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83 short phrases to think and reflect

Reflect, think, discover and even get excited. Among this list of wonderful phrases you will find the one that can best help you at the current moment. They are small legacies of knowledge that are worth delving into…

Short phrases to think and reflect are a valuable exercise for the mind. They open new perspectives for us. They entertain us and enlighten us. Many of these small chests of wisdom are legacies from great figures in science, literature, philosophy or art. It is always inspiring to place your eyes and heart on those small brushstrokes of knowledge.

In an increasingly hurried world, reflection exercises tie us to the present and refine our emotions to relax and balance worry. Somehow, among these lists that we now present, there is always a phrase that suits us and that seems to respond to our current needs.

Let’s immerse ourselves in this small ocean of wise ideas, of insights from yesterday…

Short phrases to think and reflect

Seneca said that the world is full of small seeds of knowledge. It is true, however, there is something we must admit. Knowledge and wisdom only come to those who know how to look, to those who open themselves to new perspectives, other approaches and also have an unmatched virtue: curiosity.

Let us be curious therefore and walk with an open mind and ready to sow our interior with these small seeds of knowledge with which to reflect…

1. “We shouldn’t look for heroes, we should look for good ideas.” Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky is, without a doubt, one of those figures who challenges us the most to position ourselves, to critically filter everything that surrounds us.. So let’s be clear: let’s avoid being carried away by passion or blind admiration for a public figure in general without knowing what’s behind it. Let’s be critical, let’s be observant and above all. Let’s analyze the ideas and not just the facades.

2. “If everyone thinks the same way, no one thinks.” Benjamin Franklin

There is nothing more dangerous than single thinking. This reasoning of the great Benjamin Franklin should remind us of the need to think for ourselves, to dare to reason, give our opinions and see things from our point of view.

3. “Teach your tongue to say “I don’t know” and you will progress.” Maimonides

Let’s travel back to medieval times to remember one of the best pieces of advice from the Sephardic wise man: Let’s be humble and assume that we don’t know everything about life. It is from there that the real opportunity to learn arises.

4. “Life has no obligation to give us what we expect.” Margaret Mitchell

No matter how much we want it, life does not have that function or that purpose. What’s more, fate rarely orchestrates 100% in our favor. It is we who, with our daily effort, attitude and personal determination, will be able to give ourselves what we deserve.

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5. “Feelings cannot be ignored, no matter how unfair they may seem.” Anna Frank

Nobody like Anne Frank to talk to us about the difficulties of existence and those conflicting, adverse and complex feelings that life sometimes brings. We cannot silence or ignore what is inside us.

6. “There are things that are only achieved by taking a leap in the opposite direction.” Franz Kafka

Sometimes life takes us down a path that for a time we think is the right one. But sooner or later it happens: we must stop and go in the opposite direction. For our well-being and happiness.

7. “The secret to getting ahead is to start.” Mark Twain

Starting, deciding, becoming aware that we have to take the first step is, possibly, the moment that generates the most fear in us, the one that raises the most doubts. However, the moment we decide, everything changes and fears dissolve.

8. “Everything you can imagine is real.” Pablo Picasso

Imagination is the canvas that makes our dreams come true. Let’s remember, every great work was previously material of our inventive universe.

9. “Whatever it is, be good.” Abraham Lincoln

Among all the things we can be in life, there is only one that we must never let go of: kindness.

10. “Impossible is just an opinion.” Paulo Coelho

Impossible is just a word with three syllables without much significance. Let’s not use it as an excuse to abandon our dreams.

11. “Magic is believing in yourself.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Authentic magic exists and it is not a meaningless entelechy, it is an energy that mediates our well-being and that sculpts the person we really want to be. Believe in yourself and you will change your world.

12 “We are what we do repeatedly.” Aristotle

Our routines and daily work is what defines us. That is why it is important to orient our existence to that which gives us meaning and significance.

13. “The difficult days are the ones that make you stronger.” Aly Raisman

We all go through adverse moments at some point in our existence. What we get from those fragments of life makes us wiser and more resilient.

14. “You can shake the world gently.” Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi was known above all for starting that non-violence movement with which to achieve great transformations. From that personal approach we can learn that sometimes, great revolutions can start from respect for the enemy.

15. “The people who don’t think are the ones who never listen.” Haruki Murakami

Haruki Murakami is one of the most prominent novelists on our current scene. In his books we find valuable short phrases to think and reflect and this is a great example. We have all seen at some point how many of the people who do not know how or do not want to listen to us also present rigid and very closed thinking.

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16. “Nothing will work unless you do it.” Maya Angelou

You are responsible for yourself, you are the person who must give meaning and purpose to your life. Therefore, it is good that you remember this idea from Maya Angelou; If you want something, do it for yourself…

17. “In the midst of every difficulty there is opportunity.” Albert Einstein

In the midst of existential complexity and at the worst crossroads, there is always a way out. Furthermore, sometimes, behind that door in the middle of a stormy sea, the best opportunities are hidden.

18. “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” Confucius

Wherever you go and whatever you do, always start from kindness, good intention and humility. That way, you will never go wrong.

19. “If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down.” Buddha

In our list of short phrases to think and reflect, the wisdom of Siddhārtha Gautama could not be missing. Let us keep this in mind, if we wish to be free and move forward without any weight, Let’s get rid of everything that bothers us, that causes us stress and extinguishes happiness.

20. “Dare to do what you think you can’t do.” Eleanor Roosevelt

Inject your life with small doses of daring. Bordering the limits of the comfort zone will make you discover wonderful worlds.

21. “I never lose. “Either I win or I learn.” Nelson Mandela

Losing is not always a failure, often it is nothing more than a step back to gain greater momentum.

22. “Somewhere something incredible is waiting to be known.” Carl Sagan

Amazing things are hidden in our reality waiting to be discovered. Only the curious and attentive gaze will be able to discover them. Let’s take into account this wise advice from the unforgettable Carl Sagan.

23. The question is not who is going to leave me; “He is the one who is going to stop me.” Ayn Rand

In our daily lives we usually see more obstacles than possibilities. It is necessary to look up and perceive what is beyond: Stop paying attention to what stops you and become aware of what you can achieve.

24. “Be the best version of yourself.” Judy Garland

Don’t imitate, don’t do the same as others, don’t expect to be better than that person you admire. Be better.

25. “What hurts you blesses you.” Rumi

Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī was a famous Persian Muslim mystical poet and religious scholar from whom we can always learn. Whether we like it or not, pain is sometimes the path to knowledge.

26. “I never dreamed of success. I worked for it.” Estee Lauder

How do you reach the summit of triumph? With many hours behind us, with lack of sleep and infinite daily effort.

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27. “Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” George Bernard Shaw

How is the person incapable of changing their perspective, opinion or approach when it is clearly wrong? Someone who refuses to learn. All knowledge requires humility and open-mindedness.

28. “Better three hours early than one minute late.” William Shakespeare

The secret to punctuality is to arrive much earlier. As simple as that…

29. “The problem is that you think you have time.” Buddha

We are that society used to postponing, to leaving for tomorrow what we want or need today because there is always, apparently, something more important. Let’s not forget, life happens in the here and now and no, the time we have is not eternal.

30. Success is going from one failure to another without losing enthusiasm.” Winston Churchill

Enthusiasm is the engine that moves the world, don’t lose it and let it drive you through every mistake or failure.

31.”Everything is difficult before it is easy.” Goethe

Before reaching knowledge we must go through a labyrinth of doubts and difficulty. Practice is what makes everything easier in the end.

32. “At the end of the day, we can last a lot more than we think.” Frida Kahlo

Among the short phrases to think and reflect, the great artist Frida Kahlo cannot be missing. Her artistic legacy is a constant reflection on human suffering. So let’s remember her words: We can always endure more than we think.

33. “Act as if what you do makes a difference.” William James

Even if you don’t believe it, everything you do makes you unique, exceptional and unrepeatable.. Any effort towards what you want is already making a difference in you.

35. “It takes very little to have a happy life.” Marcus Aurelius

Let’s leave aside the superficial, happiness is in the essences.

36. “You can’t step into the same river twice.” Heraclitus

Life, like ourselves, is always constantly changing. The moment lived today will not be repeated again.

37. “Leisure is the mother of philosophy.” Thomas Hobbes

The mind that allows itself to relax and gives itself moments of calm, relaxation and leisure also achieves enlightenment.

38. “Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world.” Nelson Mandela

This is one of the short phrases to think and reflect that any society that considers itself advanced must keep in mind.

39. “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s worth.” Anais Nin

Bravery and courage in the heart make the best changes and make us grow. On the other hand, insecurity relegates us to a place where nothing happens.

40. “Go with confidence towards the direction of your dreams.” Henry David Thoreau

If you follow what you long for, dream and desire, you will never go wrong.

50. “Everything you have ever wanted is on the other side of fear.”…

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