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How to flirt with a girl you don’t know – the best tips

If you are reading this it is because it has probably happened to you that, on some occasion, for example, you have gone out for a drink with your friends, you have seen a girl who has caught your attention and you would have liked to meet her. However, when push comes to shove, you haven’t been confident enough to approach her and get to know her for fear of being rejected or making a fool of yourself in front of many people.

Seducing a woman you don’t know at all can be quite difficult, especially if you don’t know what you should do to approach that person. That is why, in this unCOMO article, we give you some keys about how to flirt with a girl you don’t know. With these tricks she will fall at your feet.

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Try to understand a woman Practice your first conversation before approaching her Act confident Have an interesting conversation Be aware of body language Get her phone number and ask her out on a date

Try to understand a woman

This task can be quite difficult since, in the end, each person is different. However, there are some guidelines within feminine thinking that will help you approach the girl who has caught your attention. Therefore, if you want that person to also notice you, you should take these into account. aspects to be successful in your first impression:

In general, women, even if they do not want a long-term relationship or commit to someone, are not interested in men who are only looking for a night of sex. Even if they’re looking for something casual, treating her like a sexual object won’t help you flirt with an unknown girl. They’re also not attracted to the typical guy who is “macho” or looks too arrogant. If you try to approach her like this, not only will you not be able to seduce her, but you will probably get a very negative response. Finally, it is important that if you manage to have a first conversation, she feels heard and notices that you are a sensitive person. This way, she will feel more comfortable with you and will probably be attracted to you because of your personality.

Practice your first conversation before approaching her

If you are at an event or a pub having a drink and you have seen a woman that interests you, it is recommended that you take a few minutes in front of the mirror in the bathroom of the place to think about how you are going to approach her and get to have a first conversation. To do this, you can follow these tips:

Find the right moment: If she is at the pub bar you can invite her for a drink or, for example, if you are in a library you can ask her if she knows where to find a certain book.Be polite: It is more advisable that during the conversation you do not say bad words, as he will distance himself from you.Treat her with respect: Avoid letting your first words be a comment about their body or physique. Look at how she is dressed and if, for example, she has the logo of a series or musical group on her t-shirt, you can ask her if she is a fan.If you feel uncomfortable, stop: If you see that she has no interest in having a conversation with you or feels uncomfortable, it is better to let it be.

Act safely

Women always draw more attention to a self-confident man and who seems to have no doubt about himself. It is important that when you flirt with a girl without knowing her, you approach without showing any type of doubt, as if you knew exactly what you were doing. On the other hand, if you let yourself be carried away by bad experiences from the past or appear hesitant, the person will most likely reject you.

Don’t let nerves make you miss an opportunity to meet someone. You need to ask yourself “what do I have to lose if he rejects me?” The answer is nothing. However, if you let yourself be carried away by your fears, you will be missing out on meeting that girl you like or another person on another occasion.

Have an interesting conversation

You have already managed to approach her and show interest in spending time with you. Now, if you want to flirt with that woman, you should try to make the conversation pleasant and interesting. Plus, the more interest and curiosity you have in her, the more comfortable she will be with you.

Try to get him to talk about her, about his hobbies, interests, if he likes to go to the movies, if he frequently goes to the gym. This will be the best way for you to find a common topic so that the talk lasts longer. You should also try that, when she asks you something, you do not answer briefly, but rather try to tell interesting anecdotes and facts or something funny about you.

Be aware of body language

Many times our body and movements say more than our words. Therefore, it is important that you watch your body language and observe that of the girl you want to flirt with. It is likely that, if you know how to interpret it, you can sense if she has some interest in you, or on the contrary, she wants to stop talking to you. See if she meets any of these. body language guidelines:

If he maintains eye contact with you. When a girl looks at you quite frequently and, furthermore, does not look away, it is probably because she feels attracted to you and is sure that she wants to start a conversation with you. Another gesture that indicates interest is if she smiles at you quite frequently. It is also She probably likes you, if she is attentive to the conversation. On the contrary, if she is easily distracted it is because she wants to finish this conversation. Other body gestures, such as not crossing her legs or arms, are telling you that she is paying attention to what you are saying, since crossing them is usually a sign of disinterest, rejection or protection.

Get his phone number and ask him for an appointment

If the conversation went well and she seemed interested in you, it will be time to get your number to be able to meet her another time. If she accepts and you exchange phone numbers, it is recommended that you call her or send her a text message between one and two days after you meet to ask for an appointmentsince otherwise she will think that you were not very interested in having one with her.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to flirt with a girl you don’t know – the best tipswe recommend that you enter our Sentimental Relationships category.

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