attention of nutritionists and nutrologists is the low glycemic index of this fake chocolate and, therefore, considered a ally against diabetes. “This merit is due to the fibers, which cause the carob to be digested slowly – an important process for controlling blood sugar levels”, says Daniela Buzatti, agronomist, from Santa Maria (RS). The fibers in this food have another beneficial action: they stimulate the proper functioning of the intestine. As if that were not enough, carob frees the most sensitive people from the risk posed by allergens and stimulants, such as theobromine and caffeine, which are characteristic of cocoa. When you opt for it, you run away from two other unfriendly components: phenylethylamine, identified as a migraine trigger, and oxalic acid, which interferes with the absorption of important minerals, such as calcium and zinc. Your concern is with the lactose? There is a bar free of milk sugar, but check this information on the label. Also take the opportunity to check that the manufacturer has not added sugar, fat and other ingredients that make the fake chocolate as caloric or more than the traditional one, which invalidates the exchange if your goal is just to lose weight.

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Carob X Cocoa

Carob has 7% fat and cocoa 23%. See other nutritional differences between these two foods, in 20 grams (2 tablespoons) of the powdered version


180 of chocolate X 80 of carob


5.6 g of chocolate X 17.8 g of carob


5 g of chocolate X 0 g of carob


2.2 g of chocolate X 0 g of carob


0 g of chocolate X 1.2 g of carob


12 mg of chocolate X 0 g of carob

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Delights with fake chocolate:

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1. Carob bar with banana, from carob house

Worth for a fiber-rich snack. Made with raisins, it also gives you energy, ensuring you’re ready to work out.

Calories: 134 in 30g

Price: BRL 2.90 a unit

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2. Carob with hazelnut cream, from carob house

The “Nutella” version of carob. It is the only hazelnut cream without cocoa. It is also free of lactose and any other item of animal origin.

Calories: 103 in 30g

Price: BRL 15, the 150 g jar

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3. Carob powder, from Amendoim & Co.

Ideal for preparing cake and ganache. The flavor is more intense and, therefore, should be used in smaller quantities: only 1/3 of the requested measure of cocoa or chocolate powder.

Calories: 38 in 10g

Price: BRL 6 for a 100g pack

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4. Instant carob, from Amendoim & Co.

Replace chocolate. Ideal to be added to milk or vegetable drinks. Use only one small spoon for one cup (250 ml). It is free of preservatives and sugar.

Calories: 74 in 20g

Price: BRL 6 for a 100g pack

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No need to give up chocolate

Some professionals consider carob to be more of a fad. “I don’t see the need to abolish cocoa if the person does not have dietary restrictions”, defends José Lara Neto, a nutrologist from Sertãozinho (SP). Without a doubt: consumed in moderation, chocolate is an excellent food, especially the versions with more than 50% cocoa: they are rich in antioxidants and give quick energy, being a good option for before and after exercise. Either way, the benefits promised by carob are encouraging. In addition, alternating it with intense chocolate is a great workout for chocoholics to overcome their addiction to milk chocolate and, little by little, consume only the recommended 30 grams daily.

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