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Unmissable message from Keanu Reeves

Keanu Reeves is one of those actors who spend little, but who choose their jobs well. Something similar happens with his demonstrations, in which he usually demonstrates great social awareness.

Keanu Reeves is one of the most prominent and valued Canadian actors; In the memory of most of him his brilliant performance in “The Matrix” stands out. However, His recognition is also due to the multiple thoughtful messages he sends through his social networks..

Reeves has been characterized as a person who analyzes all the realities of society and seeks justice. Because of that, is directly involved in all issues that it believes need urgent change.

Keanu Reeves began one of his last public demonstrations referring to gender inequality. His criticism was directed at those who treat women like a trophy.

“I don’t understand men who dress women in a vulgar way to show them off in front of others.”said the actor. In this way, he stated that many value them superficially, but never dedicate themselves to highlighting the skills and contributions of his life partners.

Later, he questioned the value that the word has lost today. So he wrote that “We cling to those who say they promise and are not interested in delivering.” With this idea he wanted to express the selfishness of many people in the articulation of their belief system.

The blow that love has received, according to Keanu Reeves

“Women are deciding not to have children because men are not interested in starting a family,” the Canadian actor continued. Thus, he expressed his belief that The world is facing individualistic behaviors in which there is no consensus, the wishes of others are omitted, forgetting about the collective.

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Besides, He stated that “people say they love and don’t show it”. This is because they act remotely, do not nurture the bond daily and ignore recognizing the importance that the other person has for their lives.

The world of appearances

Nowadays people have dedicated themselves to worrying about material things all the time. Because of that, They forget to take time to analyze their emotions, ask how those around them are doing, and live experiences that generate calm.

About this, Keanu stated towards the end of the message that “most people spend more time with their car than with their family”. The idea of ​​being, of sharing, below having.

Furthermore, he ended by saying that a good part of society has renounced its convictions, tastes and objectives. Partly due to the predominance of certain stereotypes or static images that invite us to follow fashion.

How to overcome that reality?

It is essential to act with values ​​and thinking about the collective good. We will be in a position to be better with and for those around us. In the end, we all participate in power games, the difference is made by the honesty with which we try to gain presence, resources or influence. In this sense, what matters are the limits we set for ourselves.

Likewise, it is essential that people are aware that freedom is the most important thing. This way they can choose their own path, counteract stereotypes and achieve emotional well-being.

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