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The Lidl liquid that leaves the windows transparent and eliminates window scratches

White vinegar is mainly known for its uses in cooking. It is excellent for dressing salads and also as an ingredient for marinating fish and vegetables. It is also used in home cleaning. It is used to remove bad odors and to clean the joints and surfaces of certain types of floors.

However, it is not suitable for use on all materials as it can corrode some of them. You should also avoid using it to clean appliances such as the dishwasher, which can be damaged in the long term. One of the ways to use vinegar without risking damage is to shine the window panes in your home and completely eliminate halos.


You only need water, white vinegar, a spray bottle, two microfiber cloths or sheets of newspaper. Once you have all of these items, you can proceed.


Now dilute four tablespoons of white vinegar in a liter of warm water. Stir and proceed to pour it into the spray bottle. Next, spray this mixture on the window glass. Clean it with the microfiber cloth or a sheet of newspaper, without leaving it for too long. Make circular movements and repeat until there is no halo left.

Finally, if necessary, wipe it with a sheet of newspaper or another microfiber cloth. This way, your window panes will be practically like new.

Sometimes it happens that the glass is not dirty, but simply scratched. If the scratches are minor, you can try to fix the problem yourself. A possible solution is to spread a little whitening toothpaste on the scratched glass with the help of a soft cloth. Then rinse it until the residue is completely dissolved. Do it carefully so as not to create halos.

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Remove scratches from glass with baking soda

You can also use a paste made of warm water and a little baking soda. Obviously, this solution will only work for minor scratches. Also in this case, you should spread the paste obtained on the scratch very gently and with the help of a soft cloth. Lastly, remove excess baking soda. Be careful, however, because baking soda can be abrasive to some types of glass. Therefore, it is recommended to always test the product on a small part before applying it.

If the scratches are not minor, it is best to contact a specialized technician who can repair the glass.

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