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Go against the flow

When you live according to the dictates and impositions of society, frustration and dissatisfaction take over your life. Dare to swim against the current.

Written and verified by the psychologist Elena Sanz.

You do everything you should do and yet you are unable to shake off that feeling of emptiness, that voice inside you that tells you that something is missing.. Has it happened to you? If your answer is affirmative, it is likely that you are living guided by social dictates and the expectations of others. In this article you will discover how important it is, sometimes, to go against the flow.

Living in society inevitably involves being influenced by judgments and group pressure. To a greater or lesser extent we all need to feel the approval of our environment. But When external opinions resonate too loudly in our minds, they can overshadow our own inner voice.

When this happens we disconnect from our essence, mission and vocation and we wander aimlessly pursuing objectives that are not ours.. However, some people find lucidity and break the chains. They decide to listen to themselves and trust themselves and begin to swim in their own direction.

The origin of “should”

When we come into this world we do so in a pure and uninhibited way. Children are the expression of innocence and the absence of masks. However, As we grow we begin to receive messages about what is expected of us.. Through the relationship with our parents we internalize which behaviors are acceptable and which are undesirable.

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In this way we cover ourselves with filters and impositions, on the other hand unavoidable to develop socially. We learn to keep forms, to be polite, obedient, studious and responsible. Adults transmit to us their expectations about how we should be, feel and act.

As we age, society instills in us a path, almost unique for all of us.. We grow up thinking that we must study, find a stable and well-paid job and start a family. Additionally, gender roles are assigned that men and women feel called to fulfill.

But all this tells us nothing about our deepest desires, our personal dreams and the direction each of us wishes to take. Above all, “I should” there is no room for “I want” and in this way we end up dragged by a current that does not always take us where we want to go.

Go against the flow

Due to their own temperament and life experiences, some people feel more motivated to follow their own path. In this way they defy the rules and refuse to submit to what others have planned for them. However, the price to pay for this freedom is high.

Those who risk going against the current find themselves lacking support and encouragement from those closest to them.. His decisions are frequently criticized by the people around him, who try to redirect his steps towards a more common life.

If your projects fail, this pressure becomes even more pressing.. All those who discouraged his “rebellion” from the beginning find the perfect opportunity to emphasize that that person was wrong. It is at this point when many of the dreamers decide to retract their sails and abide by what they are supposed to do.

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Dare to break the chains

Despite everything, each of us has a unique purpose and calling. It is not logical to narrow our lives into a single option common to all human beings. Following the flow will lead us, sooner or later, to a great feeling of frustration and dissatisfaction. Well, no matter how much we try to silence our inner voice, it will continue to whisper to us that we were born for something more.

Therefore, I recommend that you muster the courage to listen to your own desires and pursue your own goals. Forget what others expect of you and ask yourself what you want. After all, Your life is yours alone and it is preferable to assume the consequences of your decisions than those of others.

If you want to dedicate yourself to an unusual profession, silence the voice of fear and try it. If you love to travel, find a way to do it as much as you can. Choose your tastes, your aesthetics, your interests and your personality in a completely free way. Approve yourself for those who do not, trust yourself for those who are not capable of believing. Don’t let anyone tell you how you should live.

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All cited sources were reviewed in depth by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, validity and validity. The bibliography in this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Herrera Santi, P. (2000). Gender role and family functioning. Cuban Journal of Comprehensive General Medicine16(6), 568-573. Martínez, AI (2002). Temperament, character; personality. An approach to its concept and interaction. Complutense Journal of Education13(2), 617.

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