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81 questions to get to know your friends more

Do you think you know everything about your friends? Probably not. These questions will allow you to discover details, nuances and curiosities that you didn’t know about them and have a good time.

We propose a series of questions to get to know your friends more. You may think that you know them well, it is even possible that you think that you are soulmates and that there is little information about their life that you ignore. However, as striking as it may be, there are always small and important aspects that we miss.

Seneca said that the best thing in a friendship is to understand and be understood. However, we can always go a little further and add to the understanding the pleasure of mutual discovery. It is not, by any means, about doing an interrogation, but this series of questions can allow us to have a fun time delving into surprising and curious nuances.

Gather your best friends and explore, ask, propose and launch each question without fear or reluctance. You will surely have a fun time with which, further strengthen that bond of complicity, affection and camaraderie that defines you.

Questions to get to know your friends more

There are many things that unite you and your friends: hobbies, values, the same life experiences and that magic by which the world seems to calm down and make sense when you are together. Nevertheless, It is worth creating new situations to discover yourselfto challenge each other and thus, have a broader vision of yourselves.

These phrases to get to know your friends better will allow you to get to know them better. Do not hesitate to make rounds, to propose a fun quid pro quo so that the experience is more fun if possible for everyone.

1. What caught your attention about me when you met me?

Let’s start with a question relevant to us. Let’s make our friend remember what it was that caught his attention about us. He is sure to tell us something that we do not expect and that will surely surprise us.

2. What do you like least about your way of being or personality?

We all have some nuance of our personality that we don’t like and that we always try to change or improve. Surely your friends also have that particularity about themselves that is not entirely comfortable for them.

3. When did you first fall in love?

Childhood loves are always good topics of conversation. If you have not touched on this topic yet, it is time to do so; These are questions that we always like to remember and even share.

4. Explain to me an uncomfortable moment in your life

Let’s admit it, we all have not one, but several unpleasant moments that we don’t like to talk about too much. It’s time to use our trust and share it.

5. When was the last time you cried and why?

Chances are, as friends, we know the answer. However, it is always good to ask it because, sometimes, we can discover something that we did not know.

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6. If you could get a tattoo right now, which one would you choose?

It doesn’t matter if your friend is one of those people who already have almost completely tattooed skin or, on the other hand, belongs to that group of those who still don’t have any. Tattoos are expressions of our tastes or specific expressive needs. You will surely be surprised by the answer.

7. What is the wildest lie you have ever told?

There are sophisticated lies, mediocre lies and crazy falsehoods that at any given moment we end up telling, whether we want to or not. Don’t hesitate to ask your friends this question.

8. What do you usually do to relieve stress?

Everyone handles stress in their own way and it’s always good to know how our friends do.

9. What would you never do again in your life?

Each of us has experienced situations that we would never repeat again. But that’s what life and experience are for, to know which place we won’t go through again.

10. Explain to me your last dream

Let’s delve into the dream. So, Among those questions to get to know your friends more, it is always good to delve into the world of dreams to have a broader vision of them.

11. Have you ever fallen in love with someone you shouldn’t have?

This may perhaps be a uncomfortable question . However, It may also be interesting to know if our friends have been attracted to or fallen in love with people who could bring them more problems than happiness.

12. Tell me three decisive musical groups in your life

The music It is always a good channel and artistic expression with which to get to know a person more. If you have not yet talked about this topic, it is time to do so.

13. Explain to me one of the happiest moments of your childhood

It is always comforting to share those happy moments from our past and especially from our childhood.

14. What do you hate the least in people?

Living among people with the most varied personalities, behaviors and quirks can often be complicated. However, We all feel that there are aspects that we cannot tolerate or endure, such as narcissism, lying, competitiveness, victimhood. This can be a good topic of conversation.

15. What would an ideal world be like, according to you?

Among all those questions to get to know your friends better, this one may be one of the most interesting. It makes it easier for us to delve into moral, philosophical, social and even psychological aspects. Let’s not hesitate to raise it.

16. What do you value most in a friendship?

Let’s talk about friendship with our friends . We are sure to discover important details to take better care of our relationship or to value what we have already built.

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17. What are your favorite television series?

If we don’t yet know which series have marked the lives of our friends, it’s time to find out.

18. What is the first book that you remember that fascinated you?

We all have a book that marked our lives. Sharing, talking and delving into those first readings that marked us forever will create good topics of conversation with our friends.

19. Questions to get to know your friends better. What scares you the most?

Talking about our fears reveals us as people and makes it easier to create a good connection with someone. Every fear explained is an intimacy that we allow ourselves to put out loud with someone special.

20. What, according to you, is what you are very bad at?

We may be bad at mathematics, we may be bad at children, or getting it right in love is still our pending issue today.

21. Who has been your biggest influence in life?

Among the questions to get to know our friends better It is always good to know who they have (or had) as a reference in their lives.

22. What is the hardest lesson you have had to learn?

Let’s touch on sensitive topics. Friendship and trust allow us to cross more intimate thresholds such as, for example, knowing what the hardest learning experience has been in our lives.

23. Do you think your younger self would be proud of where you are right now in life?

Let’s invite our friends to take a short retrospective to assess what their lives have been like so far.

24. Do you have any strange quirks that I don’t know about?

People are often real factories of the most peculiar manias that not even our best friends know about.

25. Right now, what’s at the top of your wish list?

Dreams, desires, projects, vital needs… We all have deep desires that we need to satisfy.

26. Are you afraid of getting old?

The passage of time is something that each person handles and understands in a particular way. Thus, among the questions to get to know your friends better, this may be one of the most interesting.

27. What does it mean to you to be successful in life?

Each of us conceives in a different way what it means to succeed in this world. There will be those who have higher aspirations and those, for their part, have a more humble and simple heart and outlook.

28. How do you see yourself in 10 years?

Let’s look to the future. It will surely start the engine of very interesting conversations with our friends.

29. What usually keeps you up at night?

Love, worries, having had too much dinner or anxiety. Knowing what keeps that special friend or friends off is a way to get to know them better.

30. What animal do you identify with?

Wild wolves, whales that conquer the ocean or dragonflies that move through the sky, water or wind. Among the questions to get to know our friends better, this may be one of the most interesting.

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31. Do you have – or have you had – any platonic love?

Platonic loves are unfortunate, but anyone who has never had them has not truly lived.

32. If the world were to end tomorrow, what would you do?

Let’s raise an apocalyptic question and enjoy the ideas of our friends regarding this possibility: that of the world ending.

33. If you had the opportunity to be immortal, how would you take advantage of it?

Immortality can be a gift or a curse. However, we cannot deny it, it is something that we have all considered at some point.

34. When have you felt most proud of yourself?

Let’s talk about those shining moments when our friends achieved, did or accomplished something they are proud of.

35. Have you ever given up on any of your dreams? If so, for what reason?

Renunciations always mark our existence. Let’s talk about this topic to get to know our friends a little more.

36. If you were a superhero, what powers would you have?

We all dream of having extraordinary abilities, but as they say, with power comes great responsibility.. What abilities do your best friends dream of having?

37. What do you think of polyamory?

Polyamory or open relationships always raise interest and controversy. This question cannot be missing among the questions to get to know your friends better.

38. If you could share dinner with 4 people living or dead, who would they be?

Actors, writers, musicians, scientists… We all have figures we admire with whom we would love to share a dinner. Do not hesitate to share this very interesting question.

39. Are you a “glass half full” or “glass half empty” type?

Are your friends those who always see things from a bright and optimistic side or are they, perhaps, those who are rather cautious and even pessimistic?

40. Do you consider yourself a mature, serious and adult person or do you think that your childish side continues to dominate you?

We all have that friend of absolute freshness, innocence and irresistible spark who is still a Peter Pan or a Wendy. Likewise, we also do not lack that always serious, logical and responsible friend who stops us. Now, does what we see coincide with what they feel about themselves?

41. Who do you think knows you best?

Among the questions to get to know your friends, it is always interesting to ask this question. Who, according to him or her, knows perfectly his or her intimacies and details of his or her way of being? Maybe, it’s you.

42. What do you prefer… Be a millionaire or find the love of your life?

We all know how hard it is to find the ideal partner, to that authentic love with whom to start a project…

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