How do you know if you’re cursed? Daily we receive the “Am I cursed?” Ask. I want to assure you that real curses are extremely rare. Simply put, very few practicing witches have the ability and energetic stamina to go through such a grueling ritual! Curses aren’t fun, nor are they easy.
But what if you experience uncomfortable things that you can’t explain? Sure, you might think they’re just going through a bad streak – but when, on rare occasions, the bad streak is unusually long or persistent, here are the universal signs that someone (or something!) is working against you.
Call it cursed, jinxed, screwed up, jinxed, crossed – it doesn’t matter, the symptoms are always the same. The symptoms of being on the receiving end of a curse fall into three distinct categories: psychological, anatomical, and external.
Mental Conditions:
As any good demonologist or occultist will tell you, the most natural route of destructive entry for any spirit or energy is through your mind.
The spirits or energies meant to cause damage can cause the following psychological symptoms:
Nightmares: While our conscious mind is dormant, our subconscious processes and plays out the inner dialogue of the psyche. This is the time when the curse is most active as our vigilant vigil is down and we cannot consciously process or control our experience. Don’t be alarmed if you occasionally encounter nightmares – they are perfectly natural. The persistent nightmares that carry the same theme or theme are a cause for concern. Consistent night terrors, generally all bearing the same theme, usually indicate early stages of a curse that will plague your life.
Depression or oppression for no reason: Despite adequate nutrition (check your B12 and D3 levels!), relaxation and counseling, you are always weighed down by something unknown. This mysterious feeling of restlessness is typically an indication of toxic energy present or an attachment to an entity. This symptom can last for the lifespan of the curse and for a short time after it is cleared. If left untreated, it can lead to clinical psychosis.
Acting outside of character is a standard symptom of a curse or manipulative magic. If friends and family are concerned about your new behavior, re-examine why or how you picked up the new habit. It could very well be that they were telepathically inserted into your mind by someone who wishes you harm.
Anatomical conditions:
If the psychological symptoms are being ignored or if the curse is meant to harm you physically, these are the symptoms to look out for.
Headaches can be a cause for concern if they’re persistent and you’re just not the type of person who gets headaches frequently. We all know people who suffer from headaches on a weekly basis—I’m not saying they’re definitely cursed. But if you lie down in the evening and your scalp feels tight and you experience unusual pain or pressure on one side of the bed, take note! If the same symptom repeats 3 nights in a row, perform an instant banishment to purify yourself.
Chest pressure while sleeping can occasionally be referred to as sleep paralysis. Lying in bed and feeling intense pressure on your chest may indicate that a malevolent spirit is with you. Ancient cultures around the world refer to all forms of sleep paralysis as an entity that is physically on you. Check with your doctor first to make sure there are no logical explanations for chest pressure, and then see a spiritual healer or witch.
Erectile dysfunction, infertility, or low libido can occasionally indicate that a witch has cursed your sex organs, either to deprive you of a growing family (e.g. a generational curse) or simply to be a by-product of a general curse. As always, you should consult your doctor or naturopath first, and then consult a spiritual healer or witch.
External conditions:
If a seemingly random chain of unpleasant events is unfolding in your life, heed the following clues that indicate something darker is in the works.
Electrical illnesses such as cell phone batteries draining abnormally quickly, keyless entry car malfunctions, lightbulbs exploding or going out almost daily, computer crashes, washer/dryer suddenly cutting out, etc. This is a very stereotypical sign of the energy around you becoming dense and violent. Broken glass such as drinking glasses, glasses and windows are also affected. If you experience one or two of these symptoms, don’t worry – it’s natural. However, if you are having these problems daily for more than 5 days, please do a good banishment on yourself and your home, cleanse your home physically and finally consult a professional occultist or spiritual healer.
Extended losing streak:
For example, you get caught in a fender bender on your way to work to find out you’ve been fired and your boyfriend/girlfriend breaks up with you — all on the same day. Followed by the flooding in your home and your cat’s cancer. Do you see where this is going? Not one or two events go wrong, but a whole series of things.
Remember, when you’re cursed, the first thing to do is your money. That doesn’t mean you’re going to go broke – but money is always the easiest to raise and the quickest to lower.
Wrong place, wrong time Feeling like time is slipping away from you. If you could have made it just a few minutes later or earlier, things would always have turned out better for you. This is a symptom of not being in rhythm with your own life. An early telltale sign of something bigger.
Perpetual Failure in a Certain Area of Life It could be that your love life never works, your money runs out, or your health is always a problem. If the same issue keeps repeating itself in your life, evaluate what it is and what triggers it. Is it self sabotage? Is it a lack of self-love? Or is it something much darker and deeper?
After reading these symptoms, some paranoia may arise! I can assure you that very, very few people in this world are truly cursed. But it’s always a good idea to know what characters to look for!
Having multiple of these curse symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean you’re cursed. But it means you need to do an energetic cleanse! We recommend performing a banishing ritual to remove negative energy, attachments, and negative thoughts. Purifying your living space with cedar smoke can clear the energy and spirit.