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Because dreaming an impossible dream makes it possible?

Hello friends!

I would like to start today’s text by thanking everyone for their love. I have received several very nice emails – and comments – recognizing our effort to spread the word about psychology, in texts ranging from the most abstract theories to articles that are immediately practical. I want to start by thanking you because we closed the month of March with 214,999 readers and, in total, we surpassed 2,000,000 (two million) visitors!

Thank you all so much for always being here and for also helping us to promote the site to friends and family!

Well, the other reason to start talking about these incredible numbers is that dreaming a dream that seems impossible turns out to be a dream possible. I explain better: when I started the site I had the dream of reaching 1,000,000 people. Anyone who has started an online project knows how complicated the beginning is. Getting a thousand visitors is already a great reason for joy. So reaching 1 million is like an impossible dream.

But if we dream and create a high goal like this, and if we really have the will and determination, we will overcome obstacles. It may take a little longer or a little less, but with time the impossible dream becomes a possible dream, then a closer reality to finally come true.

The example of the number of hits on the site is just an example, of course. But the idea I want to share with you is that if you are going to start a project, an idea, a goal, allow yourself to dream, dream big, dream a dream that is even impossible to achieve at the moment. I’ll explain the best why.

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Friends, when I talk about dreams here in this text, I’m not talking about the dreams we have at night, when sleeping and entering the state of sleep, okay? In this text, the word dream refers to our creative imagination, the capacity to create, to fantasize, to bring to mind – through images and sounds – a new world.

So why is it ideal to dream big, think big?

Because then the motivation is also much greater. With greater motivation, we have more energy to do, to act and to keep changing paths and correcting the path in order to reach the final realization.

I mean, if the dream is small, if in the end we are not going to achieve much, we automatically become discouraged and start thinking: what’s the point?

For example, imagine someone starting college right now. This person may think that their dream is to find a job after graduation. But, in my opinion, this is a small dream. Why not dream of being the best student in the class, in college? Why not dream of being the best professional in the field? Why not dream of great achievements? Why not dream of helping tens, hundreds, thousands of people with their own work?

Can you tell the difference between dreaming of being the best professional and just a person looking for a job? Motivation will be another and will give the energy needed to accomplish whatever it takes.

Going back to the example here on the site. When I dreamed of reaching 1 million hits, I had to find ways to reach my goal. I had to spend hours studying materials I never thought I would study like programming, WordPress, SEO, email marketing, and the list goes on. I realized what was going right and what was going wrong, and from the moment I managed to get my message across the internet it started to snowball, that is, it got easier and faster. .

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If I had the dream of reaching just 10,000 hits, I would have stopped in the first year and only had one blog, because my motivation would be low. With the impossible dream of 1 million, my motivation became enormous, which helped me a lot, therefore, to continue.

Dreaming of a better world

A few days ago I remembered a movie I saw, in which one of the characters commented that after a certain age (he was already in his seventies), people stop thinking about what they want and start thinking about what they are going to leave behind. the children, grandchildren, in short, to society. I have already commented with you about a dynamic that we used to do in the psychology faculty, in which we imagined our own death.

I am saying all this because the perspective of what we are going to leave behind is very important to stir our deepest motivations. In the end, there is no pride, vanity, possessions, glories. What remains is what we will leave for other people. Will we leave a better world?

Thus, motivation also grows, it becomes a big dream, because we will stop thinking only about ourselves, about what we need to receive, about the bills we need to pay at the end of the month, about personal problems, about resentments, about sorrows…

In my humble opinion, dreaming of a better world (in the perspective of each one, in the quality of each one) is the biggest dream and the greatest possibility of fulfillment in this life.


To conclude today, I would like to thank you again for your love! It will always be a pleasure to have your participation here, so be sure to comment, suggest, criticize. So let’s build together, okay?

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In this text, my objective was to give some ideas about how big and big dreams (perhaps even impossible for now) are very necessary. Not only do they increase motivation, but they also provide great achievements in the end.

Why not think that you can be the best? That you can do so much more? That you can go to an unimaginable point?

Once again, I bring this thought from Nelson Mandela: “Our greatest fear is not that we are incapable. Our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, attractive, talented, and amazing?” In fact, who are you not to be all that?…Playing small doesn’t help the world. There’s nothing brilliant about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.”

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