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My partner doesn’t have friends: why is that?

If our partner does not have friends, it can mean that we become their only source of support, leisure, and personal growth. These are situations that, sometimes, can lead us to exhaustion.

If we complain to someone that our partner has no friends, they will most likely downplay it. “And what else gives? “Having friends is not everything in life!”, they insist. However, something in us tells us that it is not always the most advisable thing. At the end of the day, having a social network outside of one’s own emotional relationship is enriching and rewarding.

People are not just someone’s partner. Having a family, co-workers and good lifelong friends – even if they are few – provides us with multiple psychological benefits. In fact, The more social interactions a person has, the more stimuli, learning and experiences they will accumulate. All this translates into psychological well-being.

Friendship is a pillar in a person’s life and a source of happiness for the human brain. It is true that we need these links to be based on trust and that this sometimes fails. Everyone has their personal experience in this universe, there is no doubt. So much so that getting into a relationship without having any friends is more common than we think…

The fact that our partner does not have friends is completely understandable. Sometimes distances or disappointments can put you in this situation.

My partner does not have friends: causes that can explain this reality

It is often said that one of the biggest sources of problems in a couple are each other’s friends. There is always someone we don’t like. It may also be the case that the loved one prioritizes these figures excessively, to the point of neglecting us. That is to say, in general, this has always been an aspect that used to bring disagreements and some small arguments.

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However, times change. There are many reports and surveys that reveal the fact that both the millennials as the generation Z They are the loneliest generations. A good part of them declare that they have no friends. The relationships they build are weaker, more fluid, and expire soon. Added to this is also the effect of the pandemic. There are those who have lost friends during this time.

Be that as it may, we are facing an increasingly common reality. This, which for some may be anecdotal, has its consequences. Suddenly, we can become that center of attention and constant need for the other person. In addition, Those who do not have friends, sometimes, may not respect that their partner has them.

However, it should be noted that Sometimes not having friends may not be a problem, it will always depend on the person, their characteristics and personal circumstances. We analyze it.

She is introverted, with good social skills, but has lost her friends.

Introverts are usually defined by having few, but generally solid, friendships. However, as we pointed out, as a result of the pandemic many people have lost contact with many close figures. It is very common to start a relationship with an introvert and realize that they lack those social ties.

This, in most cases, is not a problem. It is very likely that, at some point, you will make new friends.

Asocial people, who also do not accept that we have friends

An asocial person is one with no interest in participating in social interactions. He feels uncomfortable and avoids it at all costs. Let us remember that this profile does not define any disorder, such as, for example, antisocial personality disorder. We are looking at someone who simply does not like social life.

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However, this can lead to somewhat more complex situations. Often, the asocial person is uncomfortable with the couple having their group of friendsgo out with them and have a more playful, open and connected lifestyle with people.

She is always very busy

Our partner may be a real workalcoholic. That is, a person addicted to work who barely leaves room for another reality other than the work sphere. This has meant that, over time, he has lost more than one friendship in view of that lifestyle so focused on his profession.

Let’s keep in mind, if our partner does not have friends and fits this profile, it is likely that they will also end up neglecting us at some point.

People who do not trust friendship after several betrayals

The University of Duisburg-Essen carried out a study that revealed something that we already intuited. Today’s young people increasingly use new technologies and social networks to make friends. The same thing happens when looking for a partner. Using specialized applications for these purposes saves time.

However, Other phenomena also appear: disappointment, boredom and disenchantment. It seems that now friendships last less and less, and it is common to suffer more than one ghosting (disappear without saying anything) and some betrayal. This reinforces the idea that “you are better off alone and without friends.”

There are people who lack friends because they have prioritized their family throughout their lives.

When family is everything

Sometimes, when our partner doesn’t have friends, it is worth looking at the family. There are toxic and absorbing family scenarios that invalidate their members.. Having a narcissistic father or mother, for example, can mean that the child will never be able to consolidate a good friendship. The parent boycotts her in every way possible.

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In this case, we should also be alert. Because if the family has managed to make our partner lack friends, it is likely that they will manage to distance themselves from that person with whom the son or daughter has fallen in love…

To conclude, whenever we meet someone who lacks friends, there is a story behind it that explains it.

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All cited sources were reviewed in depth by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, validity and validity. The bibliography in this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Décieux JP, Heinen A, Willems H. Social Media and Its Role in Friendship-driven Interactions among Young People: A Mixed Methods Study. YOUNG. 2019;27(1):18-31. doi:10.1177/1103308818755516Solano, CH (1986). People Without Friends: Loneliness and Its Alternatives. In: Derlega, VJ, Winstead, BA (eds) Friendship and Social Interaction. Springer Series in Social Psychology. Springer, New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4612-4880-4_12

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