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The 4 types of laziness and how to overcome them

It is important that we stop seeing laziness simply as a defect or a vice. In all types of laziness there are more complex realities, which we are possibly overlooking.

There are several types of laziness and each of them affects us differently. That feeling of not wanting to do an activity is more complex than it may seem at first glance.. Many times it is automatically labeled as something negative, but that should not happen. Where there is laziness, there is also something else that may be important.

Different types of laziness have different causes, characteristics and intensities. What is common in all of them is that resistance to taking action, even though it is thought that the right thing to do is to act.. The bad reputation of laziness comes from religion, where it is not considered a psychological state that obeys multiple reasons, but rather a capital sin.

Laziness is usually linked to procrastination. Lack of interest in doing something usually leads to postponing some activity indefinitely. If this happens too frequently, it obviously ends up affecting performance and life in general. To better understand this state, let’s see what types of laziness exist.

Don’t give in to fatalism. It will lead you to inertia and laziness. Recognize the great powers of thought. Make an effort. Achieve a great destiny through right thinking”.


1. Physical laziness

This is one of the most common types of laziness. As the name indicates, it has to do with resistance to physical activities. The most common thing is that this type of laziness arises from three factors: fatigue prior, immediatism or lack of interest. The most typical case is that of someone who wants to start an exercise routine and never manages to do so, as a lack of desire always ends up taking over.

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Sometimes this happens because there is a desire, but the available energy is not enough to carry out this activity. On other occasions, finally, The future benefits of exercise are not given as much importance and they opt only for immediate comfort. Everything can also be due to a lack of interest. In reality, physical well-being is not a sufficient incentive.

In these cases, the best thing to do is a thorough reflection to determine if it is really worth starting the exercise routine. If it is detected that the benefits are sufficiently important, the same conviction will lead to overcoming that resistance.. The same applies to other types of physical activities.

2. Mental laziness, one of the types of laziness

Mental laziness is related to the use of our cognitive faculties. It is one of the types of laziness that is mainly born from a lack of motivation. The most common thing is that a person does not see a concrete benefit in intellectual activities and that is why they resist doing them.

Many times the person feels that the activity is too complex and this causes motivation to decrease.. Likewise, as in the previous case, there is no immediate benefit for this type of tasks. Perhaps a reflection on this is necessary.

Intellectual activity not only protects our brain, but also increases our daily skills and competencies. It even has a very positive effect on our emotions. The brain is there to work with and if it is not done, the feeling of boredom appears. Intellectual activity awakens, excites and improves life.

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3. Existential laziness

Among the types of laziness, existential laziness is the one most related to a state of depression.. It manifests itself as a lack of interest and enthusiasm for life in general. There is not enough energy to take initiatives, project or set goals.

Existential laziness is a clear indication that there is a psychological obstacle that you have not identified.. It is possible that you are going through, or have gone through, highly demanding emotional situations that you did not fully resolve. Likewise, it is likely that this has caused exhaustion that you need to replenish.

The most common thing is that existential laziness arises as a result of a psychological weight that has not been processed.. It charges and this leaves no room for new available energy to emerge. This type of laziness is common in those who have a habit of ruminating thoughts and distrusting themselves.

4. Spiritual laziness

Spiritual laziness is often associated with existential laziness. What differentiates them is that, In the case of spiritual laziness, the primary thing is a feeling of disinterest in the transcendent aspects of life..

A person has spiritual laziness when he decides to adapt to routines and follow them mechanically., without trying to go further. He does not believe that existence is anything more than that set of daily obligations, which he performs without great enthusiasm and without a real objective.

In all cases, it is important to note that laziness can be a positive symptom. It tells you about fatigue, or excess, and that is why you should pay attention to it.. When this is not the case, the best thing to do is learn to motivate yourself. There are things that cost at first, but they are worth it. If the case is more critical, professional help is probably necessary.

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All cited sources were reviewed in depth by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, validity and validity. The bibliography in this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Maier, C., & de Torres Burgos, Z. (2004). Good morning, laziness. Peninsula.

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