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Cupid’s Prayer is recommended to open paths in love

He is the Roman god of love, known as Eros in Greek mythology. A cupid’s prayer is known for its power to clear barriers and negative energies to make room for passion, complicity and a healthy loving relationship. This is a request to “shoot” the right hearts.

What is the angel of love prayer?

To do the cupid’s prayer, the tip is to find a quiet place, where you will not be interrupted. It is worth lighting a candle and/or incense to help with the connection. Sit comfortably and take deep breaths to calm your body and mind. When you are feeling focused, read the prayer, with faith in what you can achieve.

“Dear Cupid and guardian angels of love, who are always around me and I almost never pay attention to them, missing so many opportunities to choose the right person, which you, sweet creatures, always offer me.

Some are friends, and others are those with whom we could have a very pleasant relationship.

I ask you, dear guardian angels of love, to forgive me for the blindness in which I found myself. I promise, now, to always pay attention to the small details of what I thought were the result of destiny, like some loves that I let slip through my fingers.

Make me more attentive on these occasions, so that I know how to distinguish, at first glance, that man or woman that you so sweetly placed in my path. So, I will be forever grateful, keeping in my heart all the affection for you, dear guardian angels of love! Thank you, and lots of light on our journeys!”

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Source: We Mystic

Cupid’s Prayer

“Angel Cupid, sublime, integral, full force, represented by the magic and energy of Love, You, who know the supreme glory of Divine love, help me to conquer true love for my life and make my heart flutter with joy again . You know all my earthly needs (make your simple request to the Angel Cupid), make my days of loneliness and sadness end in my soul in the most perfect harmony, inner peace and balance. Help me to feel true love for someone (if you already have a suitor, mention their name at this moment) and also be reciprocated by them.

Above all, teach me to love, how to be loved and to respect this pure, Divine and magical feeling in the life of human beings.

I pray that no one gets hurt, that it is the achievement of true, sincere, authentic, genuine love for both parties. Illuminate my soul with a little of your intelligence, wisdom and feeling of love and let go of any type of negative energy that is hindering my loving journey.

And already confident in the success of my request, may this Love be declared, strengthened by the magic of charm, may it be multiplied by two hearts, be it an intense energy of passion, integrity added to emotional and spiritual wisdom and, above all, magic of fidelity be present at all times.

I also ask you, Angel Cupid, to protect us, support us in all the situations we experience, in all the difficulties and challenges, to make your blessing, your glory, your inspiration, your light count. Let us also be covered by the mantle of the Virgin Mary and may this prayer definitely open the infinite doors of loving prosperity.

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I place this prayer in your Divine hands, Angel Cupid, in the certainty that I will be answered soon. So be it. Gratitude. Amen.”

Source: Marcia Fernandes

Prayer to the angels of love

“Angels of Love, who are made of the purest Love of God, I give my heart to you, with the certainty that only Love, peace and happiness fit within it. Thank you for protecting my love life and for making me feel loved, fulfilled and happy. So be it!”

Source: Maria Helena

What is the psalm of love?

Psalm 111 is known for its power to promote spiritual cleansing, raise vibration and attract true, healthy and reciprocal love. Check out:

1. Praise the LORD. I will praise the LORD with all my heart, in the assembly of the righteous and in the congregation.
2. Great are the works of the Lord, sought after by all who delight in them.
3. His work has glory and majesty, and his righteousness endures forever.
4. He caused his wonders to be remembered; merciful and merciful is the Lord.
5. He gave food to those who fear him; you will always remember his alliance.
6. He declared to his people the power of his works, to give them the inheritance of the Gentiles.
7. The works of his hands are truth and judgment, all his commandments are sure.
8. Stand firm forever and ever; and are done in truth and righteousness.
9. Redemption sent to his people; commanded his covenant forever; holy and tremendous is her name.
10. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; good understanding have all who keep his commandments; his praise endures forever.

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