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The mandala technique

For Carl Jung, the mandala symbolizes that union between the human and the transcendent, where you can work to improve every day and achieve individuation.

Mandala is a Sanskrit term that means “center circle magic ring”. In the RAE, it is defined as a complex drawing, which is usually circular and that represents the regulatory forces of the universe, serving as support in meditation.

There is an infinite variety of mandalas, from simple figures to more complex ones shaped like a lotus or a wheel. Drawn on a sheet of paper, painted or woven on fabric, even constituting the plan of some buildings.

They have been used since ancient times, having their origin in India, spreading through oriental culture and later, thanks to the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung by the west. Its importance is reflected in the great diffusion among different cultures and religions.

Jung stated that mandalas were the representation of the mind in its entirety, from the conscious to the unconscious. Even more, for the famous Swiss psychiatrist this figure also contained great transformative power.

“The Mandala is a living symbol. It is the representation of the desire for unity and that helps us in the process of Individuation.”

-Carl Jung-

The benefits of mandala

From a spiritual vision, mandalas are like energy centers of balance and purification.which help us transform the vision we have of our environment and of ourselves.

Anyone, regardless of age, can draw and paint a mandala, obtaining numerous benefits according to various research carried out. The simple act of coloring helps the person achieve states of calm.

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The shapes and colors used in mandalas express thoughts, emotions and intuitions of the person who made it.. As they say, the choice is not accidental. The same color, depending on the person’s mood, can have different meanings.

Thus, with studies such as the one carried out at the California State University, they show us that this technique is especially useful in art therapy. It relieves stress, improves attention and becomes an increasingly common resource.

Mandalas usually represent the connection between the internal world and external reality. Drawing and interpreting a mandala usually makes it easier for us, among other things, to make contact with our own intimacy.

Each mandala has a meaning of the person who draws it.

The mandalas They can be used in meditation or as a relaxation technique strengthening the latter, the person’s creative process.

Thus, in a study carried out in 2005 by Nancy A. Curry and Tim Kaser, it was found, for example, that The creation of sand mandalas was effective in reducing anxiety levels and stress.

Mandalas are like a form of meditation in action. As the person creates or observes it, they free themselves from their thoughts and clear their mind. They help with concentration and attention. As well as achieving mental stability and spiritual balance, deepening knowledge about oneself.

Uses of mandalas

In the educational field, mandalas are used as resources to improve children’s attention and concentration, develop fine motor skills, as well as means of communication, expression and overcoming stressful emotional situations. In some day hospitals, cancer patients are even offered to color mandalas as a means of relaxation and concentration.

To work with mandalas we can do it in different ways:

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Observe a mandala, in a quiet place, for three or five minutes. This practice is like a meditation exercise, using the mandala as support, which will lead us to a state of relaxation and inner calm.Color a mandala. To do this, we can look online or in a mandala book and choose the one that most attracts or interests us. Once selected, we can begin to color it, paying attention to what we are doing.Create your own mandala. In this case, first the mandala design is made and then it is colored. This practice is the most advisable for personal work. Once drawn and colored, you will have to discover what it is expressing through observation. Although you may not find a meaning, the mandala may still be unconsciously having an effect on yourself.

To conclude, currently, The mandala technique is increasingly present in mindfulness art therapies. Hence, it is common for this resource to be combined with meditation and yoga. It’s another approach that’s always worth considering.

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Jung. G Jung (2017) Mandala Symbolism. Princeton University Press

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