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Narcissists at work: toxic and unproductive environments

Work environment marked by tension, anxiety, criticism, low productivity… Narcissists at work undermine all dynamics, initiative and even the simplest activity.. They are those profiles that need to always be the center of attention and take all the merits through a strategy that is as elementary as it is destructive: sabotaging the rights and well-being of others.

Experts in personality psychology tell us that We will all, at some point in our lives, encounter a narcissistic profile.. Now, when we find a co-worker, manager or any other position in a work context, the situation becomes as complicated as it is exhausting.

Let’s think that our workdays cover a large part of our time. To this, we must add the economic factor, the productive factor and that personal projection that we want to make in our career or within a company. So, The fact of having a vetoing, harmful and toxic presence can make all these purposes clearly decimated.

“Joining mediocre people is joining toxic people, without realizing that stale air enters your pores and makes you sick.”

-Bernardo Stamateas-

It is not easy to deal with narcissists at work on a day-to-day basis. Their behavior is often as irrational as it is exhausting, and if we do not have strategies to defend ourselves, our quality of life can be affected.. In fact, although there are studies, such as the one carried out by the University of Illinois and published in the journal Psychological Science , To tell us that the narcissistic profile is reducing in recent years, there is a fact that we cannot ignore.

It is essential to know how to handle those who already live with us, without succumbing and without losing even an iota of ground to those who want everything: narcissists. Let’s see how.

Narcissists at work, how to recognize them?

Narcissists at work have many names. They are the climbers, the abusers, the ones who spread rumors, the selfish, the ones who don’t know how to team up, the ones who make individual decisions without counting on anyone. They are, in essence, what create a suffocating and unproductive climate to the point of extinguishing our motivation, initiative and desire to get to work every morning.

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Likewise, it is important to understand one aspect. There are people who may present some narcissistic trait. Others, however, fall within that small percentage of the population that presents a clear narcissistic personality disorder. There is therefore a spectrum where certain people show each characteristic and others can become more manageable. and even correct their behavior somewhat when a warning is given.

Let’s see, however, what narcissists are like at work, those more classic profiles that cause havoc among colleagues and for the organization itself.

They seek to be the center of attention.They want to take all the credits. They use lies to get what they want.They do not hesitate to expose others and ridicule them.They will never admit that we have done something well. They sabotage the work of others. They do not take responsibility for their mistakes, they manage to make others take the blame for their failures and incompetence. We are faced with a personality marked by envy. Often, They push others to carry out unethical behavior.

Likewise, a study published by psychologists Sander Thomaes and Bram Bushman from the University of Utrecht points out It is very common for the narcissist to dazzle us at first.. It can be that boss or that accessible, assertive and pleasant colleague with whom you get along initially. However, over time his real intentions are revealed.

How to survive narcissists at work?

Narcissists at work can make us feel burned out, exhausted, sinking our hopes of growing at a professional level. The issue is even more complex when this profile defines our superior or that manager who is always above the rights of his workers. And so When these situations become extreme, it will always be advisable to ask for employment advice.

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On the other hand, it is also advisable to be very clear about certain aspects. Very basic dimensions that can help us not to mortgage our motivation or our objectives.

Know the narcissist, understand his weak points

The first key is basic: avoid falling into the narcissist’s game. Thus, it is interesting to remember that what this profile craves most is admiration and recognition. His weak point is his self-esteem, let us never forget that. Therefore, it will be helpful for us to take into account the following aspects.

A narcissist always demands immediate attention: he feeds on it. Don’t lend it to him. Make him see that for you his presence is secondary, your priority is your work, your work and objectives. If the narcissist is our superior, we will avoid obeying the first thing or complying with his demands immediately (especially if they are not relevant and if he only seeks to expose us).

Your needs come first

The narcissist demands, demands, humiliates, lies, only takes himself into account and sees no more ground than that which surrounds his own person. In the face of this behavior, let us assert our needs and rights. If something doesn’t seem right to us, let’s justify why by speaking assertively in the first person to show their lack of empathy.; Let us not give in or fall into its suffocating network.

Everything in writing

Narcissists at work, as we already know, practice only one task: making demands on others.. Therefore, it is best that any demand be in writing in any way, by email, courier, etc. If at any time contradictory information appears or an incident arises, we need to be able to demonstrate where a certain order or demand came from.

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Don’t fall into their traps

The narcissist always wants to know things about us to use them to his advantage. Likewise, it is common that at the beginning they seek our closeness to create complicity and obtain information. Let’s avoid falling into his traps, Let’s avoid talking about our personal life, let’s be cautious when sharing information and opinions with this type of profile because at any time, he can use it against us.

Be clear about your values ​​and labor rights

One of the most common problems associated with this personality is their lack of ethics. It sabotages the rights of others and, what is worse, it can push others to move illegally.

Therefore, it is vital that we remember what our values ​​are and that we are well advised about our labor rights. Narcissistic managers, for example, know how to manage their middle managers and employees to achieve objectives through illegal and unethical means.. Thus, let’s avoid regretting events that we can prevent by being assertive and remembering where the limits are.

To conclude, narcissists at work can be highly problematic. Sometimes, they can lead to clear harassment or mobbing behavior, in other cases, and to avoid these situations, many workers choose to leave their job. It’s not easy, we know, but to the extent that we can It is necessary to set limits and not give in to this type of behavior that is still common today.

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