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Tuesday prayer is recommended to ask for courage and motivation

After the rush and tiredness of Monday, many people feel unmotivated to move forward. A tuesday prayer It is recommended to ask for courage, strength, focus and protection on another day. There are options for morning, afternoon and night, which can assist in the spiritual and energetic cleansing process.

Do you want to get in touch with faith? In a quiet place, sit or kneel and take deep breaths. This ritual is a way to connect with the present moment and calm down. Then read the chosen message of faith, either out loud or mentally. Candles and incense can help with connection. And don’t forget to always be grateful for all the experiences and opportunities.

Tuesday Prayer

“Lord God of Kindness, this Tuesday, I come before you to thank you for all the good you have done in my life. Thank you very much for the air I breathe, the food on my table, the people I love.

Today, I want to ask you for the gift of peace and harmony. May I understand the differences, may I seek dialogue and may I always be a builder of bridges that unite people.

May your peace always reign in my home and in my family. Keep disputes, discussions, wars and violence far away from my home.

Fill my heart with your infinite love. Like Saint Francis, I ask you: “Make me, Lord, an instrument of your peace!”, through Jesus Christ, your Son and our brother, in the strength and unity of the Holy Spirit. So be it! Amen!.”

Today’s Prayer

“Holy Father, father of love, with joy I come to your presence at this moment, crying out for your grace in my life. I don’t want to take any steps if the Lord is not directing me. I don’t want to make any decision if your Holy Spirit is not leading me and providing protection. Because I know that things happen every day that we weren’t planning, but if my God, who knows all things, guides me with love and grace, I can go wherever I go, and I will feel safe and protected by you.

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In today’s prayer, I want to ask the Lord to increase the faith in my heart. Because I know that without faith I cannot face the daily struggles of life, and without it I can faint and stop in the middle of the way. Therefore I pray that your mercy, which has reached me all these years, does not leave me for a second. I want to live every day feeling your love by my side, knowing that you hear my cry and always hear my prayer. I am grateful for your love, and for being my God, the one who has never abandoned and will never leave a child destitute. Stay with me today and always. Amen!”

Morning prayer to have a blessed Tuesday

“Holy Spirit, we thank you for this Tuesday. Lord, we know that despite all the tensions and chaos in the world, you truly see us and care about us.

Lord, today we ask for more of Your Holy Spirit in our lives. Lord, it can be easy for us to become consumed by the fears that surround us in life, but we know that just as Your eye is truly on the sparrow, You also care for and see us.

Lord, thank you for the truth given by Your holy word. Lord, today we present to Your holy throne all our cares, worries and fears. We thank you in advance that you will not only provide peace from these stressors, but that you are actually working it all for the good.

Teach us today to become more dependent on you. Lead us to greater discernment of how you operate so that we can have a deeper understanding that everything we see with natural eyes is not all it is. Today we ask your eyes to see your hand in all matters and hearts open to your work. Amen!”

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Tuesday afternoon prayer

“God, eternal father, creator, the originator, the maintainer and the sovereign of all creation, make this another afternoon devoted to your glory and be perfect. You who are just and holy, compassionate and forgiving, slow to anger, and great in constant love and faithfulness, give me your light so that I do not deviate from your blessed path. The qualities and powers manifested in the son and the holy spirit also constitute the best of his love in me on this day. So be it.”

Psalm for Tuesday: 121

1. I will lift up my eyes to the mountains, from where my help comes.
2. My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth.
3. He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber.
4. Behold, the guard of Israel will not slumber nor sleep.
5. The Lord is the one who keeps you; the Lord is your shadow at your right hand.
6. The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
7. The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will guard your soul.
8. The Lord will guard your entrance and your exit, from now on and forever.

Tuesday Evening Prayer

““Dear God, here I am, the day is over, I want to pray, give thanks. I offer you my love. I thank You, my God, for everything You, my Lord, have given me.

Keep me, my brother, my father and my mother. Thank you very much, my God, for everything you have given me, you give and you will give. In your Name, Lord, I will rest in peace. So be it ! Amen.”

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Read more: prayer of Our Lady of Aparecida, prayer of Saint Terezinha das Rosas It is prayer of Our Lady of the Head.

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