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The 11 best movies about dogs

If you want to delve deeper into canine representation in the seventh art, here are the best movies about dogs. Do not miss it.

Since it is one of the most beloved animals in homes, you may be interested in watching some movies about dogs to see how their figure is represented on the big screen. Dogs share a wide variety of areas with us and end up being one of the family, so it is normal for the seventh art to be interested in them.

In the titles that you will see in this article you will find many stories between humans and dogs. Loyalty, affection and sacrifice are the values ​​that you will see most represented, and it is not surprising. There is no shortage of cases in which human and dog meet and give meaning to each other’s lives.

Whether or not you share your life with a dog, you will be able to empathize with these stories. There are many heartwarming titles that feature dogs as protagonists, but here are the best. Do not miss it.

The best movies about dogs

When talking about movies about dogs, the first options are usually children’s movies or family comedies. However, there are films with these animal protagonists that help us reflect on deep and transcendental issues. Here you will find 11 of them, with their corresponding trailer. Do not miss it.

1. Comet: him, his dog and his world

We start with an emotional story. This Mexican film tells the story of Cometa, an abandoned dog, and a young man who loses his home and deals with serious family problems. When their paths cross, they both find a reason to continue living.

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2. Hagen and I (White god)

Winner of the Euroimagen award and the 2014 Cannes festival, here is a new story about loyalty, affection and perseverance, but with a necessary tinge of revolution. In it, the dog Hagen is separated from a 13-year-old girl when her father abandons him to pay a tax fee for him.

3. Isle of dogs

This curious animated film by stop motion tells a dystopia located in Japan 20 years in the future, where dog overpopulation becomes a problem. To deal with a canine flu pandemic, it is decided to isolate all the dogs on a landfill island, Garbage Island.

The director, Wes Anderson, is known for other extravagant works, such as Grand Budapest Hotel.

4. Always by your side, Hachiko

If you like dramas, prepare the tissue pack. Based on the real case of the dog Hachiko, it tells the story of a teacher whose dog accompanied him to the train every morning and then picked him up on the way back. The story takes a twist with an unfortunate event.

There is currently a statue in honor of this dog at the Shibuya train station.

5. Wendy and Lucy

Wendy has gotten a job in a factory in Alaska and has to settle into her new home with her dog Lucy. Financial problems drown her, so one day she decides to steal a can of dog food. They arrest Wendy and when she returns, Lucy has disappeared, so she decides to go look for her.

6. My dog ​​Skip

The parents of Willie, a shy and withdrawn 9-year-old boy, decide to give him a little dog, which they call Skip. The film explores the problem of self-esteem in children who find it difficult to adapt through a film for the whole family.

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7. Tod and Toby

The film begins when a widow decides to adopt a fox cub, named Tod. Tod meets his new best friend Toby, a hunting dog puppy. However, when they both grow up they will have to confront each other, since Toby is a hunter by nature and Tod is a possible victim.

This Disney animated film did not have the impact of its successors from the golden age, but it deals with such profound topics as roles in society and the strength of external pressure on the individual.

7. Frankenweenie

In this animated film by Tim Burton, A boy tries to resurrect his dead dog in the purest style of the Frankenstein classic. In the director’s line, humor and the creepy mix in the scenes of this feature film for the whole family.

8. 10 Promises to my Dog

This Japanese film tells the story of a girl who, to adopt a dog into her home, must make 10 promises and keep them. Through this tender story, you will learn a way to teach others how important responsibility is when it comes to caring for an animal.


Max is a dog that, after being used on the front lines of the war in Afghanistan by the Americans, He suffers a trauma and must return home. The film tells the story of his adaptation and recovery after the event and the death of his human companion.

10. Plague Dogs

This animated film tells the story of two dogs who escape from an experimentation laboratory and how they survive in nature with the consequences of the procedures performed on them. Despite its adventurous tone, it deals with delicate topics, such as the reality of vivisection and the darkest faces of the human being.

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11. Cujo, one of the creepiest dog movies

The protagonists of this story are the Trenton family. This nucleus is made up of Victor, his wife Donna, and their son, Victor. This family is bullied by a dog, capable of causing real anguish in the clanand also in the viewer.

If you want a good time of scares and tension, this is a good movie, so get something to hug and hide your face.

With this list of movies you ensure an afternoon of reflection or simple entertainment, you choose. What is clear is that dogs have given us great moments and that someone will surely continue to represent them in any form of art.

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